A True Dragon in GOT


AN: I'm back! Enjoy the chapter.


(Talrit POV)

Over the next few weeks I trained Daenerys in the way of the sword and she was a quick learner. As her true form allows her to learn very quickly, plus like me, she can access the full strength of her true form in her human form. Eventually, the supplies reached us in Volantis, with Daenerys's armor and sword.

Daenerys's armor represented a silver dragon's scales. When she wore the armor it was enchanted to bring out some small scales on her face since it tapped into her blood enhancing her magical capabilities in her human form. The sword she was training in was duel wielding two short swords. Her two swords made from draconic steel would allow her to be very deadly on the field of battle.

With her quick learning of the sword, along with her magical capabilities, I felt comfortable letting her help fight on the battlefield the next time we need to fight. Our army then moved north easily taking the three small towns that were originally vassals to Volantis. They surrendered easily upon hearing the news of Volantis and the fact they had little to no defenders compared to the city of Volantis.

It has been a year and a few months now since the campaign started, I pondered as we were marching to 'Myr'. Myr is another 'free city', one that is known for its lenses and finery. So we are not expecting that much of a resistance as the city may be rich, but it has a small defense and any others will be mercenaries who can be easily persuaded to leave.

Arriving at the city my people make camp surrounding it preparing for the potential siege. There does not seem to be any mercenary group camped outside, meaning the only defenders of the city are within it. Our fleet has already sailed taking the cities of Lys and Tyrosh, now making a blockage against Myr when we arrived.

The city didn't even put up a fight, as our army was enough to make them surrender, plus I am sure the stories of our recent exploits have reached the once leaders of the city. After leaving some troops behind and a governor, we marched to Pentos where we would meet Zathori and her Dothraki. With my fleet sailing ahead of us to make a blockade of the city.

"You know if it wasn't for what I know about you or this world, I'd think this ease of taking the world was suspicious," Oberyn says to me and Daenerys as we march to Pentos.

"No, you are right it is suspicious. Seems the cult might be hoarding their people in one place. For a large stand against us. Plus allowing us to take the cities and having to leave troops behind to keep order, is smart of them. Meaning when we finally do meet them or fighting force is much smaller than it could be if they meet us head-on before we took anything," I say to them all as they nod their heads.

Rokgar and his son are usually with the wyvern riders who scout ahead of us, leaving only Oberyn, Oberyn's family, Daenerys, and myself on the ground. So far Rokgar and the other wyvern riders have not spotted anything out of the ordinary to suggest our march would be interrupted.

"If you think that then why do we not try to find them and focus all our forces on them before taking anything?" Daenerys asks me.

"Because then they could bring their cult to other cities spreading it. So even if we find their current main residence and destroy it, they will only make it somewhere else. Plus forcing them into one place is both good and bad," I say to them.

"Then it would allow us to destroy them at once, instead of having to hop from place to place destroying them as they keep moving," Oberyn says and I nod my head as he gets my reasoning.

"Though at the same time, it will make the one big fight that much harder," Daenerys says and I nod my head.

"Yes I know, but I do not believe our other options are better. Plus with you, Zathori, and myself, I doubt they will stand much of a chance," I say to them and Daenerys doesn't look fully convinced but nods her head, as Oberyn completely agrees with me showing his absolute faith in me.

That night when we were making camp and after I helped Daenerys with her usual afternoon training, in both types of swords. I was awoken a few hours before sunrise, as I received an emergency message from someone I did not think I would hear from again, due to the issues happening in their current home.

'Talrit, I know we haven't spoken in years. But I remember you saying you would help me if I needed it. Well, I am currently sneaking out of King's Landing with my daughter and nephew. We need your help to protect us, it seems my family has lost their minds. We heard about a new power rising in Essos, I can only assume that is you,' I hear Gerion Lannister say to me through the ring I gave him. Though it woke me up a start waking Daenerys too as she looks at me with worry.

I can feel the ring's magic signature coming across the narrow sea, slowly meaning it is in a boat. It appears to be heading towards my people's capital, but only a hundred miles away from King's Landing. So I quickly send a magical message for a few ships of mine to intercept it and bring the ring bearer and his family to me in Pentos safely.

"You going to tell me what is wrong?" Daenerys asks me to see all this happen, though unsure what I am doing or what is wrong.

"I just received word from an old friend of mine that I gave a ring to years ago. It seems he is fleeing his family with his daughter and nephew, asking me to provide them protection. I sent a few of our ships to intercept the one they are on and bring them to Pentos so I can meet them again," I say to Daenerys who nods her head as she hugs me to comfort me.

"Who are they?" Daenerys asks me as we lay back down with her head on my chest.

"Gerion Lannister, his daughter Joy Hill, and as for which nephew. I would guess Tyrion Lannister, why they are fleeing their homeland, I have no idea, but it can not be good in any way," I say to her as she gives me a surprised look, but nods her head.

"My brother used to tell me stories about Jaime Lannister, the man who stabbed my father in the back… though I am sure these Lannisters are better than him," Daenerys says to me since she seems to hold some resentment for the man who killed her father, even though she never met either of the men.

"The only two Lannisters I found to be… unredeemable are Cersei and Tywin Lannister. Jaime might have made mistakes, but he might just be able to be redeemed if he tries. The other two are very… stubborn and I doubt they would ever change even for the people they love most," I say to her and she sighs while just lying on my chest.

We then fell back into a comfortable sleep, as the next morning I woke up with Daenerys not in our bed. Walking into the main area of the tent I see Daenerys speaking with her best friend Missandei. They seem to be laughing happily while talking about something in hushed tones, then I notice Daenerys bring Missandei's hand to her stomach.

'....Wait…. Oh shit!' I think to myself as my brain was trying to process this human interaction, then it occurred to me Daenerys is pregnant.

"Are you pregnant?" I ask making both women turn to me in surprise not having expected me to be awake yet I assume.

"Yes! I woke up a few hours after we fell back asleep, my stomach was in turmoil and I felt sick. Missandei helped me, then one of the mages used magic to check my condition. Turns out I am a few weeks pregnant! I wanted to wake you up right away, but I was going to surprise you!" Daenerys says to me while running over to me and jumping into my arms hugging me tightly. That would crush any normal human to nothing, but thankfully I am not human.

"Well consider me surprised!... I am going to be a father!!" I say laughing then spinning her around in circles.

"Talrit! Wait…" Daenerys says as I stop and put her down and she looks about to throw up. I give her an awkward smile, as I cast a basic healing spell to bring back her comfort.

"Sorry," I say with a sheepish smile as she gives me a small glare, but it quickly turns back to a happy smile due to the news.

"We are going to be parents!" Daenerys says giving me another hug, but I refrain from spinning her this time.

"Congratulations you two," Missandei says to us with a happy smile.

The news quickly spread among the army as many people celebrated the news. Since they all love us with complete adoration for different reasons. The dragonborn view us as gods, while the Dothraki view me as the second coming of their horse god, and the Unsullied view me as their savior. We spend an extra day camped here to celebrate, as everyone tries to come to personally congratulate us.

I cast a few times the 'create food and water' spell that way a feast can be made for the entire army without worrying about overusing our supplies. As the camp is in celebration, my close friends and those I consider family all come to eat inside the main area of Daenerys and my tent.

"Congrats! I can't wait to be an Uncle and teach them all about life!" Oberyn says with a drunken smile as I stare at him with a suspicious look.

"What? I just want to make sure they do not end up like their father, an almost forever virgin," Oberyn says as I chuck a turkey leg at him and he laughs dodging the leg.

"Oh! Can we be called aunties?" Obara asks with a surprising excited look, as unlike her father the only thing she seems to care about is training and fighting.

"What! I am way too young to be an aunt!" Nymeria says giving her older sister an annoyed look.

"I don't know… you both are way too old to be aunties… maybe grandmas. Though I'd be a great cousin," Tyene says antagonizing her sisters while complimenting herself.

The three then begin hurling insults at one another and arguing about their position in my child's life. As I just shake my head at their antics.

"To think we will finally have a prince or princess," Rokgar says with a happy smile as I give him a faked hurt look. Oberyn beings laughing hearing him.

"What?... Oh!  I am sorry my Emperor I did not mean to imply… well you know," Rokgar says as Lilther starts to laugh and Oberyn laughs even harder.

"It's fine," I say with a shake of my head.

"The birth and first couple months are going to be the hardest. Though with Ellaria and myself, we will help the best we can," Elia says to Daenerys as Ellaria nods her head agreeing with the statement.

"I appreciate that… I would love some tips on being a mother," Daenerys says as Elia and Ellaria give her a knowing smile.

"I'm not sure you want my wife's help… I mean just look how our kids turned out," Oberyn says gesturing to his daughters who are practically fisting and fighting now. Though Ellaria gives him a very dark look, promising pain later.

"Rest in peace brother," I say to him as Oberyn gives me a confused look, but then realizes his mistake, seeing his wife's deadly glare.

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