A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

With all the men and my people here, the wall was very well-manned, especially with the new recruits coming daily. Their training was supervised by the nightswatch and my men to help fasten their training. The scouts sent ahead to watch the army coming, have been giving daily reports. Though we have lost a few dozen due to the magic users in Tiamat's daughter's army.

From what my scouts gathered, we learned they have over a hundred thousand orcs. Twice as many goblins and undead, with a few tens of thousands of humans in their army. Meaning they outnumber us two to one, plus with the undead it only makes matters worse. As they will be able to raise any of our men who die to fight as their own.

The orcs fighting for them even have giant catapults and other siege weapons, which explains why it has taken them so long to reach the south. As they knew they needed it to breach the wall unless the daughter of Tiamat decides to break it down herself. However, every passing day allows us to better prepare for them with each castle along the wall being manned and outfitted.

Several weeks passed since I first came here after leaving my wife and son behind. I was longing to see them again, however, I knew this battle coming would decide the fate of this world. Either I succeeded and the world would not have to worry about the cult ever again or I fail and this world falls to the cult dooming everyone. So personally I knew defeat was not an option, as did everyone here the more they learned about the battle coming to us.

"My god! The cult's army is a few days away now!" one of the scouts said to me as I walked among my men.

"Call the remaining scouts back. I want everyone here and them to be rested for the battle to soon come," I say to the scout who nods his head before rushing off to relay my orders.

"Call the commanders to my tent, we will go over the plan one last time," I say to another man of mine who then runs off.

The next several hours I go over everything we know and should expect while everyone listens and asks more about the plan. Then once I am satisfied everyone knows what is needed of them I dismiss them.

"Just remember everyone. This battle is not something we can retreat from. I hope you all fight until you cannot fight anymore. As if we lose today the whole world is doomed," I say to the Lords who are my commanders right before they leave.

"Very encouraging brother. Though we know," Oberyn says to me with a smirk in the beginning before turning serious.

"Then if we do not see each other again once this battle is over… I am glad you all have come to believe me and are here for this battle. The world will not forget those who have sacrificed their lives in this coming battle. That I will make sure of if we win this," I say to them all before they all nod once again and before taking their positions.

Then word is sent to the other castles that the army is a few days out and that the final preparations for the battle must be made. The next few days were extremely tense as everyone was walking on eggshells. Then as I was walking among my men trying to give encouraging words, the sounds of orc horns were heard. I then teleport to the top of the wall to look down at the huge army which expands along the whole wall.

"So it begins," I say as I look down and see the huge army with their siege weapons being prepared for battle.

'Where is Tiamat's daughter?' I think to myself as I try to sense her but am unable to, nor do I see any dragons. However, I knew she was in the army somewhere.

As the thought left my head, the cult army released their siege weapons which crashed into the wall shaking it and taking chunks of it down. As more siege weapons shot large bolts into the wall with thick chains attached to them. Then many of the cult armies began to use the chains to try to scale the wall.

"To arms!! They are scaling the wall!!" I shout while using my magic to break or melt the chains as hundreds of more ar shoot into the wall.

My men begin shooting our baristas down at them along with our catapults shooting from behind the wall on our side begin releasing. As I was running along the wall breaking as many chains as I could the wall shook again. This time I looked down to see a huge battering ram, which seemed to be burrowing into the wall. To make matters worse the cult army did not care about their losses, as they would come back as undead.

"This is madness," I say under my breath seeing their army die in the hundreds. To only be brought back to life as undead.

"Focus on the thing below!!" I say while gesturing to the main contraption with my mages who begin to shoot down at it.

I am holding back my true form until I see the daughter of Tiamat, as then I will go all out. She seems to be doing the same as me, waiting for me to show myself. Though for now, we should be able to hold them back long enough. Then word reaches me that East Watch has been breached.

"Hold! Do not surrender!" I shout before teleporting to East Watch.

As I arrive I can see that the men here have been mostly killed, as Stannis and some others used their boats to sail down. Putting East Watch into a pincer, with a huge hole being made into the wall which collapses making a huge way for the cult army to come through. It then seems the entirety of the cult army then begins to rush in their direction to go through the breach.

"I want the men below the wall to come here now! As for the ones on the wall to keep holding it!!" I say to one of the men near me who runs off to relay my order.

"With me!!" I say while charging the cult army breaking through and the men behind me giving their battle cries before following after me.

We collide with the cult army as I begin cutting and burning my through them. While constantly sensing for a draconic signature. The screams of death and the smell of blood fill the air as men on both sides die in droves. As the battle rages on for what feels like hours, all of the dead then begin to rise readding to the cult's army.

Seeing my men being pushed back slowly but surely and the desperation on their faces, it seems I can no longer hold back. I need to find that lich or the one who keeps bringing back the dead before they overwhelm us. I then release my true form, giving a roar that shakes the ground.

With a deep breath, I then release my fiery breath destroying the undead and several then thousand of the cult's army. While my breath also melts a bigger hole in the wall, though the ones I kill with my breath will not be able to be brought back as they are now nothing but ash.

This seems to have brought my men a few minutes of rest as the cult army pulls back. I then fly over the wall and begin to search for the master of the undead. As I fly over the wall, a dragon grabs me from above crashing us both into the ground. I feel pain as the dragon releases their icy breath onto me and digs into me with their claws.

I snap in their direction, bitting into their flesh making them stop breathing their breath on me and jump away from me. Standing up, I slowly being to heal though I can feel deep cuts and frostbitten parts of my body. I look over to see a white dragon that rivals me in size. From their magic signature, I can tell this dragon is the daughter of Tiamat.

"Cousin, here I thought you'd never show yourself," the white dragon says to me while grinning with a maddened look.

"Today one of us will die. It will not be me," I say to her while she snorts before releasing another breath at me. Though this time it is electric and catches me off guard causing me to be stunned by the electricity coursing through me.

She uses this moment to charge me and bites at my throat, though I was able to break my stun and move away in time. Instead, she bit into my shoulder while using her claws to dig into my chest. With a roar of pain and anger, I look down while releasing my fiery breath burning her badly enough for her to screech in pain before jumping away from me.

I then start releasing my fiery breath at her trying to burn her to nothing as she flies up avoiding me. I fly into the sky after her, only to lose sight of her due to the storm coming in making visibility almost completely gone. I then stay in the middle of the air while pushing my senses all around. I feel her come at me from above once again, I was able to avoid it this time.

So instead of her grabbing me, I grabbed her from behind and crashed us into the ground. Not waiting I go to bite into her neck, though just before I am able to kill her, two smaller dragons jump me tearing me off her. One is an ancient red dragon, Sadridna, and the other is the shadow dragon I met years ago, Nurvureem. Tiamat's daughter stands up while the other two growl at me, it is now three against one.

"You all will die today," I say with a growl as I release another fiery breath towards them all. Which they all manage to avoid by flying into the sky, though I fly after them.

This time I manage to not lose sight of Tiamat's daughter and bite her tail, making her growl in pain and anger. She releases a freezing breath at me making me release her before I quickly follow after once again. Then I feel two smaller dragons bite into my wings as I chase after Tiamat's daughter.

I do a barrel roll making them get thrown from me, though I lost track of Tiamat's daughter once again. This time I feel her come from below me as I brace myself and we collide with each other in mid-air. We fall back down to the ground at breakneck speeds trying to bite the other's neck. We both grunt and get the air knocked out of us as we crash into the ground shaking everything in several hundred miles.

We both then slowly stand up as we are now very injured though, I am more injured than her. However, just before her two lacks can interfere again, Osmond and Zathori finally came to help me. With Zathori attacking Sadridna and Osmond attacking Nurvureem. The daughter of Tiamat gives me one last crazed look before releasing her breath at me. This time a mix of electricity and ice, as I release my breath at hers to counter it.

Our breaths collide and create a huge explosion knocking us both back a few hundred feet. Shaking off the explosion I rush back at her, as she does the same. We both have nothing but kill the other on our minds as we meet each other.

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