A True Dragon in GOT


(Eddard Stark POV)

Robert came to the north a few months after Jon Aryen died his former 'Hand of the King', who was also like a father to the two of us, and not so subtly demanded I become his 'Hand of the King', I came south with my two daughters Sansa and Arya. As I basically ruled the Seven Kingdoms in Robert's stead, I learned just how badly the seven kingdoms was doing. The Kingdom was heavily in debt to not only the Iron Bank but the Lannisters too. Corruption ran rampant among the city guards and everyone here set out to backstab the others just to better themselves. This place really is a shit hole of a city.

I later received word from my wife that not long ago our second-youngest son Bran fell from climbing one of the towers and was crippled. Then she came down here in person secretly and told me she suspected the Lannisters were behind the injury and later the attempted assassination of Bran.

After learning all this and feeling the suspicion that maybe the Lannisters were behind something or hiding something, I began to look into things. I eventually learned that it was a very high possibility and most likely that Robert's current living children are actually not his. But children between Cersei and another, I am betting it might just be her brother Jaime. Then after coming to that conclusion, I believed my wife might be correct that the Lannisters did try to kill Bran for possibly finding out the same truth I did.

Not only did I learn about one of the greatest scandals in recent history, but I was constantly on edge from all the enemies I was surrounded by. Each member of the high council and other notable people in the capital were very two-faced, nothing like the north. I started questioning who I could trust and who was my enemy, so far the only one I came to trust was the council member in charge of the royal finances. Nicknamed 'Little Finger' but his real name is Petyr Baelish, an old friend of my wife, and had a history with my older brother who was still alive back when we were children.

Little Finger seemed to be aware of my investigation into the royal family and has helped me so far in it also. Making my trust in him increase, while he warned me of the other council members. He especially warned me about Varys the spymaster, nicknamed 'The Spider' due to the 'web' he has which keeps him updated on most current events in the world. The latest being that both the remaining Targaryens were last seen in Pentos meeting with a Khal and forming an army to take back their lost throne.

This information made Robert even more angered by the fact that there are Targaryens remaining in the world. So he demanded Varys send word to the faceless men, the world's best assassins who I just learned of, to kill the remaining Targaryens. I tried to advise Robert against it as they were just children, but he would not listen. I was also debating whether or not to tell Robert about what I learned of his supposed children, but so far the timing has not been right.

As I finally decided to stop waiting and tell Robert the truth of what I learned, I heard he left the capital to go hunting early this morning. This is a very common occurrence for Robert as he never took his duties as King seriously, always drinking, whoring, or hunting. Waiting for his return, I slowly made my way to the council chambers since I was recently injured after being speared in the leg by a Lannister guard after I tried to confront Jaime Lannister about my son Bran. Then shortly after I arrived an urgent messenger interrupted the council meeting telling us Robert has returned and was heavily injured.


(Robert Baratheon POV)

It's been over fifteen years since I took the throne from that mad fucker,  Aerys Targaryen. After taking the throne I married Cersei Lannister, our first child died shortly after being born to sickness. I believe that is what drove a large wedge in our marriage, plus it didn't help I liked to whore around. We've had several other children since then, two more sons and a daughter. After Jon Arryn died my 'Hand of the King' I went to Winterfell to have the only other man I trusted with my life become my hand, Eddard Stark.

As I lay dying on my bed from getting gored by a boar that I was too drunk and fat to avoid, all my choices in my life came back to haunt me. I have so many regrets and things I wish I had done differently, but now I can not do anything to change them. One of the regrets is having Varys, my spymaster, send a contract to the faceless men to kill both remaining Targaryens. I regret this because Eddard is right they are just kids and children should not be judged for their father's sins, as I just hope my children will not be judged by my mistakes.

"Ned there are few things I want you to do for me, first tell Varys to withdraw that contract. You were right, the Targaryens are just children. Second listen closely," I say to Eddard after everyone leaves the room.

"Ned, write down what I am going to tell you. This is my last decree as the King of the Seven Kingdoms…" I say feeling my mouth dry up and I shakily grab my cup of wine which Eddard helps me drink.

"Robert…I–" Eddard starts to say something, but I just want this to be over with before it is too late.

"Not now Ned. Just write this, 'I King Robert Baratheon, the first of this name, the proper fucking titles. Declare Eddard Stark to be Lord Regent and Protector of the Realm until my son comes of age…'," I say with a labored breath as the pain from my wound still hurts even with the milk of the poppy Pycelle gave me. I can see Ned stopping writing what I said after hearing me state I want him to lead the Seven Kingdoms until my son is old enough.

"Trust me Ned, you'd make a better King than I ever was. Plus maybe you can teach my son how to be a man and good King. I was a failure in that regard and his mother got her claws into him, probably making him a little shit," I say while giving a small laugh at the end and coughing as Ned grabs me some wine to drink.

"Fuck me, Ned. Dying is shit! I don't suggest you try it," I say making a joke at my own dispense after taking a small drink of wine that I used to be able to drink glass after glass.

"Robert… I… Get some rest," Eddard says to me looking like he wants to tell me something but is holding back for whatever reason. Though I am too tired to care, as the milk of the poppy starts to make me even more tired.

"Right… we'll talk more later…" I say as sleep takes me and I see Ned give me one last conflicted look before taking his leave.


(Eddard Stark POV)

After I left Robert, I thought about telling him the truth about his children, but something held me back from speaking the truth. I am not sure what it was, maybe the guilt of being a father myself and knowing he would have them executed should he learn the truth along with Cersei. I held no love for the Lannisters, but children are children and I believe their innocence should be protected at all costs.

'First I will tell Cersei I know the truth about her and her children. Giving them the head start to leave the capital before I return to Robert and tell him the truth,' I think to myself as I then go to look for the Queen.

After half an hour or so, I found the Queen outside near the garden. I walked over to her and gave her a respectful greeting, she may be a treasonous woman, but as a northerner, we have basic respect and honor.

"May I speak with you in private your grace?" I ask her not wanting to involve more people than already are most likely involved.

"Very well," Cersei says dismissing the handmaidens and guards around her, though the guards remain somewhat close by as expected.

"I… I want to inform you that you and your children should leave the capital… I learned the truth and know they are not Robert's children. I am going to tell him, I will give you until tomorrow morning to leave the capital before I do," I say to her and her face contorts after hearing my statement to one of extreme anger.

"Are you seriously suggesting that my children are bastards?!" Cersei practically screams at me with a bloodthirsty voice. While I let out a small sigh having expected her to deny the truth.

"I am not suggesting anything, but simply telling you what I know to be the truth. I have not yet told Robert, but plan on telling him. Though I wanted to give you and mostly your children the possibility to escape before his wrath reaches you all," I say to her standing struggling a bit due to my injured leg. I can see her face has contorted even more somehow as nothing but pure hate shows on it for me.

"We are not leaving, as your accusations are false and my husband will never believe you," Cersei says with an ice-cold voice with nothing but pure hatred in her eyes as she looks at me.

"Do what you will, I said my piece," I say before walking away, and Cersei motions to her guards who immediately step in front of me as I begin walking away.

I stand still looking at the guards with a neutral face knowing even she would not have them kill me in broad daylight in front of this many witnesses. Because then Robert even in his dying state would learn the truth as I left a letter to one of my loyal guards to give in case I die to Robert immediately. I hear her growl while gesturing to her guards to allow me to pass, though I can feel her eyes boring into the back of my head as I leave.

As I reach my chambers, I quickly write another letter to Stannis Baratheon, Robert's younger brother, the second oldest of the three brothers with Renly being the youngest. Renly was also the current 'Master of Laws' on the council, as Stannis was the 'Master of Ships' but left before I became 'Hand of the King' for reasons I am still unaware of. Though my letter informs Stannis that he is technically the rightful heir of the seven Kingdoms along with the truth I learned about Cersei and her children. I then had this letter to Stannis quickly and secretly sent as I feared my life will be ending soon.

I also quickly went to find Renly, before I finally had my daughter quickly pack to return to the north. I found Renly in his chambers reading and drinking wine. At my sudden entrance, Renly jumped up in fright but relaxed at seeing me.

"Eddard? What are you doing here?" Renly asked me seeing me and sitting back down at his table. I made my way over and sat across from him, before pulling out my evidence of the truth behind Cersei and her children. Then I pushed it over to Renly who looked at me confused before he began to read the evidence showing the truth.

"Renly… Your brother Robert is going to die and very soon. I already sent word to Stannis about this, he is going to be the next King. I wanted you to know, so you can help me prepare for the very high possibility of a fight breaking out in the Keep," I say to Renly, whose eyes widen after reading the book showing just how it is impossible for Cersei's children to be Robert's children too.

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