A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

As we reached King's Landing my scouts reported that another army was approaching it, Renly Baratheon's army. My commanders began to shout orders while my army got into a position to fight. With the heavy infantry right behind the new and improved Unsullied army, with the heavy cavalry and light dothraki calvary becoming excited for the upcoming battle. While my wyvern riders began circling above us screeching as their battle lust rose, I left my wife and the other none fighters in the back surrounded by our best mages and fighters, while I rode to the front on the back of my horse.

The silence and anticipation in the air were extremely high, so much that the only sound was the breaths of everyone. Just then the war horn sounded and the drums began to play as I rode forward with my men quickly following behind me. The wyvern riders rode toward Renly's army, but then something unexpected happened a bronze great wyrm appeared. I couldn't sense them due to the amount of draconic energy in the air from the wyverns, my wife, and Zathori.

The bronze great wyrm roared shaking the ground, I was tempted to show my true form but held back instead and now used my magic against him. With that thought I teleported right below the bronze great wyrm which was in the middle of Renly's army. Then I cast 'Fire Storm' my strongest fire-based spell, which created a huge explosion around me. Instantly killing every person in a five hundred-foot (150m) radius and extremely injuring the rest in the thousand-foot (300m) radius of the spell.

The bronze great wyrm screeched in pain as my spell ripped into his side heavily injuring him. He looked down at me and then noticed I was also a true dragon, making his eyes widen while swiping at me. My army then reached Renly's crashing into it and cutting through them like butter, while I cast 'wall of fire' trapping the bronze great wyrm within it.

"A golden dragon… a very old one. Why are you taking the world?" the bronze great wyrm says to me while trying to crush me. In response, I cast all sorts of my fire spells at him wearing him down, until he shifts to his human form to make him less of a target.

"Because of the cult of Tiamat," I say to him as he is forced back into his true form and extremely injured on death's door.

"I see… I met a cult member but was unable to kill her at the time… from what we know she has gone to the very north where the cult lives strong," the bronze great wyrm says to me while struggling to stand.

"Surrender, I do not wish to kill one of my own. There are far too few of us anyhow," I say to him and he gives me a bitter chuckle.

"Will you spare Renly's life?" the bronze great wyrm asks me surprising me.

"If he bends the knee," I say while the bronze great wyrm nods his head, then collapses unconscious. I then release the firewall spell to see that Renly's army has collapsed very easily under mine.

The whole battle took not even half an hour and most of Renly's army was killed in my blast or slaughtered by my forces. While the few remaining surrendered. Seeing this I cast a few healing spells on the bronze great wyrm healing him. After the hour was up the remaining few men were captured, with Renly and his close group brought to me while the bronze great wyrm woke up and returned to his human form.

"Send word for Tywin to come out with his family if his earlier request still holds true. He has two hours to appear before me or we will storm the city," I say to one of my men as Renly, his wife Margaery Tyrell, Loras Tyrell, and the other members of his inner circle are kneeling before me. I just wait as I want the Lannisters here too, along with my inner circle.

"You can use magic also," Renly says breaking the silence as I wait for everyone.

"Better than anyone else. I am much older than anyone else in this world even your friend here," I say while gesturing to the man who is really a bronze great wyrm.

"He is the strongest of all true dragons, Renly. A golden dragon and most definitely a Great Wyrm and older than me," the bronze great wyrm says to Renly making Renly's eyes widen.

My inner circle then arrives, while I hear Oberyn's daughters, niece, and nephew complaining about how the battle ended too fast. Daenerys and Zathori give the bronze great wyrm a look while he looks at them with a surprised look seeing there are more of us metallic dragons.

"I sent word for the Lannisters to come," I say to my inner circle while we wait. With Olenna rushing over to her grandchildren seeing they are ok and hugs them. The Lannisters inside King's Landing then appear before the time is up.

"Father, sister," Tyrion says with a shit-eating grin while his father and sister come out with their prideful faces trying to look like they didn't just lose everything.

"Brother, nephew," Tyrion then says with a more heartfelt voice and look, to the only other two family members he cares for.

"Now that the only other people who are in charge of this land, my wife and I can now accept your full surrender. I also expect you to bend the knee or you will be bowing to the headsman," I say while one of my clan members brandishes his greatsword showing them what will be used in the beheading.

"As I said in the letter sent to you, your Imperial Highnesses. We Lannisters surrender completely to you and pledge ourselves to your service," Tywin says to me while he and his remaining family kneel to me and Daenerys.

Daenerys and I just smile at them with the same fake smile most nobles use. Though Oberyn and his family are smirking at them due to their loss. Tyrion almost wanted to gloat even more, but most likely burning this memory in his mind forever.

"Though, the new Lord of Casterly Rock and warden of the West will be Gerion Lannister, with Tyrion as the hier unless Gerion produces another male heir. I assume there is no issue?" Daenerys says as this was something we planned since Gerion and Tryion are the only Lannisters we trust.

"Your..... No, there is no problem," Tywin seemed to be about to say something as his face flushed red in anger, but held back.

"This is ridiculous! My father is the rightful–" Cersei says letting her anger out, but her father turns to her striking her face and making her go quiet.

"I apologize for my daughter's outburst your Imperial Highnesses. I will ensure she is… properly taught later," Tywin says while giving Cersei a look that promises pain later.

"No offense taken, now onto the remaining Baratheon, Tyrells, and Starks," I say while looking over to my recently beaten enemies.

"My son will kneel to you your Imperial Highnesses," Olenna says while giving her son a look that suggests he has no other choice. Mace looks to his mother and then to Renly, before to me and Daenerys.

"We Tyrells surrender completely to you, your Imperial Highnesses," Mace says after seeming to think about his options and kneeling to us.

"I have no other choice obviously… I Renly Baratheon retract my claim to the Throne and pledge my allegiance to you and your house," Renly says with a heavy sigh escaping his lips while kneeling to me.

"We northerners know when to fight and when to surrender… Like when the first Targaryens came with their dragons, we Starks surrender to the new Targaryens who came and conquered the lands again," Rob Stark says to me while kneeling, with Arya finally running over to reunite with her family, surprising them all.

"We accept your surrender, Lord Stark and Lord Baratheon. However, my husband is not Targaryen, but of House Gildorran. The House of True Dragons," Daenerys says to them while I smile at her since she is very close to giving birth any day now.

"Lord Renly and Lord Rob, you may rest here for a few days before heading back home. Though Renly there will be a force of my people at your keep and a leader among them to ensure you do not go back on your promise. Same for you Lannisters," I say to them and they all nod their heads to me.

"Lord Stark, I will be sending some with you to do the same. I know you northerners are honorable and stay true to your word, though I do not know any of you well, so I will still be sending some to make sure my Empire stays intact," I say to Rob who looks about to say something, but Arya whispers to him and he sighs nodding his head like he had a choice.

"Your name," I ask turning to the bronze great wyrm now that the formalities are over.

"Osmond, elder," the bronze great wyrm says to me.

"Come with me, as for everyone else. Time to turn this shit hole of a city into a real one," I say while gesturing for everyone to go on about their business.

"Tell me what you know about the cult," I say as Daenerys and I walk with our inner circle to the Red Keep.

"Not much… just that I met a cultist during a meeting between Stannis and Renly about a year ago now. They were last seen going past the wall in the north… while a large amount of free folk fled their lands," Osmond says to us as I go quiet thinking.

"I see… so it appears that cult is amassing their army north of the wall. Then once they are all together they will march south," I say while sighing with Daenerys squeezing my hand in reassurance.

"How long ago was this?" Oberyn asks while thinking too.

"About a month and a half ago, so I would guess they will be marching south soon. Maybe within another couple weeks or months at the latest," Osmond says while my inner circle and I share a look.

"I want all the Lords and Ladies, to come to the Red Keep. Tomorrow a few hours after breaking our fasts, we will meet and discuss the next plans for facing this army. It may appear we all will be marching North sooner than later," I say to one of my men who runs off to go relay my message.

"Send word to Rokgar, we will need more supplies here to rebuild this city and for the battle to come. I want these supplies here before the month is out," I say to another man of mine who runs off.

"I also want a few wyvern riders to fly north and begin scouting past the wall. I want to know just how far this army is and how soon it will reach us," I say to another man of mine who once again rushes off.

The rest of the way is in relative silence, as we all have small talk about everything that has recently happened. How we took control of Westeros and Essos, along with just how bad the city of King's Landing really is. Then we reach the Red Keep and finally enter the throne room, where the infamous Iron Throne is. Daenerys's face becomes contorted with emotions as she walked through the Red Keep then lays eyes on the Iron Throne.

"Sit," I say while Daenerys looks at me and then at the throne before walking up to it and sitting on the Iron Throne.

"Everything you imagined and more?" I ask her while smiling at her and our inner circle smiling at her too.

"Yes and no. A lot more uncomfortable than I originally thought," Daenerys says getting a chuckle out of everyone.


AN: Maybe the battle was a letdown to most but Renly was outnumbered and outmatched in all regards. The real battle will be when Tiamat's daughter and Talrit's army collide.

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