A True Dragon in GOT


(Gerion Lannister POV)

The war that my family was fighting was a losing one, especially after I heard that the Starks and Renly Baratheon stopped the plot of Walder Frey. The rumors surrounding my niece and nephew also concerned me, as even I was able to tell that they might be true. Which was only confirmed when Tyrion told me it was true. I rode to King's Landing along with my daughter hearing that my grand nephew would be marrying the Stark girl soon. There Tyrion told me the truth about Cersei and Jaime.

From there I stayed in King's Landing trying to figure out the best way to help my family. Then I found out my older brother made a plot with Walder Frey which was seen through by our enemies. To make matters worse, my elder brother took the seat of the Hand from Tyrion. As he would be sending me and Tyrion which I believe was from spite, to lead the armies in his stead. Though that would be after the wedding between Sansa Stark and Joffrey.

As the wedding commenced, Joffrey poured wine on Tyrion's head embarrassing him, then proceeded to make him his cupbearer. Then just as the wedding cake was brought out, Joffrey took another sip from his cup, though this one was poisoned. As he fell to the ground choking on his own blood, clawing at his throat. With one last act, he pointed accusingly at Tyrion who was picking up the cup he gave Joffrey.

All hell broke loose soon after. Cersei demanded the head of Tyrion as he was arrested, and Sansa somehow disappeared in the chaos. Now more allocations are being thrown at Sansa, but both my niece Cersei and brother, Tyrion's own father, Tywin were still claiming it was Tyrion who poisoned Joffrey. All this time I thought my older brother truly didn't hate his own son but was just annoyed by him. Now I know he truly hates Tyrion just for being born.

"Father… what are you going to do?" Joy asks me as I was pacing in my room trying to rack my brain in figuring out the next best move. As I was torn between helping my most definitely innocent nephew and helping my family win this war.

"I'm….I'm not sure. I know your cousin is innocent, he is not capable of doing something like this. Tyrion is many things, but he is not a murderer. If I do anything to help him… we will need to flee the capital. Then again if I do nothing, that means I can stay to help our family possibly win this losing war," I say to Joy as I sit down taking a deep drink from my wine as the stress was overwhelming me.

"Father… the spider may be able to help us…" Joy says to me snapping me from my thoughts as Varys enters the room making me stand up defensively. Grabbing Joy and placing her behind me.

"Relax, Lord Gerion. I mean you all no harm, like you I see how your family is turning the realm into utter chaos. With the death of Joffrey, it appears the realm will become even more chaotic. I believe the rightful ruler is in Essos, they have recently married one of the remaining Targaryens and from the rumors appear to be a good King or Emperor as they call themselves," Varys says to me and my mind starts to race, as I think of the rumors and believe them to be about my old friend Talrit.

"What you are saying is treason…" I say still not believing Varys even a bit, as the man has served almost as many Kings as Pycelle who is just as shifty.

"I know… though I can help Lord Tyrion escape the cell he is in. Along with helping you two escape the city. Of course, I would be coming with you, as it will be discovered I helped. From there we can head to Essos to meet this Emperor," Varys says to me and as my mind is racing, I come to a conclusion.

"Then let us not waste time," I say as Joy gives me a surprised look and Lord Varys smiles at me happy with my choice as we quickly make our way to the cells. Though first we gathered some things to take with us, but we packed lightly.

The guards that were supposed to be stationed around Tyrion's cell were nowhere in sight. As Varys gives me a smile, showing the man paid them off to disappear for a few hours. Arriving in front of my nephew's cell he looks over to us confused, then gives a defeated smile seeing us.

"Sorry you have to see me in this state… wish we could have talked more Uncle before… all this," Tyrion says to me with a heavy sigh as I open his cell and grab him making him yelp in surprise.

"Come, we are escaping Westeros. We are heading to an old friend of mine, he will protect us," I say with an urgent whisper as Tyrion just looks confused but quickly follows us.

We make it to the docks near the flea bottom, as we all were wearing cloaks to cover us. Plus the middle of the night helps too, as we arrived at a small boat that appeared to be a small trader ship. Varys gave the man a sack of coins before we all boarded the ship and it quickly left the harbor. Just as we were leaving, we heard the city bells go off showing they discovered Tyrion's escape.

"Uncle, cousin… Thank you both… You two are the only family who ever really cared about me," Tyrion says with a broken-up voice as I give him a smile and hug which my daughter joins in.

"I think of you more like my own son, Tyrion. You are a good man and we all make mistakes, trust me I've made plenty. Though I fear the rest of our family has made much larger mistakes that can not be undone, as they refuse to address those mistakes," I say thinking of my older brother who refuses to believe the rumors surrounding his two children, along with Cersei desperately holding onto the Queen's mantle. Even Jaime follows Cersei around like a lost dog, willing to do anything just to please her.

"We can never return… I am sorry you both have to suffer this with me," Tyrion says as we break the hug.

"Don't fret Tyrion, we may return one day… especially if my friend is the one who is leading the battles in Essos," I say to Tyrion who gives me an interested look.

"I will explain more tomorrow, for now, we should rest," I say as we all retire to the very small rooms on this ship which was willing to smuggle us out of King's Landing. I then sent a message to Talrit using the ring he gave me years ago.

The next few days I tell them the truth about my journey all those years ago in Essos. That my old friend they once met was actually a very strong dragon, one who is leading this force in Essos most likely. Varys listened in interested in hearing this too, as he only heard the rumors circling around this. I trusted Varys enough to tell him this as we all were now in this together. During our journey, which appeared to be headed to Volantis which was recently taken by the Empire, we were intercepted by stone boats of huge sizes.

I instantly recognized the boats as Talrit's clan's ships. Our ship stopped and it appears they received orders from Talrit to secure us. My family and Varys were fearful of seeing the dragonborn up close, but I knew they were Talrit's clan members. I convinced them all they were our friends. We boarded their ship which sailed us in the direction of Pentos, as it appears that must be what they plan on taking next.

Once we arrive at Pentos we waited a few days as the blockade was in effect, then we see the extremely large army of the empire appeared. I heard gasps from my family and Verys seeing the large army, plus the wyverns everyone mistakes for dragons flying around. The reports believed there to be only a few dozen wyverns, but we could see several hundred wyverns.

"Dragons… The dragons are back… The war at home is meaningless, no one will be able to stop them," I hear Tyrion say as he sees this all.

"Right, you are. This my nephew, is just a fraction of the power that the leader holds. If you saw what he is really capable of… you would see that none of the armies at home can stand a chance against him," I say with a small smile on my face excited to see my old friend.

We are then escorted to the army as my family and Varys are watching this all with fascinated faces. We then begin to approach the large tent set up in the center as wyverns begin to fly around the city of Pentos scouting it out. I let out a small chuckle as my fond memories from the past resurface. Then I see Talrit smiling at us as we approach the tent.


(Talrit POV)

In the next few days, we arrived outside Pentos, as my army was preparing for the siege of the city, with my navy already blockading the city. As my army was preparing for the siege, a small group of people was riding toward our camp, after being dropped off by one of my ships. I can only assume that is the Lannisters, along with some dragonborn escorting them.

As they approach us, I can see that it is the Lannisters. Just as they reach us my wyvern riders begin circling the city to check the defenses. I then see Gerion Lannister, his daughter, his nephew, and the spymaster Varys approaching my tent. I smile fondly at Gerion as they all approach since he is one of the few humans I consider good friends.

"Gerion my old friend! I never thought you'd come to see me before I came to Westeros with the intention of taking it over," I say to him as we share a brotherly hug with Tyrion and Joy finally recognizing me. Varys even widens his eyes now remembering me from those years ago at King's Landing.

"I thought the same. Especially when I heard of a new power rising in Essos. Though I am glad it is you that is the power. You would make a much better King than most, or should I say, Emperor," Gerion says to me and I laugh hearing him.

"Come inside, I want you to meet my wife and other close friends of mine," I say as I usher them inside my tent.

Inside are Daenerys, Missandei, Jorah, Oberyn, and all of the other Martells. Once they all enter I can see the surprise on the faces of the newcomers. As they all believed Elia and her children were killed in King's Landing. Plus seeing the other Martells here shows the reason why the Martells have been neutral in the war.

"Westeros is going to fall," Varys says shaking his head while smiling as everyone gives him a confused look.

"Everyone this is Gerion Lannister, his daughter Joy Hill, his nephew Tyrion Lannister, and Varys the spymaster who severed the several Kings in Westeros," I say introducing everyone to the group of people who entered, though Oberyn and Elia know them all.

"Varys… I heard he served my father and then betrayed him, then served the same man who took the throne from my family," Daenerys says while giving Varys a small glare, not trusting him in the slightest. I do not blame her, as I have no trust for him either, but since he came with Gerion I have not done anything to him.

"I understand my love. Though since he appears to be friendly with my friend, for now, I will give him the benefit of the doubt," I say to Daenerys who just nods her head to me while still glaring at Varys.

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