A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

"My Emperor I do not mean to interrupt you all, but we are ready for taking the city. It seems their defenses are very limited," an unsullied says to me as everyone is speaking to the Lannisters that showed up and Varys.

"Good, then begin the battle," I say walking out of the tent as my armor appears on me with my longsword in my hand.

"Oh! Let's go, the battle is starting!" I hear Oberyn say as he runs after me with his armor appearing on him and his spear in his hand. Like me, his armor and spear which I had crafted using draconic steel, also his daughters' keep theirs in their rings too. So like me, they all can summon their armor and weapons at a moment's notice.

"My love you will wait for me!" Daenerys says running out with her armor and weapon appearing too. Even though she is pregnant the stage is early and so far unlike what I thought would happen she has not laid an egg, which confuses me.

"Very well, but please be careful you are pregnant," I say as I smile at her while placing my hand on her stomach.

"I will," Daenerys says as the wyverns start picking the defenders off the walls and breaching the gates.

"Why did they not surrender?" I hear Tyrion say more to himself as we all charge to the front lines to join in the battle for the city.

The battle ends within the hour and like all other cities I tell them they are now part of my Empire and a governor will be appointed to rule the city. Once the battle ends, the mages have gone about healing those injured both my soldiers, the once defenders, and the civilians. I can see Varys looking around with a surprised face, but I can also see a spark of interest in his eyes at what he just witnessed.

"Rokgar, any word from Zathori? Are the Dothraki almost here?" I ask him as we walk to the largest estate in the city where Daenerys and I will be staying while we wait here.

"Last we heard they took Norvos and should be here within a couple of days," Rokgar says and I nod my head.

"Once we meet back up with them, we will head to Braavos. Then once the city falls, I want you to head back to the Capital to run this continent while the rest of us head to Westeros," I say to him and he nods his head.

"You will be the King of Essos, so I need you to keep the peace and ensure it prospers while we take Westeros. If you want I can take Lilther with me, so he can learn more about Warfair," I say to Rokgar who smiles at me.

"I would be honored if my son could stay alongside you and learn what it means to be a leader from our god himself," Rokgar says to me with a smile on his face.

"Then he can stay by my side and I will try to pass down as much wisdom as I can and ensure his safety," I say to Rokgar who just smiles while taking his leave to help transition the city into our rule, as I meet with Daenerys in our temporary estate.

"My love," I say to her as I hug her from behind surprising her since she was very focused on a letter she received.

"What is wrong?" I ask her since she still is engrossed in the letter.

"My brother… He has risen an army in Braavos, plus it appears he might be under the cult's influence. As he recently married Lady Sadridna, the red dragon you told me about," Daenerys says handing me the letter which basically tells Daenerys to surrender and bend the knee to him the rightful ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. Though the part where he married a true dragon and a red one at that surprises me deeply.

"He married her!.... What is she planning?! This…. What?" I say as my brain is trying to process this information since this seems like something Sadridna would never do. Unless she was forced into this as red dragons hold more pride than any other type of dragon.

"I'm just as surprised and confused as you," Daenerys says to me as I take a seat next to her thinking about the reasons.

"Sadridna is not the daughter of Tiamat… The true daughter of Tiamat would never subject themselves to a human mate. Even if that human mate was a god themselves, no the daughter of Tiamat would only accept a true dragon for a mate…" I say while thinking deeply about this.

"Sadridna is but a follower of Tiamat, meaning the daughter of Tiamat is another. As for who, it could be either one of the other two true dragons I met. Unless there is another I somehow did not meet… The daughter of Tiamat would mate me in strength since she would be a demi-god like myself… Sadridna never came off as an equal to me," I say to Daenerys while pouring myself some wine and drinking it.

"Which would mean?" Daenerys says with confusion.

"Which means, the daughter of Tiamat is either much further east of us. Though I do not suspect that… or is in Westeros and has remained hidden this long waiting until the right moment to strike," I say to Daenerys as I think hard about the possibilities.

"Which would suggest she needs my brother to marry one of her followers to gain control in Westeros. That way she can unite the kingdom against us and force us to split our forces so we are much weaker when facing her," Daenerys says and I nod my head agreeing with her as that was the same conclusion I came to.

"Though what confuses me is the undead are under her control… Strong undead, meaning she has a lich under her control or another powerful undead," I say to Daenerys as she sighs and leans against me.

"I just want us to disappear and let everyone else deal with all this… I know that is not possible, but I worry about our child," Daenerys says while placing her hand on her stomach and I nod my head.

"I know… Which is more reason for me to find this daughter of Tiamat and end her. That way our child does not have to fear the cult," I say to her and she just gives me a worried smile as we watch the sunset in the distance.

For the next few days, we wait for Zathori and her Dothraki to come to Pentos so we can all head to Braavos together. During this time Daenerys and the others speak with the Lannisters getting to know them better, along with hearing about the current issues the Kingdom is facing. Varys has tried his best to gain the trust of Daenerys and me while pledging his service to us asking to be our spymaster.

Varys believes we are what the Kingdom needs to better it as we have taken care of the common folk, plus from what he has gathered it seems he believes we are great rulers. Though for now, I do not trust him, I told him to keep me informed about what is happening in the seven kingdoms and maybe I will trust him enough. While Daenerys is much harder to gain the trust of since she has a natural disposition toward him.

As for Gerion and the other Lannisters, he has my trust already and so too does his family that he came with. Tyrion has regained some of the childlike curiosity that I saw in him when he was younger and has been running around me people asking them all sorts of questions. While Joy Hill has taken a liking to Oberyn's daughters and wants to learn to fight like them, which they all have fought over about who gets to teach her.

The wyvern riders then spotted Zathori and her Dothraki army which was around a hundred thousand warriors, plus several ten thousand nonwarriors. As they approached the people inside the city panicked, but seeing none of my soldiers worried they calmed down. Once the hoard approached, they met with my once Dothraki soldiers who told them about me, as Zathori came to meet me and my close friends.

"Talrit! Long time no see! This has been the most fun I've had in centuries! Though I do feel bad for all the bloodshed that happened. Though if you believe this is for the greater good I'm behind you," Zathori says while running over to me and giving me a hug which makes Daenerys glare at her for the familiarity.

"Oh! Another one of us!! A silver dragon! Oh, Talrit! She is your mate! Nice to meet you, Mrs. Talrit!" Zathori says hugging Daenerys in a familiar hug making Daenerys too stunned to respond not used to someone like Zathori.

"Calm down Zathori," I say with a chuckle as she just waves off my suggestion, Daenerys has warmed up to her seeing that Zathori is just a very friendly dragon.

"Wait? What? Dragons? Who is a dragon?" Tyrion says since he is in the room too, so are the rest of the Lannisters, the Martells, Varys, Rokgar, Lilther, Missandei, and Jorah.

"Oh does this dwarf not know we are dragons?" Zathori says making Gerion and Joy glare at her since they think Zathori is insulting Tyrion. While Tyrion just gives her a confused smile about the statement.

"Zathori, he is not a dwarf. But a human has a disease that makes him smaller than normal. Though she is right Tyrion, we are dragons I would show you but for now I will keep what I am hidden from the world," I say to the two, as Tyrion gives me a look that suggests he doesn't fully believe me but says nothing of it.

"Anyway, Zathori any trouble with the cult?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"No, nothing like that… Though in Qohor there were a few warlocks. They might have been tied to the cult, though I don't believe so. They were easy to dispatch, they all had only basic knowledge of spells," Zathori says and I nod my head.

"What about the new rules the Dothraki have to follow?" I ask her since they are now expected to follow the same rules that my Dothraki now follows.

"A few people were upset with it. But after showing them what I really am and a few deaths, they all got on board with it," Zathori says and I chuckle nodding my head.

"I didn't realize that they were that mean before. I never really believed the rumors, though after seeing it first hand I realize I should have been more influential with my people sooner," Zathori says with some guilt having not realized how much her people were doing things that most would consider evil.

"We all make mistakes, it is up to us to learn from them. Because making the same mistake is no longer a mistake but a choice," I say to her and she nods her head.

"So, Mrs.Talrit, how far into the pregnancy are you?" Zathori says completely changing the subject and taking Daenerys by surprise once again.

"My name is Daenerys, I am only a few months along now," Daenerys says and Zathori gives her a surprised look.

"We are both just as confused. Maybe the child will be born into their human form, with the ability to shapeshift from the start," I say to her and she nods her head while kneeling down in front of Daenerys and listening into her womb.

"Uhmm…" Daenerys says since Zathori is a very different dragon than most, then again her kind is the most social of all dragons.

"Your son is going to be quite the strong one," Zathori says after listening in on Daenerys's womb and taking everyone back with the statement.

"I am very attuned with nature magic," Zathori says and I just nod my head.

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