A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

It has been a week since we took control of King's Landing and Westeros in turn. With Daenerys wanting to make the Red Keep our seat of power for now. I agreed as we have more than enough time to wander the world and take another place as our own if we so wanted. I was currently in the war room in the Red Keep with the Lords of each great house to discuss our current plans for the huge battle coming sooner or later.

"Lord Stark, did you receive word from your brother yet? We need to know everything we can about the current state of the wall," I say to Rob Stark who is among the group. The group consists of Oberyn, Rob, Tywin, Gerion, Tyrion, Mace, Renly, and Varys.

"Yes earlier this morning, your Imperial Highness," Rob says while handing me a letter from his half-brother telling us about the current issues the wall faces and needs.

"Seems to be a lot of issues," I say while sighing at all the issues this Kingdom has been facing since the mad King.

"The fact that the people haven't risen against you all and burned this land to the ground is astonishing. Then again Essos wasn't all that better and worse in some cases," I say to them while some of the Lords grumble hearing me.

"Doesn't help when those in charge have no care for common folks," Varys says to me while I just shake my head.

"Are the recruiting centers for the wall going fine so far?" I ask changing the subject back to the topic at hand.

"Very well," Tyrion says as I placed him, Varys, and Rob in charge of that. I told them to do whatever was necessary to convince people to join the Nightswatch.

"Good, because from what my scouts say. We have maybe another few months at least or more at best before the cult begins their decent south," I say while nodding my head to their report.

"Money talks, as my family knows very well," Tyrion says since we are offering a hundred gold dragons per person who joins the nightswatch.

Which made an extreme number of men rush to join for various reasons. So far it seems we have recruited several thousand men so far. Which will help man the nightswatch, but they won't be all that well trained. However for now it is better than nothing.

"What about the reconstruction of this shitty city?" I ask them since my people have been using magic to reconstruct the sewer system in the city and change many other amenities needed here. Though it will still take decades to make it even close to what our capital looks like.

"No real issues there, so far," Mace says since he was placed in charge of that. As he was not a very bright man and with the guidance of my people was given 'busy work'.

"What about the men sent to the North? Are they making camp outside the wall?" I ask since I sent most of my army north to begin camping outside the wall, on our side of the wall. While helping the nightswatch, I left Lilther in charge of my men in my absence.

"We have sent most of our troops north, coming to about twenty thousand," Gerion says with Tywin nodding his head in agreement.

"The Tyrells have sent our remaining men north also your Imperial Highness," Mace says making another ten thousand sent north. Since most were killed or heavily injured, even our spell casters couldn't help them.

"I have very little left and could only spare around two thousand," Renly says to me and I nod my head in understanding.

"The Martells have sent all we could too, brother," Oberyn says to me with a smile and I smile back at him nodding my head. As the Martells had the most men left adding another fifty thousand men.

"The north has few left, though we sent our five thousand back home to help," Rob says to me and I nod my head to him.

"So we have about three hundred ninety-seven thousand troops not including the nightswatch… good," I say while having a feeling that it might still not be enough for this battle.

"Your Imperial Highness, do you really think the battle will be that large?" Mace says to me since his lack of intelligence makes him ask questions no one else would in his position. Though it doesn't offend me.

"Yes, I do Lord Tyrell. As the enemy we will be facing is nothing like this world has seen before. I want you all to begin heading there to help organize your troops. I want you all to have left by the end of the week," I say to the Lords who will be riding north, which are Tywin, Gerion, Mace, Rob, and Renly.

As Oberyn sent his nephew to be in charge of his troops, along with his daughters. Oberyn would be leaving with me when I head there, which will be later. As Daenerys is almost ready to give birth. The talks then began to move towards more minor issues and needs everyone wanted to bring to my attention.

"Your Highness! The Empress is giving birth!" one of my men says interrupting the meeting as my eyes go wide and I teleport to Daenerys immediately.

Appearing in our room, I see her screaming in pain as she pushes out our child with several of my clan members there helping her, along with Missandei. Daenerys seeing me gives me a look of happiness, anger, and pain as I rush to her side where she squeezes my hand hard enough to crush stone to dust. It even hurts me a bit surprising me.

"Fuck you!!!" Daenerys says while squeezing my hand so hard I thought she'd rip it off and giving one last push as our child came out.

With the sounds of our child crying, our child was a boy and in human form at birth surprising me though I can tell he is a true dragon a golden one, like me. The clan members laughed in happiness while casting a quick cleaning spell on both Daenerys and our child before handing our son to her. Our son stopped crying as soon as Daenerys held him as he instinctually snuggled into her.

"He is so beautiful," Daenerys says with a happy laugh as she kisses his forehead. I smile happier than ever before as I look down at our child.

"You're right," I say to her smiling at the two most important people in my life.

"What should we name him?" Daenerys asks me after we just enjoy being in the company of our child, with our clan members leaving all of us alone.

"Prince Marduk Gildorran," I say to Daenerys who thinks on it and nods her head agreeing with me.

"Marduk… I like it," Daenerys says while cooing at our son.

After a few hours of just enjoying being in the company of each other. Daenerys healed very quickly, while Marduk was placed in his crib to sleep. We then invited our close friends to come and see our son. Everyone practically fought over to see him in his crib, while asking me why he is a human.

"He is not human, he is a gold dragon like his dad," Zathori says to everyone who looks back down at Marduk in confusion.

"He was born in his human form for some reason… maybe due to being a quarter god… Or since he was conceived while Daenerys and I were in our human forms… I am not sure, though he can turn into his true form. Just does not know how yet, but we will teach him in time," I say to everyone who nods their heads in understanding. 

"Welcome to the fatherhood club! Once in you can never leave and we are here to forever be tormented by our children," Oberyn says with a chuckle while Ellaria rolls her eyes at her husband's antics.

The next few days my people celebrated the news, as word quickly spread. After they basically turned the city into one big festival, the Lords left to head north as I commanded. I decided to spend a couple of weeks here with my son and wife before heading north myself. Oberyn was the only one among the lords to stay with me.

By the two weeks, I had to head north with Daenerys almost coming with me. Though thankfully our son was able to convince her otherwise from coming. Since I was fearful for her life if she came, plus I'd rather have her stay with our son in case the worst case scenario I die fighting Tiamat's daughter.

"So, are we riding? Teleporting? How are we getting there?" Oberyn says to me as we are prepared to leave.

"Like this," I say grabbing him and teleporting us there, making us reach the location within an hour.

"Guess I forgot to tell you not to eat since teleporting this much can make you sick," I say with a laugh as Oberyn is throwing up once we reached the encampment outside Castle Black.

"Fuck… you," Oberyn says in between throwing up his breakfast. I just laugh it off patting him on the back and making him groan more.

"Take me to the Lord Commander," I say to one of the nightswatch as we walk to the opened gates of Castle Black along with a slightly sick-still Oberyn.

"This way your Imperial Highness," Rob Stark says as he was reaching the gates too, probably to see his half-brother as well.

"Word reached us of your son's birth. Congratulations! My son was born in the middle of the war and I remember that day like it was yesterday," Rob says to me with a happy smile thinking of his son's birthday.

"Talrit," Arya says as she appears from the shadows nearby making Oberyn jump slightly. Rob turns to his sister with an annoyed face.

"Arya! You can not talk to him like that," Rob says as we keep walking to the Lord Commander's office.

"It's fine Lord Stark, your sister is someone I consider a friend. Albit maybe not a close one," I say with a laugh while rubbing the spot she stabbed me making Arya roll her eyes at me.

"Yeah Talrit likes getting stabbed it's how he greets people back in his homeland," Oberyn says to me with a smirk while Rob looks confused.

"Arya stabbed him when they first met," Oberyn says clearing up the confusion as we finally reach the door to Lord Commander's office.

"Wait! What?!" Rob says while looking at his sister who shrugs indifferently. I just ignore them as I give a quick knock before opening the door.

Inside I see the man I heard so much about from pretty much everyone, Jon Snow. An average-height man with deep black hair all Starks have and dark brown eyes. Though, his magic was something I was not expecting. I could tell from it not only was he a Stark, but a Targaryen. Then my mind began to race as I tried to think how that was possible, then I realized how.

"You are the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark!" I say while everyone looks at me in confusion, especially Jon Snow.

"I'm sorry, but what your Grace?" Jon says completely taken away at our first meeting.

"Your father, I knew him. He… he was an interesting man, obsessed with a prophecy. So much so, he broke his original marriage between him and Elia Martell to marry Lyanna Stark. It was thought your mother died from an assassination or illness after your father died in battle. Though it seems she died from childbirth, bringing you into this world," I say while placing the pieces together.

"I…Are… What?" Jon says as he is completely thrown off by this information as is everyone, except Oberyn who seems to understand my logic as well.

"Shit… your right!" Oberyn says nodding his head after thinking about what I said.


AN: Sorry for not uploading yesterday, my job just 'asked' me to come in early. Last  second too.

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