A True Dragon in GOT


AN: I am back and ready to go back to one a day releases! Hope everyone had a good week.


(Renly Baratheon POV)

When we arrived at castle black it appears that the battle was already over. Though we heard that Jon Snow left to meet the 'King' of the Wildlings to propose peace. Robb and I left with most of our army to march to the wildlings. As we came outside the wall, the wildlings began to panic since they saw our large army approach.

"Charge!" I give the order since we believed Jon to have been taken captive or killed since he was not heard from for several hours now.

When the wildlings were not paying attention I had most of my calvary sneak past them to place them in a pincher manuvor. Our forces met, with me fighting side by side with Robb and Loras. The battle ended very quickly as the wildlings had little to no armor and their weapons were very poorly made.

"You must be Mance Rayder, who I heard was once a nightswatchman. Shame that you betrayed your brothers and the realm to become one of these savages," I say as I look at these people who appear more beast than man.

"Fuck off southerner!" one of the men says with long curly red hair and a red beard. In response one of my men strikes him for speaking against me.

"Brother!" I hear someone say, who is Jon Snow from the looks of it, as he runs over and shares a brotherly hug with Robb. They talk for a few seconds catching up very quickly before Jon turns to me.

"Your grace, I know these men are normally the enemies of the realm. But there is a greater concern to us, the army of the dead is marching. We need to let them past the wall so they do not become dead we have to fight later on," Jon Snow says to me as I give him a confused and surprised look.

Robb gives his brother a concerned look, obviously not believing him. I though share a quick look with Osmond who gives me a discreet nod, confirming our suspicions. As has traveled North before and seen the army of dead, though he had to leave quickly since his instincts screamed danger to him. That was a very long time ago though.

"I see, and you have seen the army of dead with your own eyes?" I ask Jon wanting his confirmation since everything I heard about him speaks to his honor and honesty.

"Yes your grace," Jon says as his brother is about to speak up to reprimand his brother.

"Then, I will believe you. Though you will be the one in charge of dealing with the wildlings since you appear to know them and have a relationship with them," I say to Jon who gives me a thankful look, while Robb and everyone else give me a look of complete surprise.

"Your grace–" Robb starts to say wanting to suggest otherwise though I place my hand up stopping him.

"Robb, not now. Plus like I said this will be Jon's problem to deal with as he is a Nightswatchman and he has a previous relationship with the wildlings," I say as I begin to escort them all back to the wall where we all start to go through the tunnel again.

As we get back to Castle Black the nightswatchmen are very upset at seeing the Wildlings being allowed through the wall. Though I do not care, as I said it was not Jon's problem, and his now to deal with. Though we plan on staying for a bit to see the next election of the Lord Commander.

Later that day the votes having been cast, it appears Jon Snow won the Lord Commander position. Though unfortunately one of his first actions as Lord Commander was to execute one of his men for hiding during the fighting. After the execution, it appears Jon has won more respect among his brothers, but still is hated for allowing the Wildlings to pass through the wall.

"Mance Rayder you are expected to keep your people in line while we head south. Should any word be received that your people are harming any of ours, we will ride back to end you all," I say to Mance as we finally prepare to head back south to take my throne.

"Understood King Renly. I will ensure my people do not harm anyone, but that doesn't mean we won't defend ourselves if someone tries to harm us," Mance says to me and I just nod my head as we all march back to Winterfell.

Once we get back to Winterfell, we will reunite with our family before marching south. Our first stop was Casterly Rock, then King's Landing. So far no one has heard anything from the Martells, I can only hope they are still neutral.


(Talrit POV)

Our march to Braavos was relatively short and unimpeded. When we arrived the city appeared to have no resistance ready for us. A very small amount of defenders were there, which surrendered immediately. On our entrance to the city, I noticed that the Iron Bank has been emptied of almost all of its gold. Lady Sadridna was nowhere in sight nor was Viserys, Daenerys's brother.

My suspicions of Sadridna being a follower of Tiamat were correct. As she was the one who took the defenders from here, like the 'Golden Company' who are the most feared mercenary army. I traveled through the city, with Daenerys, Kinvara, Jorah, and Tyrion since he has been at my side wanting to ask me all sorts of questions. I see Tyrion stop and do a double take, as we all look to see him staring at a young girl maybe in her teens walking through the street.

"What is it?" I ask him and he snaps his attention back to me.

"She looks very familiar… Like I've seen her before… Arya Stark?!" Tyrion says as it seems he recognizes the girl making her stop and look back as her eyes widen. The girl then sprints away, as Tyrion stands here stunned.

"Is she really a Stark?" I ask since that would mean she could be important to me.

"Yes that was Arya Stark," Tyrion says and I nod my head teleporting to where the girl ran.

I appear in front of the girl as she was looking back to see if she was followed, then she runs into me falling to the ground. I reach down and grab her arm to help her up, but she pulls out a very well-hidden dagger and stabs me in the heart. Though I move just enough for the dagger to be planted into my shoulder instead.

"Fuck," I say as Daenerys immediately teleports to my side and her anger has increased to extreme levels. I can see the murderous intent in her eyes even though I am technically fine.

"Relax my love," I say as I grab Arya's other hand keeping her from doing anything else as I lift her into the air with her attempting to kick free.

"Enough child!" Daenerys says to Arya letting her true form leak through placing fear into Arya's heart.

"Valar morghulis," Arya says taking both Daenerys and me by surprise for several reasons. One that she just spoke in Draconic and two because that saying is the one 'faceless men' use. It means 'All men must die', basically death comes to us all regardless of what someone wants or does.

"I see… you are one of the faceless men," I say to her and she glares at me.

"No! I am Arya Stark as I am sure you are aware. I joined them for a bit, but left their group, though not after having to kill one of their own," Arya says with venom in her voice. At this point, Tyrion and Kinvara have caught up with us, as I place Arya down and remove the dagger from my shoulder handing it back to her.

"Please do not run, I just wish to speak with you. As you can see you can not escape even if you wanted to," I say to her as Daenerys is still glaring hatefully at Arya for attempting to kill me, even though all it would do is force me into my true form.

"It really is you!" I hear Tyrion say as he smiles at Arya.

"And you are a Lannister. I hate the Lannisters, most of them are on my list," Arya says as she turns to Tyrion with the same hate in her eyes. Tyrion just sighs nodding his head.

"I can understand your reasons, my family was never the most loved," Tyrion says to her and Arya just snorts at his response.

"What would you know? They executed my father! They attempted to kill my brothers! They have my sister captive!" Arya says with hatred and anger in her voice at Tyrion who just grimaces and nods his head.

"You are not wrong… though like you my family never cared for me… Well, most of my family never cared for me. They even tried to kill me, but my Uncle was able to save me before I was executed thankfully," Tyrion says with a heavy sigh, making Arya's anger and hate lesson slightly.

"So what do you want with me?" Arya says turning her attention back to me and Daenerys.

"Careful child, this is the Emperor and Empress," Kinvara says to her but Arya just ignores her statement.

"I just want to ask you, will you come with us? We are heading to Westeros soon, to take the throne of course. Though I promise I will not hold you prisoner, I just hope maybe you can talk some sense into your family to not go against me. As I do not wish to kill more than I need to, especially since an enemy greater than you all realize is gathering its strength to attack us all," I say to Arya as she stares at me with suspicion.

"Well like you said I couldn't even escape if I wanted to… So I doubt I have a real choice here. Though if you promise to let me speak with my family before attacking them if it comes to that, then I will come peacefully," Arya says and I nod my head.

"You have my word," I say to her and she nods her head.

"So you must be Daenerys Targaryen. I saw your brother in the city, he left with his new wife taking the golden company with them. It appears they are already headed to Westeros to take the throne. You might want to leave sooner than later to stop them," Arya says turning to Daenerys as she just glares at Arya still. I love my wife with all my being, but she can hold a grudge for a very long time.

"My brother is a fool and he is no brother of mine anymore," Daenerys says while walking away with the rest following us back to the estate that Sadridna used before leaving.

Upon our arrival I see the rest of our inner circle there, seeing Arya with us the Westerosi all give a surprised look. But after explaining everything to them they understood the situation.

"You know little wolf, I knew your father when he was a child. From what I hear he was the same stubborn and foolish man up to his death," Oberyn says to her as we are all eating making Arya glare at him.

"I know… that is why I won't make the same mistakes as him," Arya says with not so subtle threat. Oberyn just chuckles at it.

"I heard you were trained by the faceless men. I want to fight you to see just how deadly these 'feared' assassins really are," Tyene says to Arya who smirks at her challenge. While the two other daughters begin to argue about who gets to fight first.

"Ok but to make it fair, you and your sisters should all fight me at once," Arya says with the same challenging smirk on her face. As the three daughters of Oberyn smirk at her confidence.

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