A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

Arya stood across from Obara, Nymeria, and Tyene as we all waited to watch this fight. I can tell Arya is a very well-trained fighter, but at the same time so are Oberyn's daughters. Plus since Arya decided to use real weapons they have a huge advantage since they each have draconic steel weapons. Not only that but the sisters are extremely well coordinated with one another, they might fight with each other a lot, but they can fight alongside one another better than anyone else I have ever seen.

Arya stood across from them waiting for them to make a move, which Nymeria was the first like their standard fighting alongside one another. She began to whip at Arya who was doing her best to dodge her, while Obara kept Arya from getting close with her spear. Tyene moves around Arya to try to get the jump on her while the two older sisters kept her busy.

As suspected Tyene was able to move in as Arya was distracted though Arya seemed to be waiting for that as she moved out of the way just in time. While grabbing Tyene and using her as a human shield making the two sisters stop in their next attacks. Though Tyene used her great dexterity to break Arya's grip and escape the grapple. With the two older sisters moving in on their next attack.

This went on for almost half an hour as it seems Arya was a very skilled fighter. Plus as the fight went on she was able to read her opponents easier. Though at the same time, the Martell sisters were able to do the same. The battle became a draw, as they each became too tired to continue on after another hour of a stalled fight.

"Seems the faceless men are just as skilled as the rumors claimed," I say to Arya who is smiling at the three sisters who are smiling back at her for the great fight they had.

"They are… which is why should never hope to have them hunting you," Arya says to me as everyone just snickers making her give them each a confused look.

"Our Uncle is the strongest… being I know and the faceless men are no threat to him. In fact, everyone here could face off against him and he'd come out unscathed," Nymeria says to Arya with her sisters agreeing with her.

"Then, can we do that?" Arya says while eyeing me, with everyone sharing a look with me.

"Fine…" I say with everyone who likes to fight smiling at me.

"No magic!" Oberyn says as the people facing off against me stand across from me. I just nod my head agreeing with his statement. 

Oberyn, his daughters, his nephew, and niece, Arya, Jorah, Rokgar, Lilther, and Greyworm are all standing across from me since they wish to fight me. Arya seems confused at why everyone is standing across from me with very serious faces. Then I motion for them all to come at me, as I call out my sword but place a magical barrier on it to prevent it from cutting anyone by accident.

Oberyn and his family all charge at me, they all work together flawlessly. While Rokgar and his son support them, Jorah is trying his best to not hinder them. Arya stayed still waiting and watching this as I easily dodged and weaved through each attack from them. While parrying the attacks once in a while, Arya seemed to become nervous as I was keeping my eyes on her while easily defending against the onslaught.

"You've had your fun, my turn," I say while lashing out and hitting Oberyn in his stomach with my sword making him grunt in pain and knocking the air from his lungs.

I then turn to his oldest daughter while parrying the next wave of attacks, then kick her in the stomach also knocking her down. With two down in less than ten seconds, since I decided to counterattack, I move to the next people. I grab Jorah by the face and jump away while slamming him into the ground knocking him unconscious, I may have done him dirty since he annoys me slightly with his obsession with my wife.

I then throw my sword, with the handle hitting Rokgar in the head making him stumble back and fall to one knee. Arya is finally trying to help as I jump away from the next set of attacks while kicking Lilther in the chest sending him a few feet back and taking him down. I then weave through the next few strike while grabbing both Nymeria and Tyene by the back of the head and smashing them together making them fall to the ground in pain groaning.

The remaining four stand across from me while Arya seems to understand just how much I outmatch them. I then smirk at them, before moving faster than they can react. I punch each in the face making them fall to the ground groaning in pain. I stand in the area where we fought with the group groaning in pain, with only Jorah unconscious. Daenerys gives me a knowing look since I harmed Jorah more than the others, though I just shrugged. Casting a mass healing spell, they all slowly stand up with Oberyn grumbling about the defeat.

"Told you so," Nymeria says while rubbing her head checking for bumps it appears.

"I've never heard of or seen someone fight like that before… are you even human?" Arya says while laughing slightly even though everyone just kinda looks around awkwardly.

"I've had a very long time to get this strong and experienced," I say to her with a shrug while she just nods her head.

"In two days we sail for Westeros. We will head to Sunspear, so we can meet with your brother who should have gathered his soldiers. Then from there, we will march North taking Highgarden and Storm's End. Once both are taken we can move to King's Landing," I say to everyone while mentioning Oberyn's older brother.

"You will finally get to see your ancestral home," Oberyn says to his daughters, niece, and nephew as none have seen Sunspear in person yet, only hearing about it.

"Rokgar, I am leaving Essos in your care. Contact me should any unforeseen issues or major issues arise," I say to Rokgar who nods his head, as he will be heading back to the Golden City to rule from there with his wife and daughter. With Lilther coming with us to command the wyvern riders in Rokgar's absence.

"I promise to keep the peace and bring prosperity to the land, my god," Rokgar says to me while bowing his head to me.

"I know you will," I say to him and he smiles at me, as everyone goes to their rooms.

As the day comes for us to leave all the troops coming with me board the stone ships. The once five hundred thousand troops have dropped to around three hundred fifty thousand. As many needed to be left behind to help defend the cities along with patrolling the now new lands of the Empire. The remaining with come with me to Westeros to conquer the lands.

The journey from Braavos to Sunspear was shorter than the other marching trips. Since the distance was less and the ships could move at all times without any rest needed. As we arrived in Sunspear, Doran Martell was waiting for us and happily reunited with his family. It appears my healing has turned his health around as he appears to be a very healthy man and his son the heir to his house has grown into a fine young man it appears.

"Dorne is yours, my friend and Emperor," Doran says to me while kneeling to me along with all the men behind him and his son.

"Thank you Doran," I say to him with a smile as my troops begin to unload outside the city and set up camp before we begin our march North.


(Tywin Lannister POV)

The realm has fallen to shit and everything I had worked for, bringing my family into the power it had until this war started has fallen apart. All thanks to my family and due to their inability to see past their own selfish desires, placing the greatness of the family second to their own wants and desires. Everyone, except for my son and grandson has been nothing but a problem. I was almost convinced to send my daughter to Casterly Rock just so she could not do any more damage than she already has.

My grandson, Tommen was a very kind child and easily manipulated making him a great ruler for me to mold. Though my daughter was almost constantly interfering in this regard until I had a long talk with her and threatened her with sending her home. As for my son Jaime, he was removed from his position in the Kingsgaurd. Which was the only thing Joffrey did that was good before he died.

I was able to finally have Jaime become my true heir to my house, teaching him everything he would need to know. Though it took a lot of convincing to make him learn. Then the plans I had set in motion to deal with Renly and the northerners went up in smoke. Since my brother Gerion abandoned the family, taking Tyrion with him and apparently joining our enemy in the East.

"Father, are you sure this is the wisest plan?" Jaime asked me as he and I were going over the only plan I could come up with as we have very little left to our advantage.

"M'Lords, excuse my interruption. But an urgent message has arrived," one of my servants says to us coming into the room and interrupting the plans.

"Well! Spit it out!" I say slightly annoyed as the servant is looking at us nervously.

"Maester Pycelle has received word that the Empire in the East has taken control of Essos. They have been seen heading south to Dorne," the servant says as my frustration and anger rise to new levels, though I do not show it as I was taught to never show your true feelings unless necessary.

"I see… leave us," I say while controlling my feelings of lashing out at the servant. The servant quickly bows his head before rushing off.

"Father… our plan," Jaime says and I nod my head while pouring myself a glass of wine downing it, and pouring another to sip.

"Seems the Martells were never neutral, but waiting for their friend in Essos. This will make things much more complicated… We have limited resources, troops, and money. The Iron Bank was in Braavos, which the 'Golden Empire' now controls," I say while taking a seat at my desk and sighing trying to think of any way to come out of this on top.

"So… so what does that mean?" Jaime asks me as I give him an annoyed look for his idiocy.

"It means we are fucked!! Since the Iron Bank was taken, we can not afford to hire mercenaries nor convince any other Nobles to join us… Plus since the Martells have joined one of our enemies it means we are hopelessly outnumbered," I say while taking a deep sip of my wine as Jaime becomes more nervous.

"Not only that but since apparently your Uncle and brother have joined the Empire, they know a lot about our tactics and possible plans! It means we must abandon Casterly Rock and move all our remaining forces to King's Landing! Our only hope is that our two enemies kill each other or harm each other enough, for us to kill the remaining ones!" I say now letting out all my frustration onto Jaime who falls silent while pacing the room deep in thought.

"Though from what we hear about the Empire and it appears the rumors are very true. They have dragons! Not only a few dozen, but apparently a few hundred! We have no chance of winning!! We will send word to the Empire… asking for a peaceful surrender. That is the only hope for our family to live through this war," I say as I take out a piece of paper and ink to write my surrender to the Empire who will definitely win this war. Jaime stares at me in stunned silence.

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