A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

"Begin with what you mean by calling me my Prince?" I say to Kinvara who nods her head.

"I mean exactly what I said. You are my Prince, the son of R'hllor. Though I think you know him by another name… Bahamut," Kinvara says to me as I stare at her with a surprised look. Unsure what to say as my mind races with dozens of more questions.

"Do not be surprised my Prince, I know you are a True Dragon, a golden one with scales that shin with a hint of Platinum I am sure," Kinvara says to me catching me off guard again.

"How do you know this?" I say as my wariness around her increases.

"I am old, very old, by human standards at least. Nowhere near as old as you I am sure, my Prince. I am reaching around two thousand now, with some of the other older members being slightly younger than me, as I started this religion," Kinvara says to me while sipping her wine calmly, ignoring my slight aggression toward her.

"You say you know about Bahamut, how?" I ask her.

"He visited me as I was dying on the streets all those years ago. He appeared as an old man with a long white beard and seven golden canaries sitting on his shoulders. He healed me and taught me about the real world, telling me that a great war was coming and only his son could save us," Kinvara says while smiling at me warmly and remembering the past.

"I know you are his son, he told me his son was called Talrit and his son's mother was one of the golden dragons disguised as one of the golden canaries. Your mother's name was Nalidekeme correct?" Kinvara says to me as extremely old memories of mine come back to the surface and a tear escapes my one eye my mother just might be alive and residing with Bahamut himself.

"Seems I was correct in my judgment of you, you are his son. I am here to serve you as long as you want me and I will serve you in anything you need. The religion of the Lord of Light is behind you now and forever my Prince," Kinvara says to me while kneeling to me and bowing her head with a very happy smile on her face like she finally completed her life's main mission.

"Is my mother… here?" I ask wanting to see the only real family I ever had.

"I do not believe so my Prince. As Bahamut only visits when he deems it necessary, plus he can not involve himself in mortal issues too much or the other gods would do the same. If it is any condolence, your mother is now in eternal heaven with her mate and your father," Kinvara says to me still kneeling to me.

"I see… then at least she is happy… I want to look into your mind and see this memory for myself," I say to her and she nods her head, as I cast 'Detect Thoughts' while pushing into her mind to see the memory.

Just as she said, I see the old man who is clearly Bahamut, then one of the golden canaries shifts into a human woman. I can see in the woman's eyes that it is my mother. I feel a flood of emotions enter me again as I see my mother once again after all this time, even though it was in memory of another. My mother herself even states she is the one true mate of Bahamut and I was the only child conceived from both. Pulling back from her mind, I gather my emotions, planning on dealing with everything I learned later.

"Now what exactly did Bahamut say about this war?" I ask her while now knowing I am the only son ever conceived by the god of dragons himself.

"He could not give me many details… though he said that his sister Tiamat has her daughter in this realm. That her daughter is here to bring back the age of dragons, as the 'rightful rules' of this world. As his son, you are here to protect us weaker beings from total annihilation and enslavement," Kinvara says to me and I go quiet thinking about this possibility.

'Did I meet this daughter of Tiamat? Was it Lady Sadridna? Does that explain why more and more beings from my old world are here? That the gods have opened rifts bringing some of my old world beings here? Am I really the son of Bahamut? Either way, the cult of Tiamat is not something I can allow to form here, it would only bring countless death and suffering,' I think to myself as Kinvara waits for me to speak.

"Why not form the religion of Bahamut, like my old world? Why this 'Lord of Light, R'hllor'?" I ask Kinvara. 

"Your father decided that a religion dedicated to a dragon would only help the cult of Tiamat and possibly confuse the masses since we humans falsely believed wyverns were true dragons," Kinvara says to me and I nod my head.

"So who knows the real truth in your religion?" I ask her wanting to know if she is the only one in her group who knows the truth.

"Very few, only the ones that helped start the religion with me and have been blessed with extended life like myself," Kinvara says.

"So how exactly can you group help me?" I ask her finally relaxing and motioning for Kinvara to sit back down.

"With anything you want my Pince. We can be warriors, preachers, lovers, spies, anything you need us to be," Kinvara says to me and now I can see the utter devotion she has for me.

"For now carry on as you all are. Though I could use people to keep me informed about the current goings in the world. Places like Westeros, Braavos, Slaver's Bay, Vaes Dothrak, Yi Ti Empire, and Asshai," I say to her and she nods her head to me.

"Of course my Prince. We have preachers in most of those places already. Though I will send word to have others go to the ones we do not. I will have them send frequent updates about the issues or important news happening in those lands," Kinvara says to me.

"Anything I should know, that you know now?" I ask while coming up with plans on finally having my clan expand. As the cult of Tiamat needs to be dealt with quickly before it spread too far.

"I have received word that King Robert Baratheon has died. Rumors suggest his children are actually not his own, but bastards. Leaving the realm in a civil war as Robert's two brothers lay claim to the throne. With Tywin Lannister fighting to keep his grandson and the possible 'rightful heir' on the throne," Kinvara says to me as I just sigh having heard that the Kingdom has fallen to war once again.

"Keep me informed about the war going forward. Once we reach my clan, I am going to have them begin preparation to expand to the surrounding lands. The first place will be Slaver's Bay, as that place has been in power too long. It is time I stop letting atrocities like slavery continue," I say to her and she nods her head to me.

"I look forward to the day of Bahamut's son leading the world to a new era," Kinvara says to me with fervorous devotion.

"Go and carry out my requests. I want to be alone, as I have much to… think about," I say to her dismissing Kinvara. She stands and bows deeply to me once again before taking her leave.

A few more weeks pass by with Kinvara nearly always by my side with the same complete devotion in her eyes to me. Daenerys seems to be very annoyed by this as she has taken this as a threat to her possible relationship with me. We finally reached the 'Painted Moutains' and followed the road called 'The Demon Road', which is called for the dangerous creatures that roam nearby.

For once it seems the humans have correctly named an area, as real demons do roam this rocky and mountainous road. We have come across some nalfeshnee, which are large hairy-hooved demons, having boar-like faces with three sets of tusks coming out of their face and black feathered wings. Another type of demon we have come across in our travels was Vrocks. An even larger demon that was a human-like vulture hybrid, as it stood on two bird-like feet, a vulture head, with clawed hands, and a pair of very large feather wings.

By the time we passed this long mountainous road, we lost a few hundred of our members to the demons that call this place home. We then finally reached the city called 'Mantarys' which only a few rare humans have visited. Since the way here is extremely dangerous, plus this city was formed and ruled by none humans. The populace here was mostly beastmen, with a handful of humans that call it home.

The beastmen ranged from catfolk, lions, tigers, and panthers. To minotaurs and Tortles, who are a humanoid tortoise folk. At our arrival, the city became alert fearing we are here to fight, as never before has such a large group of people come here. Esciapply Dothraki, who have a reputation for being warlike, which is not false. As we stopped a few dozen feet from the city, they sent out a delegation, as the members took places upon the walls.

The delegation consisted of a very large male minotaur and a small female tiger folk. The minotaur looked to be her guard as it had heavy armor on and a large two-handed axe in its hands. The tiger woman wearing only a richer-looking robe with jewelry on her neck and wrists. I rode forward with my blood riders right behind me and Kinvara too, who took it upon herself to be my advisor, which I did not mind considering her absolute devotion to me. Plus she had a vast network of people working under her to help me keep tabs on the rest of the world.

"Why do you come to our city?" the tiger woman says to us with a rough accented voice in common. While the minotaur is eyeing our group with suspicious eyes, my blood riders eye him back ready to fight at a moment's notice.

"We are simply passing through, as this is the only place we can come to venture further south into the 'The lands of the Long Summer'," I say to them as that is what Old Valyria is referred to now.

"Why go there? Only death awaits," the tiger woman says to me confused about our destination.

"It does not concern you," I say to her making the minotaur glare at me for dismissing her question.

"Very well, you can pass by our city. Though should we find any of your people trying to enter we will attack you all," the tiger woman says to me and I just nod my head.

"That is fine, though the same can be said for you all. If any of your people harm one of mine we will attack in return," I say to her and she just glares at me as the minotaur does the same.

Without saying anything she and the minotaur turn around and head back to the city. As I turn and have my khalasar make camp here to continue the journey in the morning. Though I make sure to tell my blood riders to spread the word that no one is to approach the city. But to also keep an eye on the city, should anyone from there come here and attack us that we are to fight back.

As night falls, I sit in my tent making plans on where to go first after reuniting with my clan and bringing the khalasar into them also. According to my knowledge of the world, Elyria is the first place we should take control of. As it is an island city sitting outside the entrance of Slaver's Bay. From there we can continue into the Bay itself.

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