A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

We have been traveling for several months now, passing half a year and reaching the center of the Dothraki Sea. We are now only a couple more months away from reaching Vaes Dothrak, though my feelings have begun to change on whether or not I want to remain Khal. As I come to understand the Dothraki on a level I did not before, plus I feel I can change the way they live their culture. Instead of being a group of savages who raid and kill innocents for no reason, I can shape them into a force for good.

I do know that possibility is very slim, with almost no chance of succeeding, but I am determined to try. Especially now that my khalasar has truly become my own, with the people looking at me like one of their own and with adoration. This has only happened from the battles we have taken part in on our journey here. As we have battled many gnolls and a handful of other large khalasars, taking in the Dothraki survivors.

I also learned that my fame among the Dothraki and other parts of Essos has spread. As I am now called the 'White Stallion', most likely due to the skin color that I choose to mimic all those years ago. With this fame came respect, awe, loyalty, and fear of my abilities. I came up with an idea to have Zathori help me shape the Dothraki people into a group no longer feared for their 'savage' nature. Maybe even incorporating them into my clan, though that would take even longer due to the Dothraki's lack of care for other people.

Daenerys has started to get bolder in her attempts to win my heart or love, as she has gotten much more comfortable around me. These attempts have become more and more frequent, which annoys me. That is why I decided to confront her about it after we made camp for the night. The Dothraki have also made me a new set of clothes that I changed into and many Dothraki women, like Daenerys, have to seduce me.

"Daenerys, can we talk?" I ask as I stand outside her tent as my khalasar go about their later afternoon activities.

"Of course Lord Valtaris!" I hear Daenerys say excitedly and I enter the tent to see her wearing the standard outfit many Dothraki women wear. Daenerys has also come to learn the Dothraki language, speaking in it now mostly to me and everyone else here.

"We should talk about the way you act toward me," I say with a sigh as I sit down on one of the chairs in the tent. Daenerys becomes confused and concerned hearing my statement.

"I… What?" Daenerys says with confusion lacing her voice.

"Am I wrong to assume you are attracted to me?" I ask making sure that I can still read humans' facial expressions and emotions as I have learned too long ago.

"No!.... I mean yes!...... No, no you are right. Though are you not attracted to me?" Daenerys says to me with worry in her voice confirming her interest in me and I can see the fear of rejection in her eyes.

"I find you to be a very beautiful young woman Daenerys. Though, I have long ago given up on finding a partner to spend the rest of my days with. I have grown too much and too long alone romantically to care enough to seek it out anymore. Some time ago I came to terms with being alone romantically and have no interest in seeking it out. So, I want you to understand that your attempts to seduce me or win my heart will fail every time. It is better to stop now and search for someone who will return your love," I say to her as her fear of rejection only increases and she just nods her head while sadness shows on her face.

"I believe you have these strong feelings for me, only because I was the first person to have shown you kindness. That is not wrong to feel grateful or love toward someone who has helped you, but I want you to understand that there is no more love inside me for anyone romantically," I say to her trying to make her understand that her feelings are due to my help to her.

Seeing her look down with a very saddened face and trying to hide the fact she is crying slightly. I stand up and leave the tent not wanting to continue to make her upset. Then as I stand up, I feel her hand grab my arm. Turning back to her I see her teary eyes and a spark of resolve entering her eyes. 

"I… You may be right. That I have these feelings because you were the first person to help me and show me kindness. But regardless I feel this way and I do not know I I will ever stop feeling this way. Though I will stop bothering you… for now, but if I continue to feel this way, then I will keep trying to win your heart," Daenerys says to me and I just sigh.

"I will not stop you, I just hope you understand there is nothing here for you. I hope you will come to see that before it is too late for you to find happiness in another," I say to her after sighing and leaving her to her thoughts.

Stepping out of her tent, I rub my eyes feeling mentally tired, and make my way back to my tent wanting to be alone. On my way there many of my new people greet me with respect and adoration. With many of the single women not so subtly showing their interest in me. Once I reach my tent, I see one of my blood riders waiting for me.

"Blood of my blood," my blood rider says greeting me in the same custom that they always do, bowing their head slightly.

I nod my head and greet him back before walking inside and he follows me inside. After spending so much time with them and considering becoming their Khal, I learned my blood riders' names. The four are Hamavo, Jaeko, Atotho, and Najaho. Each a young man in their twenties and each a very good warrior who have absolute loyalty to me.

"Is everything ok?" I ask Hamavo who was standing outside my tent as we enter it.

"Yes, my Khal. Though I was just wondering when you will pick a Khaleesi, as we are almost to Vaes Dothrak and the Dosh Khaleen will wonder the same," Hamavo says to me as we sit down and grab some drinks.

"Not for some time," I say though I do not ever plan on finding a mate.

"I understand, my Khal. There are many very fine women to choose from," Hamavo says to me with a smirk on his face as none of my blood riders have committed to a woman yet either.

"That there are," I say with a chuckle laughing at this young man's excitement to bed many women, just like Oberyn. We then spend a few hours drinking and joking around, with Jaeko joining us an hour later, as my other two blood riders are busy with women according to Jaeko.

"My Khal, where will we go after Vaes Dothrak?" Jaeko asks me slightly drunk along with Hamavo who is now drunk.

"I was going to take you all to my homeland. I wanted to show you all where I came from and maybe have you all become part of my people there. See if you all would like to join my clan and after that… well I am not too sure," I say while thinking about the possibilities I could do in the future.

"Your clan?" Jaeko says with a curious voice and Hamavo focuses now too interested.

"Yes, I have another group of people who follow me. I did not originally want to become your Khal, though the circumstances made me your Khal. Now that I am, I was thinking you all would want to join the rest of my people and we can go from there," I say stating my thoughts and seeing how they react to see if maybe I should just 'disappear' at Vaes Dothrak.

"If your people are anything like you my Khal, then we might just become the strongest khalasar in history!" Hamavo says with excitement in his voice at the thought of becoming the most renowned khalasar in Dothraki history.

"I agree with Hamavo, my Khal. This would be a great boon to everyone," Jaeko says agreeing with Hamavo.

"Good, then that is the plan," I say standing up and heading to my bed as both stay inside my tent's main entrance drinking themselves to sleep.

Just as I now spent almost a year with my Dothraki people, we reached the city of Vaes Dothrak. As we approach it, I can see several other Khals and their Khalasars have come to the city. Once we arrive we make our way to a section of the city where my Khalasar can stay for our duration here. An hour after we arrived Zathori came to see me having heard and sensed my arrival, as I felt her inside the city.

"Valtaris! How've you been? I see the rumors were true that you took control of some of my people," Zathori says to me saying my human name and giving me a friendly hug.

"I've been better, though, at the same time, I have come to enjoy the company of these Dothraki. I do apologize for taking control of some of our people," I say to Zathori who just dismisses my apology.

"Don't worry about it I am glad you took control of some of them. I can not be everywhere at once, plus it means you have a reason to visit me more often," Zathori says to me with a smile at the end and I just chuckle.

"Seems I made your mate jealous," Zathori says to me confusing me and I turn to see Daenerys glaring at Zathori.

"She is not my mate, I do not plan on settling down, not anymore," I say with a shrug and Zathori nods her head since we talked about joining together some time ago, but I was not interested then either.

"I see you are still on about dying alone and not passing down your lineage," Zathori says with a smirk. While I shrug indifferently.

"Anyway, are you sure you want to officially become a Khal?" Zathori asks me as we walk toward the main temple and home of the Dosh Khaleen.

"Not a hundred percent sure, but I have plans and my khalasar seems willing to follow me to the very end," I say to her and she nods her head.

"True, I have heard the rumors circling you, White Stallion…" Zathori says with a smirk and laughs at the end.

"Though, I am not surprised at the loyalty your khalasar is showing. You have a way with words and even our kind is naturally drawn to you," Zathori says and I shrug not sure how to respond to that.

"What are your plans once you become an official Khal?" Zathori asks me as we stand outside the Dosh Khaleen temple.

"I will stay here for a week or so, letting my khalasar rest and relax. Then we will head to my homeland and if you are ok with it, try to incorporate them into my clan. After that… I am unsure, though my clan has been talking about extending our domain, so maybe we will finally show ourselves to the world," I say to Zathori who silently listens to me.

"Like I said I am glad you are leading some of my people. Plus if your khalasar joins your clan, then maybe both of our people can join in an official alliance. It could be good for my people to possibly consider becoming more than just nomadic and war-like," Zathori says and I nod my head thinking on that.

"Well, let us commence this ritual or whatever I need to do to become an officially recognized Khal," I say to Zathori who nods her head and motions me to go inside the temple.

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