A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

As we collided with one another we clawed and bite into one another. With our breaths slowly damaging the other, as time went on we both were becoming very damaged. My aggravation has reached levels I never thought before and my anger for wanting this evil to be purged peaked. With this thought, I released another breath at them though this time it was different. Instead of fire a beam of light, like the sun came out of my mouth comes forth. The beam melts everything in its path like it was not there, to begin with.

This took me and Tiamat's daughter by surprise as it hits her in the side burning through her. As a huge hole is made in her side and the beam continues on melting everything else in the next few miles. It seems this breath was one I could use as the son of Bahamut. Seeing Tiamat's daughter has fallen to the ground I walk over to her, though I am heavily injured myself.

"The cult dies today," I say to her as I stand above her with her blood leaking from her staining the snow a deep red.

"The cult never dies… fool," Tiamat's daughter says while coughing up blood.

I then grab her neck with my jaws biting into it she screeched letting loose a breath of ice and electricity in pain and anger. With one final tug, I broke her neck and ripped her head off.

Dropping her head, I let loose a stream of hot breath to burn her remains away. As I still had to deal with the undead now and they did not need a great wyrm demi-god dragon on their side. Though all the injuries I sustained did not allow me to fly as my one wing was broken, with heavy cuts and bites causing me to bleed a lot. Though my magic was able to stop the bleeding it would still take some decent amount of time before I was fully healed.

I moved as fast as I could to the wall where the battle still went on, on the way there I see that Zathori and Osmond have also killed their adversaries. Though it seems Osmond was the one who killed both, as he was just as injured as I am. Zathori was even worse off as she was limping behind him and both her wings were broken.

"The battle is not over yet. Though I want you both to rest and Osmond make sure Zathori is safe," I say to him as I move on with Zathori about to protest, but I give her a look that means no arguments.

"As you say elder," Osmond says to me while sitting down with a grimace due to his injuries.

I nod to him thankful for his understanding, while I rush back toward the wall. Reaching it I see that the undead are slowly but surely overwhelming my army, I then release several breaths destroying large chunks of their army. Just as I was about to release another breath of fire on the undead army from behind, I feel several things pierce my neck as pain fills me.

They seem to be magic ice spears that are able to pierce my scales meaning whoever threw them are extremely powerful magic casters. With a growl, I look around to see several undead sitting on horses in the distance with magic overflowing from them. The one in the center is the strongest and their creator as his magic almost matches Tiamat's daughter and me.

I turn to them and release my fiery breath at them, with each releasing spells to counter my breath. They are successful as the ice they release matches Tiamat's daughter with their combined might. Tapping into my demi-god powers I release another breath of light in their direction which they try to counter again. Though it tears through their attempt and the light consumes them all.

Just as the light passes over through them all the undead fighting collapse as their creators are completely destroyed. The very few remaining orcs and goblins fighting begin to flee as my men begin shouting in happiness for the victory. The humans that sided with the cult all died it appears, however, as only the orcs and goblins are seen fleeing.

I then release a roar showing our victory over the cult with Zathori and Osmond hearing my roar and releasing their own. We three then slowly make our way back to our side of the wall where my army is celebrating our victory. Over the next few hours, we gather the dead from both sides to burn.

After gathering the dead, we discovered that Mace Tyrell has died as he was charged with defending Eastwatch. The other lords survived the battle, with heavy losses on our side. Our almost four hundred thousand army is now less than half rought around one hundred fifty thousand left. My clan suffered extreme losses here but would do so again at my call as they view me as a god.

After everyone stayed in silence watching our dead burn, I began summoning food and drinks with Osmond and Zathori's help. Once we all gave our prayers to the dead, a huge feast was served for everyone. As word spread along the wall of our victory, plus word was sent throughout the rest of the empire letting everyone know we won.

The night was long and fun, as I returned to my human form though not without my heavy injuries remaining. I did drink some, but mostly I just wanted to rest in my tent. As I was resting in my tent Oberyn entered it. He handed me a drink as he sat next to me, with both of us just sitting in silence and enjoying it.

"So what's next brother?" Oberyn asks me breaking the silence after a few minutes.

"Next… next I will return home. Spend time with my wife and son, just enjoying the company of them. After that… I'm not sure, maybe Daenerys and I will stay here for a bit to make sure this realm doesn't fall to shit," I say to him with a shrug.

"What about you?" I ask him as he looks at me and nothing while thinking.

"I… I want to return home and spend time doing nothing. Like you said just enjoying my family. I've had my fill of adventure and battles, I just want to rest now," Oberyn says to me and I nod my head understanding his reasons.

"What about my question? Will you take my offer for an extended life?" I ask him after a few more minutes of silence takes over the tent.

"I've thought about it… and I have to say no. I'm sorry brother, but I want to grow old and then die while watching my family grow and have one of their own," Oberyn says to me with a sad smile and I just nod my head.

"No reason to be sad brother. I understand your reasons, though you will be missed when the time comes. However, let us not dwell on that and just enjoy the time we have left in this place," I say to him with a happy smile, even though I felt slightly bitter on the inside for having to one day see my closest friend die and leave me behind.

"As you say," Oberyn says with a smile as we go back to silence and just drink in silence enjoying each other's company.

The next few days after everything was cleaned up, with me, Zathori, and Osmond repairing the wall, we all headed home. Zathori and Osmond seemed to have hit it off, heading to Essos where Zathori would take her people. She and Osmond would try to turn them around to become more 'honorable' and 'kind' people. With the lords of Westeros heading back to their homes.

Oberyn headed back to King's Landing with me as his wife was there. Then after a few days of them staying there, they headed back to Dorne. Whereas I was immediately 'attacked' by Daenerys when we returned.

"Talrit!!" Daenerys says to me while wanting to tackle me in a hug, but can't due to holding our son. Though I do run over and give them both a tight hug as their presence fills me with happiness.

"My love, I am back. My little one," I say to Daenerys giving her a deep and passionate kiss, before turning to my son and kissing his forehead.

For the next few years, Daenerys and I stayed in King's Landing where Aegon Targaryen, Elia Martell's son was named King of Westeros. Though Daenerys and I stayed here to help him run the country and learn to rule, while also having a place for our son and now daughter to grow up among their only other blood relatives.

With time flying by, as another two decades came and went, Daenerys and I finally decided to finally leave everything behind. As we wanted to explore the whole world with no more responsibilities of ruling. Now that our two children were adults, in terms of human years, though still juveniles in dragon terms. We felt comfortable enough to leave them in King's Landing as we explored the rest of the world.

"Remember you can contact your father or me at any time and we will come right away," Daenerys says to our children as today is the day we will be leaving.

"I know Mother," Rhaella, our daughter who Daenerys wanted to name after her mother said to her.

"Good, and Marduk make sure to watch over your sister," Daenerys says turning to our son who nods his head.

"Mother! I am not a child anymore! I can take care of myself!" Rhaella says with some annoyance in her voice.

"I know, but anything can happen and I just want you both to be safe," Daenerys says while I place my hands on her shoulder to reassure her.

"They will be my love. Plus like you said we can return at any time," I say trying to calm Daenerys down while smiling at my two kids who smile back at me.

"We love you both and will return eventually," I say to my two kids pulling them into a hug before giving them kisses on their heads. Then I teleport into the sky before taking my true form.

Daenerys shares one last goodbye with them before doing the same as we both fly west of Westeros to see what lies beyond it. Daenerys looks back as we fly with a look of worry as we slowly see Westeros disappear from our view.

"They will be fine my love," I say as we fly next to each other.

"I know… But a mother can not help but worry," Daenerys says to me and I just nod my head as we fly in silence for a few hours.

"Maybe we should make another," Daenerys says to me breaking the silence and making my head snap to her.

"Uh…." I begin to say not sure what to say since we planned for this for a while now.

"Not right now… but maybe later," Daenerys says to me with a seductive voice as I just chuckle.

"We'll see," I say to her with a laugh making her smirk at me.


AN: The end of the Fanfic, I hope you all enjoyed it. I was going to continue my Underworld fanfic after this one. Though I will be placing that one on hold for now, as I am wanting to write one in the world of 'Modern Family'. Either way, I hope you all enjoyed the journey. As for the Modern Family fanfic, it will be out on 07/27, so look at my profile for it then if you want to read it.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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