A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

The drums of war were sounded as all those who could and wished to fight in the clan prepared to go to war. As the Dothraki officially joined my clan with their armor and weapons being upgraded, as their armor was made from tanned wyvern hides and weapons made from Valyrian steel, which we are now calling Draconic Steel. Their horses were also outfitted with tanned wyvern leather armor.

This armor is extremely durable and able to resist normal steel blows for some time before becoming damaged. While also being very light and still giving the Dothraki and their horses the same maneuverability. With my clan forging the Draconic steel plate armor for themselves and their weapons. The magic users began meditating to get their minds completely focused on the mass magic they will be casting soon.

By the end of the month, we have amassed a full army of just over five hundred thousand. Mostly dragonborn, with around only forty thousand or so Dothraki riders as the rest were just civilians. In the army, we also had a few dozen dragon turtles, several hundred wyvern riders, several thousand mages, a hundred thousand dragonborn cavalry,  and the rest were all heavy infantry. The Dothraki would be our light cavalry and scouts while carrying messages once in a while.

The several thousand stone boats were loaded with troops and supplies. As everyone said their goodbyes, the only ones staying behind were Rokgar's wife Emrir, and daughter Irdis. As Rokgar and his son Lilther would be coming to war with me. All the Martells would be coming too, as we would be heading to Westeros eventually. With them wanting to see the land again, plus they all would not take no for an answer. Daenerys would be coming too, along with Jorah her guard/advisor.

During Daenerys's time here she learned that Elia was alive and her kids also. At first, she was surprised having learned that Elia was her older brother's first wife. Along with the fact that her niece and nephew were alive. Which was funny seeing since, both her niece and nephew were older than her by a few years. Though Daenerys was ecstatic learning she was not the only Targaryen left beside her crazy brother.

We sailed on the boats officially showing the world that we exist and are here to guide them into a new era. I then saw the small island city of Elyria which was only a few hours from us by sea. Horns were blown signifying the first stop on our way to conquering the known world. The city from this distance seemed to be panicking seeing this amount of ships approaching them.

"Send in the wyvern riders. Have them pick off the archers and if any, siege weapons. Then have the heavy infantry move in once the gates have been breached," I say to Rokgar who nods his head and starts relaying the orders.

For now, I will remain in my human form as I did not want to alert the daughter of Tiamat I was on the move. She may figure it out if I had already met her, but the longer I can delay that knowledge the higher chance we have of surprising her. Plus I do not think this world will have something to force me to use all my strength.

I watch it with my close friends from the capital ship as the wyvern riders destroy the gate entrance. Along with killing the defenders on the walls of the city, the wyverns are not using their breath weapons since it could harm innocents. Though the riders on their backs are able to use magic so a few area spells and the defenders are quickly dealt with. Plus the wyverns can use their tails and mouths to dispatch the enemies.

The city falls within the hour as our small force easily killed most of the defenders, and many surrendered as soon as the wyverns came into play. I then came to shore teleporting there, walking through the city with a dozen heavily armed dragonborn behind me. As the rest went throughout the city to ensure it was completely under our control. As we approach the center of the city I can see a few noblemen waiting there with many dragonborn standing near them. These are probably the men in charge of the city or atleast have a lot of influence in it.

"Hello, what language do you speak?" I ask in common waiting to cast 'comprehend languages', in case I need to.

"We speak the common tongue," the one man says with anger and hate in his eyes.

"Good, then I will say this city is now under the control and leadership of the Draconica Empire. One of our rules is disbanding slavery, as that is something we stand against. I will be leaving one of our nobles here to govern this city, along with some troops. They will ensure our laws are obeyed, you do not want to disobey the laws," I say not waiting for them to speak and teleport away back to the capital ship.

As I told the nobles, I leave one of our chosen people to govern the city and make sure it transitions well into the soon-to-be largest Empire in the history of this world. I will be leaving two thousand five hundred heavy infantry here to ensure stays in our control. As that will be more than enough to ensure there are no large issues.

All in all the first step in our plan only took a few hours and we continued on our way into Slaver's Bay. The next city is Tolos, the closest city that is part of Slaver's Bay and thrives on selling living creatures as slaves. Along with having a place called 'The Fighting Pits' a place where they watch people and other beings fight to the death for entertainment.

It took us just a couple of hours to reach this place from Elyria and as we approached, just like Elyria the city begins panicking. The only issue I had now was that most of the city defenders were slaves forced into fighting for the city and their 'masters'. This is the same for all of Slaver's Bay cities.

"Send five thousand heavy infantry to surround the city and along with five thousand Dothraki. I will go with Rokgar and a few wyverns to try to intimidate them into surrendering," I say while Rokgar nods and the army begins to carry out my orders.

I then teleport onto the back of Vaak, the wyvern which is tamed by Rokgar. One of the largest wyverns ever born in this world. I can sense my magic has reinforced this wyvern into making it this size and even extended its normal life. We then fly with the other few hundred wyverns towards the city. As several dozen boats drop off the troops a few thousand feet from the city.

We circle above the city with this many wyverns and troops that march toward the city and the Dothraki which are taunting the defenders riding around the outskirts of the city. I can see just how many defenders prepare to flee as soon as the fighting starts. The fear coming from this city is immense as they can tell that the fighters beginning to surround it are not even close to the amount I have.

"Land us near the main gate," I say to Rokgar as I look down from Vaak's back standing on it and using magic to keep myself attached with no fear of falling.

"Tell those in charge of this city to surrender! Or we will be forced to make them surrender! Do you see just how many of us there are we only have more at our disposal! Do not fight for someone who uses and abuses you! Lay down your arms and open the gates!" I say to them and the enslaved men standing guard at the walls all begin to murmur between themselves.

"Do you promise to not harm us?!" One man shouts to me.

"I promise no one who does not stand against us will be harmed! Only those who try to resist or fight us will be killed!" I say to them and I can most if not all the enslaved defenders throw their arms down and begin to open the city gates.

"Go and ensure the city is cooperative," I say to the troops behind me as they begin to march inside and take control of this city, which is more than three times the size of Elyria.

"Rokgar, go back and find a suitable person to govern this city. I will go and meet with those who are in charge of this city," I say to Rokgar who nods his head before I jump off the back of Vaak.

I begin to walk through this city as the people inside stare at the dragonborn and Dothraki in fear and awe. Seeing me in my full armor also makes them stare at me in awe since it was the best armor forged by my clan. The slaves seeing me all begin shouting in happiness at my men for this. As word has spread already that I am here to disband slavery.

"Are these the 'masters' of this city?" I ask my men in draconic while I wait in the center of this city. A crowd of people formed around watching the scene.

"Yes my god these are all the 'masters' of this city. Though there may be more in hiding. It might take us a few more hours to find them all," the captain of the dragonborn says to me.

"No matter, these will make do for now. The governor can root out the rest," I say after walking over to the rich men who thought they could enslave another.

"My mistake was not destroying your cities and those who took part in enslaving sooner. Though one can not change the past. Only grow and change the future," I say to the men who are kneeling before me.

"We are the Draconica Empire and we are here to ensure the world changes for the better," I say to them and they look confused having not heard of us before.

"Do not worry, we have been growing in secret for a very long time. Now that we have the strength and need to change the world we have shown ourselves. I condemn you all to death, as evil must be rooted out and shown no mercy," I say as my instincts have begun to show themselves and I have made a mission to root evil out from this world.

In response one of the masters spits on me and one of the dragonborn before I can respond, growls in anger and rips his spine and head off in one move. The other masters piss themselves in fear of seeing this all happen in a few seconds. I step back in disgust as the crowd cheers seeing the death of one of the men who oppressed them.

"Kill them," I say to the dragonborn and turn to the crowd.

"From this day forth, this city is now a part of the Draconica Empire! Slavery is no more! As for the other laws, the governor appointed to this city will explain them! Do not worry, from this day forth this city will only continue to grow and prosper for the betterment of all!" I say as the crowd cheers and the found masters are killed through decapitation behind me.

I then teleport back to the ship and have a group of five thousand heavy infantry remain here to watch over the city. Once we collect the rest of the troops and sent the appointed governor, we then turn our sights to Astapor which is across the Bay from Tolos. Though we will be spending the night here since it is now late evening.

"Brother, when will we get to fight?" Oberyn asks me since so far each battle has been very quick and easy.

"Tomorrow most likely. As Astapor is our next target," I say since we both know it is the city that trains 'Unsullied' one of the most feared slave armies in Essos, and can only be bought from Astapor.

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