A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

As we approach the smaller village, I noticed it was a newer one, probably having been founded in the last ten years or so. Which would explain how I was unable to avoid it secretly. Giving one last look to my riders, I release an internal sigh. As I charge my horse forward, I will not kill anyone if I can help it, though as the Khal it is expected of me to lead the charge. No one will follow a coward, atleast according to the Dothraki customs and I must show that by being at the front.

With the screeches and excited yells behind me, the riders charge toward the village which is now in full panic. As the very few brave men rush toward the edge of the village to defend it while the other men reluctantly join them with the women and children running to hide. With screams of dying men and even women, we breach the village as my riders go killing every armed man they find. I was forced to kill a few men that recklessly charged me.

As the raid continued I rode through the village making sure as best as possible that my two rules were being followed. With my two blood riders also rode through the village to ensure my two rules were followed. I found one of the riders forcing himself onto one of the villagers and I knocked him unconscious as I was going to make an example of him soon. The raid ended just as quickly as it began, with the riders following me to the center of the village where ten men were bound after breaking my rules.

The riders all watched as I inspected the items we took, which were mostly food, the few rare coins, and other metals. I made a mental note to replenish the food we took later, and then I walked over to the ten men who disobeyed my rules. All eyes were on me their new Khal, as many feared me after hearing about my prowess, and others just loyal enough to follow the rules put in place by their Khal.

"These men were found breaking the only two rules I had put in place. I know you all think of me as a foreigner and I do not disagree with you. I am not a born Dothraki, but by the laws, I am a Khal regardless! By the same laws, you must obey your Khal's rules! Therefore these men will die today, but I will give them the chance to fight me!" I shout while motioning for my blood riders to release the bindings on the ten men who stare at me with hatred.

"Come all at once, I wish to leave this place and kill you all already," I say to the men who growl at my complete lack of care for them. I was also getting a huge reputation among the riders and Dothraki. One from my ability to fight and easily win without any weapons other than my hands.

Three men charge me at the same time while the others encircle me and watch my movements. The three men take wild swings at me as I easily dodge or evade them, with me stabbing them each in the chest using my hand like a spear. The three men died within seconds of the battle starting, I then stand straight with a dismissing face as I look at the others.

"Not going to attack like cowards? Very well," I say making two of the men scream and charge me in rage hearing me call them cowards. While the remaining five grow more nervous and fearful of me.

The two men once again were easily dispatched, dying with one single strike from me. My 'loyal' riders were cheering and murmuring about my combat capabilities. Once the two men died, I moved towards the next closest one killing him instantly. As the last four men charged me, though like the rest I easily dodged their strikes before killing them all with one strike to the heart. As all the men who disobeyed me lay dead on the ground the rest of my riders cheer in excitement seeing the fight.

'Hopefully, this will spread among the others and keep anyone else from disobeying me,' I think to myself as I walk over to my horse and ride back to the rest of khalasar.

Though later that night, when everyone was asleep, I teleported back to the village we raided and secretly cast 'create food and water' to not only replenish what we stole but add even more to their stocks. I just hoped that would be enough to help them, even though I know what I allowed would never be able to be repaid. Teleporting back to my tent, I just hope we come across no newer villages and if anything comes across another khalasar.

The next few weeks of travel were uneventful with no surprises on the way and thankfully no villages I did not know about. The news about my rules and how I enforced them spread throughout the rest of the khalasar. With some coming forward to voice their disagreement with my rules. As per the custom, they challenged me to a duel and easily lost with death being their only outcome. After killing another fifteen challengers, plus the ten men who I killed after breaking my rules, the rest of the khalasar stopped questioning me.

Now my rules are completely obeyed, or at least I hope so since we have yet to find a reason for them to be in use again. Then a few hours after the day break and starting our traveling, one of my scouts came back and informed me that they spotted a large group of 'beastmen'. Which is what I learned the Dothraki call the gnolls. They say the group is heading in our direction and will meet us in a few hours.

"Everyone, stop here for now!" I stay making my khalasar make a temporary camp for now.

"How many roughly?" I ask turning back to my scout as my blood riders ride over to us quickly.

"Maybe five thousand or so, my Khal," the scout says to me and I nod my head.

"Gather ten thousand of our riders, there is a group of beastmen headed our way and we are going to meet them head-on," I say to my blood riders who rode over to me curious about what is happening.

"Blood of my blood," my blood riders say while bowing their heads and riding off to complete my orders.

In less than an hour, my blood riders gathered the ten thousand riders and we rode to meet the gnolls. As we reached the top of the hill ahead of us, we saw the large army of gnolls traveling just a mile ahead of us. They all stopped and looked at us, as they registered our approach they screeched and charged in our direction with no fear. I let out a battle cry charging down, with my riders immediately following after me as we rode to meet the charge head-on.

The sound of men dying, horses, gnolls, and the giant hyenas the gnolls rode filled the air. The scent of blood also began overwhelming my senses, as this was the largest battle I have taken part in too. As I slaughtered my way through the gnolls I lost track of time and my other senses as nothing but the battle filled me. After what felt like hours of fighting, I ripped off the head of my latest gnoll and looked around me to see the battle was over.

Only a thousand or so of our riders seemed to be dead, with many more wounded and each of my blood riders appeared to be alive. I was covered in blood and did not mind it that much, I actually liked the feeling of being in a prolonged battle. Especially against creatures that are renowned for their evil tendencies, like the gnolls.

'I kinda get why the Dothraki love fighting so much, losing yourself in battle is so easy and the thrill of possibly dying is slightly addicting. Though I would not technically 'die', it was still a thrill nonetheless,' I think to myself while reveling in the battle I just took part in.

Though at the same time, worry entered me for enjoying taking the life of another creature. As I looked down and saw my hands and body covered in blood, guilt entered me for enjoying myself just now. These emotions began fighting inside me as the thrill of battle and the guilt of enjoying it, made turmoil inside me.

"Blood of my blood, we have won!" one of my blood riders yells in victory snapping me out of my thoughts as the rest of the riders let out cheers of victory alongside him.

I just nod my head as I push these conflicting feelings and emotions down inside me, to later deal with. Now was time to gather our dead and wounded, along with taking whatever spoils the riders wanted. Once we gathered everything, we rode back to the khalasar as the riders with me were very excited about the battle we just won.

As we arrived the khalasar made camp here for the day to celebrate our victory and care for the injured, while burning the dead. I walked to my tent to take a bath to clean myself, I could use a spell to clean myself, but instead, I wanted to soak for a bit to clear my head. I began to undress when Daenerys walked inside my tent interrupting my peace.

"Lord Valtaris, I heard of your vic–" Daenerys says but goes quiet seeing me covered in blood, I can see the worry in her eyes, along with lust seeing me shirtless.

"Yes, we won. But at the cost of many lives," I say with a sigh as I grab a cup of ale figuring this will be a long conversation.

"Are you injured? Should I get the healer?" Daenerys says to me with worry in her voice and I shake my head while drinking the ale.

"I am uninjured. Most beings will be incapable of hurting me," I say to her and she nods her head while blushing slightly, eyeing me with lust once again.

"Can I ask you to leave? I wish to be alone and bathe," I say to her downing the rest of my ale and assuming the conversation is over.

"Of course sorry!" Daenerys says with a red face and quickly leaves my tent. I just shake my head and release a sigh.

Finishing undressing, I step into the wood tub the Dothraki has filled with heated water. Though I use my magic to heat it to boiling water and relax as thoughts of the future entered my mind. I originally wanted to be rid of these Dothraki, but after today, fighting beside them and enjoying the battle. A very small part of me wants to remain with them and seek out more large-scale battles.

'We shall see what the future holds,' I think as I submerge myself in the tub completely. Like my true form, the rest of my forms are immune to fire, poison, disease, and can breathe underwater.

Once I feel refreshed, I go outside to join in the celebration after the battle. As many drinks and foods were served, plus the riders who part took making trophies out of the gnolls' parts. I walked around my khalasar greeting everyone who greeted me and joining the drinking contests they had. Alcohol can not get me drunk, so I easily out-drank all of my competitors as the night continued on.

With the rise of the sun and groans of hungover men and women, the journey to Vaes Dothrak continued. I just hope the journey continues to be easy and uneventful, though the very small part of me wants another khalasar or party of gnolls to battle us. I sigh as my thoughts and feelings are in turmoil for the first time in millenniums.

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