A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

As we finally reached Old Valyria, the following morning leaving the city of beastmen behind. I plan on coming back here later to ask them to join us, but first I want to meet up with my clan. As we enter the lands everyone fears, my khalasar is getting restless with nervousness as even the Dothraki fear these lands. The further we enter the lands the land and creatures themselves can feel my return as they always have. Considering my magic was what brought back life to these lands.

We finally approached the water that separates my clan's capital city, the Golden City, and the mainland of Essos. As we get closer I can see the ships that I had my clan send waiting to transport the Dothraki I brought with me. At the shore, I can see dozens of dragonborn waiting for me, and even Oberyn among them. My Dothraki sees them immediately become aggressive as they each draw their weapons readying for a fight.

Hearing our approach the dragonborn look over to us and upon seeing me they all kneel respectfully. Though Oberyn just laughs and jogs over to greet me as my khalasar is staring at this unsure what to do as I have not given them an order. Kinvara is watching this with interest, but I can see the spark of even greater hope seeing my clan. Daenerys seems scared of the dragonborn, but seeing my calm face relaxes a bit, with Jorah also pulling his weapon free seeing the Dothraki do it.

"Brother! Thank the gods you returned! I was going crazy and my family has been pestering me to go exploring. Though I told them we would be leaving soon once you return, right?" Oberyn says to me as I get off my horse and we share a hug. Daenerys hearing him say brother immediately becomes confused.

"This is one of your brothers? You do not look like brothers," Daenerys says as Oberyn finally notices her and Kinvara who is eyeing Oberyn like the time she first met me.

"Correct he is not my brother by blood, but bond," I say to her and she nods her head as Oberyn smirks seeing them.

"Seems I didn't have to worry about you dying a virgin. Here you met two women to keep you company," Oberyn whispers to me while patting my back and eyeing the two women who are always by my side.

"My people! This is my clan! They might not appear human, but regardless they are my people also! Together we will shape the world and we will forever go down in history! But first I should be honest with you all, I am not human myself, but a dragon!" I say to the Dothraki as my clan stands up and smiles hearing my statement with Oberyn laughing knowing what I am about to do.

As the Dothraki look confused, excited, and hopeful. I shift to my true form and look down at the Dothraki. As all of them stand still in awe and surprise, Kinvara smiling like a crazy person and kneeling to me while seemingly praying. Daenerys is also staring in awe and surprise.

"What say you all? Will you follow me? As I lead you to the next era of this world?" I say to them and it snaps the Dothraki out of their silence as they all begin cheering loudly with extreme excitement. They now chant Golden Stallion over and over as my clan prepares the ships.

Once everyone is on the ships, they sail them back to the capital city as I swim in the water next to them in my true form. Though really my size makes it so I am walking through the water. As I walk beside them some of the Dragon Turtles who have migrated here come over to me. I can see they have even more young ones now with them,

"Great one! You have returned!" the leader of the dragon turtles who joined my clan says as they swim around me, named Avayg. 

"Yes, though I want to ask you while you are here. I plan on expanding our Kingdom. We will take over the human lands called 'Slaver's Bay' would you join us?" I ask them and they all nod to me excitedly.

"We will follow you where ever it is you take us," Avayg says to me, and his mate Irga nods her head agreeing with me.

"Good then please prepare to leave in a month's time. I want to get my new people integrated into the clan. Then once we finalize the preparations, we will finally let the world know about the land of Draconica," I say to them and they all laugh excitedly before swimming back to their nests to prepare for this war.

"So is Valtaris your real name?" Daenerys asks me after I finish speaking with the dragon turtles. The Dothraki are sitting on the stone ships of my clan and many are seasick even though they have only been on the ships for less than twenty minutes.

"I apologize but that is the fake name I gave humans a very long time ago. My real name is Talrit," I say to her and she nods her head. It seems she is taking all this new information very well.

"You are doing much better than most people learning all this," Oberyn says walking over to Daenerys. As Jorah is standing a few feet behind her, with a face that is still trying to process all this information.

"I guess, but after traveling with Valt– Talrit all this time. I have seen things I never thought existed before, plus I… I feel safe around him," Daenerys says to Oberyn while looking at me, with her same lustful face even though I am not in my human form. Though I might be confusing lust for love, as she smells of lust when around me, her eyes show her love for me.

I then see Oberyn whisper something to her and she laughs hearing whatever it was he said. I just grunt figuring the idiot said something sexual as his mind is either on training or fucking. As almost two hours of sea travel pass, the ships approach the Golden City as the mystical fog clears showing the city in all its glory. I hear many Dothraki gasp at the site and murmur, while Daenerys is also in shock and awe at the site.

"Welcome to the Golden City. Home of my people," I say as the ships pull into the harbor. Seeing us approach and me, the people in the city all being once again cheering at my return.

Shifting back to my human form, I stand on the docks helping the Dothraki leave the ships. As some of my clan members guide them to an area in the city where they can live and become one with my clan. With the help of magic and the other advancements my clan has, extending the city to meet the requirements to house the new additions was easy to accomplish before we arrived.

"Come, I will introduce you to the King of my clan," I say to Daenerys and Kinvara as I had my blood riders help with integrating the Dothraki into the city.

Approaching the main pyramid we are met with Rokgar, his family, and the remaining Martells. They all immediately hug me at my return as I have finally broken them of kneeling to me every time I return home. Once they finish greeting me I introduce them to Daenerys, Kinvara, and Jorah.

"We have a feast prepared," Rokgar says while motioning to follow inside. We all sit eat and drink as my closest friends speak with the three newcomers.

Once dinner is over, I have Oberyn, Rokgar, and Kinvara follow me to a room where we can speak in private. Oberyn and Rokgar are confused as to why this newcomer is coming with us but say nothing. As we all sit in this room and pour some of the wine my clan makes, they look to me for what I called them here for.

"Kinvara here is the High Priestess of the religion following the Lord of Light. I have read her mind and found what she says is truthful," I say to them as Rokgar looks confused but is listening, as Oberyn grunts hearing about the religion.

"I heard of this religion, they are a little too fanatical for my tastes. Are you sure she was deceiving you even in her mind?" Oberyn says while eyeing Kinvara who just silently sits there.

"No, she did not, one can not lie in their own memories. Though memories can be tampered with, hers were not or I could tell if they were. As tampered memories always have a tell, which is usually a magic signature," I say and Oberyn just nods his head before sighing.

"Apparently her religion follows a god from my old world. A god that is known for his just and kind nature," I say to them and Rokgar thinks about what god that could be.

"The god Bahamut, who is also my father," I say to them and Rokgar looks at me with even more surprise now knowing what I am referring to. Oberyn looked slightly confused but still surprised hearing I am a child of a god.

"I know you are thinking it is not possible, but trust me I saw her memories for myself and there is no mistaking that it was the god Bahamut himself. My mother was even with him and spoke about me being the child between the two," I say to them and they just nod their heads.

"I am telling you this as apparently, my father said that his sister, Tiamat, a very evil goddess also has a child in this world. Her child has been forming a cult dedicated to her to reform the world into one with dragons as the overlords. That would mean the end of all humans and other 'lesser' creatures, with only death or enslavement waiting," I say to them as Rokgar becomes very concerned hearing about this as Oberyn is just trying to process this information.

"So… then what are we going to do?" Oberyn says while rubbing his forehead having all this information dumped on him. Rokgar stood up while rubbing his chin also thinking about what we can do.

"We finally show the world about us and take over the places that could have been heavily influenced by the cult. First Slaver's Bay as that place would be ripe with cultists, then we will meet up with my ally in Vaes Dothrak. From there we will move west, taking control of the Narrow Sea," I say to them as they both look at me surprised.

"We go to war?" Rokgar says and I nod my head feeling the heaviness of this decision as it will lead to countless deaths.

"I will begin preparations, when do you want to leave?" Rokgar says immediately ready to follow my orders.

"By the end of this coming month," I say to him and he nods downing his glass, before leaving to being getting the clan ready to march to war for the first time in our history.

"I can contact my brother. As I said Dorne will stand by you to the end," Oberyn says to me trying to help the best he can.

"Hold off for now, I hear there is a civil war in the seven kingdoms. Your brother should be focusing on just staying neutral for now. Once we take control of the Narrow Sea, we will call for him as we land in the Seven Kingdoms to bring them to heal," I say to Oberyn who nods his head then a smile forms on his face.

"I look forward to these battles! Finally, I can taste blood once again and beside my family of all people!" Oberyn says excitedly and leaves going to speak with his family most likely.

"Your father would be proud of you my Prince. I will send word to your followers, to prepare the masses to stand beside you," Kinvara says to me standing up and leaving to send word to her people.

'I hope this is the right decision… as this will lead to the death of countless beings both good and evil,' I think to myself as I release a heavy sigh before standing up and walking to the war room to make the fine details of this war.

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