A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

The little ceremony to become an official Khal was boring, but once completed, I was now recognized as a fellow Dothraki. The other few Khals currently in the city came to see me, hearing about my official status as a Khal and my current fame. They just observed me, while the Dosh Khaleen soon berated me for not having a Khaleesi yet and the sooner I have one the better for everyone. Zathori and I left the temple as I released a long sigh, with Zathori laughing on my behalf.

"I may not agree with the Dosh Khaleen on many subjects, but this time I do agree with them," Zathori says to me and I just grunt while shaking my head.

"I am going back to my people, I need to be alone after that long conversation," I say while walking back to the area my khalasar made camp in the city.

As I walk the streets of Vaes Dothrak the many Dothraki I pass all bow their heads slightly in a sign of respect to me, even some of the ones not part of my khalasar. Once I arrive where we made camp, I went to my tent telling the Dothraki guarding it outside I wanted to be alone. An hour after I returned and was writing down my journey and experiences with the Dothraki to add to my library later, I heard my guards outside threatening someone who wanted to see me. With a heavy sigh, I stood up and walked outside to see who my guards were threatening.

"Begone red whore! The Khal does not wish to be bothered, especially not by a false preacher like yourself!" one of my guards says while the other one agrees with him placing his hand on his curved sword readying to kill the woman. Plus there is a middle-aged man who appears to be from Westeros due to his appearance and clothing.

"Who is this?" I ask making them all stop threatening the woman who wore a light gown dyed a deep red and a metal choker with a large ruby in the center, on her neck. I could feel the magic from the choker showing it was enchanted, while the woman herself also held more magic than other people, suggesting she knows some magic.

"She is one of the false gods whores who preach here. Only fools listen to them or other traders in the city. If not for the Wise woman and Dosh Khaleen, we would have raped this woman to death," my one guard says which I immediately become angered at.

"What would you do?" I ask as my voice turns ice cold and my real presence leaks for a second scaring the man completely freezing him on the spot.

"My Khal! Forgive me!" the guard says dropping to his knees and bowing to me once I pull my true presence back into myself. Though I noticed a glint of… hope, I believe in the woman's eyes at feeling my real presence.

"Since you did not commit any crime against my rules you will not die. Though should you disobey me or threaten someone again with a horrendous act such as rape, I will ensure you die by my hands," I say to him and he bows his head deeper to me.

"Now leave and have someone else guard the tent, I do not wish you to be in my presence unless you want to be punished," I say to him and he immediately runs off to find someone else while obeying my order.

"I thank you White Stallion, may I speak with you in private? Also, my companion here wishes to speak with you," the woman says to me in draconic surprising me, while the man and my remaining guards look confused about what she is saying.

"Very well," I say to her motioning to enter my tent she nods her head thankfully and the man looks confused for a second before she gestures to follow her inside. I then enter the tent after them, leaving my guard outside.

"Your High Valyrian is perfect," the woman says to me with the glint of hope in her eyes having increased making me confused about why she is here and who she is.

"Well, this is my mother tongue," I say to her while sitting across from them and pouring drinks for myself and the two unexpected guests I have.

"Interesting…" she says while eyeing me still.

"So are you going to tell me why you are here?" I ask her and she nods her head after taking a sip of the ale, along with the Westeros man sitting beside her. He looks slightly familiar like I've seen him before, but as I go through my memory I do not remember meeting him.

"I serve the one true god, R'hllor Lord of Light. I came here to spread his word in Vaes Dothrak, but then I heard about you as rumors spread quickly. My companion and I arrived here a few weeks before you did and it seems everything I heard about you is true. Even better I can feel the lord's light inside you! You have the gift of fire don't you?" the red priest says to me and now I understand her better.

As I have heard and read about the red priests/priestesses, who fanatically follow this god of theirs. Most Red Priests appear to be zealous proselytizers, appearing throughout the continent of Essos preaching the word of R'hllor. Many people claim that they possess a multitude of ambiguous supernatural abilities, which are believed to be the gifts of the Lord Himself, but I think is likely magic passed down from one to the other.

I remember seeing some in the past, but never speaking with them. As they are a common sight in Essos, as the faith of R'hllor's influence is more widespread and children are sometimes given to temples of R'hllor to be raised into the priesthood. Red temples also buy children to serve as slaves of the R'hllor and raise them as priests, temple prostitutes, or warriors known as the 'Fiery Hand'.

'This man might just be one of the Fiery Hands,' I think to myself eyeing the westerosy man, who has yet to introduce himself.

"And your friend?" I ask the red priestess ignoring her earlier question about the supposed 'light' inside me, but probably somehow sensing my true form.

"I am Jorah Mormont… my Khal," the westerosy man says to me seeing me gesture to him as he speaks in Dothraki, surprising me. But the surname reminds me of who might be his father that I met years ago at Rhaegar Targaryen's wedding tourney.

"Is your father Jeor Mormont?" I ask him in common even though he spoke Dothraki just now. Hearing me speak three languages now surprises him, though the red priestess is eyeing me with weird looks as I try to ignore her.

"Yes he is… have you met him?" Jorah asks me with surprise still on his face.

"Yes, once, though that was a long time ago now. It does not matter, though why is a westerosy, especially a northerner, in Essos and Vaes Dothrak of all places?" I ask him feeling the stare from the red priestess as she contemplates whatever is on her mind.

"I was… banished from my home. I came here because I heard the rumors of a westerosy Khal and wanted to see if it was true," Jorah says to me though I can see the nervousness in his eyes, seems he is not telling me the whole truth. Though it appears he has no malicious intent nor can I feel any hate for me from him.

"So you say," I say to him as he fidgets under my look feeling more panic at my indifferent face.

"May I send word for a higher-ranking priest to come and see you? I believe our god has blessed you and you should receive guidance from one of our higher-ranking members," the red priestess says to me and I just sigh.

"Even if I say no, I know you will send word. I will not wait for them, I have plans I am committed to. If they somehow find me then sure they can speak with me," I say to her and she smiles nodding her head.

"Then may I stay with you until one arrives?" the red priestess asks me while I give an annoyed look since my life has gotten much more complicated lately.

"Fine, though you must obey my rules as long as you remain with me," I say to her and she nods her head before bowing to me and quickly leaving to send her message to whoever.

After she leaves Jorah remains sitting across from me with an awkward look on his face. As he is nervous knowing I saw through his lies and is unsure what to do now. I release another sigh before I speak to him again.

"Just tell me why you are really here and I won't have to force the information out of you," I say to him and he stares at me while determining what to say.

"I will know if you lie," I say to him as I sip my ale waiting for him to speak, though my statement made him more nervous as expected.

"I…I was originally sent to find Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen. To… spy on them for King Robert, but as I arrived in Pentos, I heard they left with a Westerosy Khal. Then I heard Viserys was spotted near Braavos, but his sister remained with the Khal… So I went to find his sister to make sure she is actually with you," Jorah says to me and I can tell he is telling the truth but is still not sharing everything, which I can understand.

"Ok… you are holding back some things from me, but I understand. Daenerys is here with me, now you can leave," I say to him and he looks surprised hearing me not angered by his statement to me, but saddened that I told him to leave.

"I… I was wondering if I could stay. I promise to not send any word to King's Landing. I just want to serve Daenerys, I have already met her before coming to you, and… well I believe she is the rightful ruler of the Iron Throne. I want to help her become the queen," Jorah says to me as I become confused at this man's thought process, but can tell he is truthful in saying he will stop spying on her.

"Her brother has more right to the throne than she does, so why not serve him?" I ask since the world thinks Elia and her children are dead having not heard anything about them for over a decade now.

"I also heard much about him and he does not seem to be fit to be King. While my conversation with Daenerys only confirms that I believe she will make a great queen," Jorah says to me and now I can understand some of his reasons, he appears to be lusting after Daenerys.

"I see… then you can stay but on several conditions. First, you must get Daenerys's approval to stay as you will be serving her. Second, as long as Daenerys remains under my protection, you will follow the same rules as my people. Finally, if I hear any word about you sending information to King's Landing, I will have your head," I say making sure he understands his position here if he stays.

'Plus who knows, maybe he will be able to divert Daenerys's attention from me and keep her busy enough to stop trying to pursue me,' I think to myself as that was the real main reason I decided to let him stay.

"Thank you! I promise I will obey these rules, my Khal," Jorah says to me bowing his head before quickly leaving to find Daenerys probably.

'Now, let us hope no more surprise visits come and we can just head to my home as peacefully as possible,' I think with a sigh and go back to writing about my time with the Dothraki.

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