A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapter 35. World of Wonders

"Humans... What an interesting species they make. They breed like Void spawns, lead lives shorter than most of the other races, and yet they somehow keep up with the rest of the Universe.

Is it because you can find them in pretty much every part of the known Multiverse? Or maybe because even some Old Ones take forms very similar to humans?

This we will probably never find out. However, no matter who you are, remember that humanity will always somehow find a way. So please, don't underestimate them and pay attention. Who knows, you might learn something from them."

~ Species of the Multiverse, Pre-Outbreak Edition by Eilana of Universe Prima

Rivers of dark blood flowed down the ground, spilling through the cracks of once whole asphalt road. Blackness slowly consumed the entire path as body after body fell, painting the crimson grass in monsters' ichor.

More and more Cursed Humans approached the man that danced between the corpses, his blades and claws singing through the air. Cut after cut, slash after slash, the monsters never stood a chance as Leo became a whirlwind of death, his strikes never missing their target.

For Leo, he might have fought for hours, yet deep inside his mind, he knew perfectly that when the last beast fell, no more than a minute or two had passed since it all began. That was the difference in power between him and the monsters that claimed the lives of almost the entire Earth.

Flicking his claws and bowie knife, Leo watched as even more droplets of blood dropped to the ground. Indeed in a matter of minutes, Leo probably spilled more gore than most humans saw during their lifetimes. Hell, with the flattened crimson grass and bodies lying everywhere, the scene around him looked even more macabre.

A grimace formed on Leo's face. I may have gotten a bit carried away. This definitely isn't how an assassin should fight. The beginning was alright, but facing five Cursed head-on? He shook his head. Yeah, I definitely need to wait for my class advancement and hopefully get something that mixes stealth and CQ fighting.

Sighing, Leo sheathed his knife and let True Stealth encompass his body once more. With the road cleared, he might as well drain a few corpses to get the timer into three digits. No reason to waste perfectly fine resources.

Not that I really need them at this point. Leo snorted, kneeling next to the nearest corpse. The body disappeared in a matter of seconds, so Leo took this moment to check the System's notifications as he worked.

Cursed Human x8 slain | No Experience awarded | 18 Ether gained

Warning! You have reached the maximum raw potential of your race. Please evolve as quickly as you can. No experience was gained from defeated enemies. Transforming the overflow of Essence into bonus Ether.

Ether received: 7

Better than nothing. Leo shrugged as a blast of wind swept through the street, carrying the remnants of Curset Humans into the wide world. Not a moment later, a pair of growls filled the air. And that's my cue to leave. No reason to linger; I got what I wanted.

Despite what some would have thought if they saw Leo fight this group of monsters, he really had a reason to do it. Not a good one, but a reason nonetheless. After all, unloading the building-up stress on some weak Voidlings was much better than letting it bubble for the next few hours.

Now, how to go about it? Leo mused as he backed off into the Nest's courtyard.

With the entire world changed, traveling on the ground wasn't the only option anymore. The limited spiderweb of Vetilim and Corcera showed another possibility, and Leo was a bit tempted to take it.

There is no way it will attack me whenever I touch it, right?

As Leo laid his cursed hand onto a tree half covered in Vetilim, he suddenly wasn't sure if this was the best idea. Indeed, he could fight off tiny tendrils of the living matter without breaking a sweat, but what if they struck when Leo had to stay hidden? Or when some flying Voidlings attacked him?

Yeah no. Leo tsked, taking a step away from the tree. Besides, it would limit my movement too much for now. Not enough standing buildings and trees here. Maybe when I get closer to the city center. Building density is much higher there…

Shrugging, Leo settled for the good old way of jumping over fences — or rather small walls now, thanks to the growing living matter —, and sprinting through mostly empty courtyards.

Yet, the further Leo got into the city, the more and more Voidlings decided to block his path. Hounds, Cursed variants, or other evolved animals stalked each corner. Two times Leo had to take a detour to steer clear of large groups that traversed the streets of Wolford.

He might have been okay with fighting against a small group back then. But now? Now, he would get overrun in a moment. There were just too many Voidlings everywhere.

And so his trek continued. Dashing through high grass and hiding in overgrown bushes as growls and screeches became a constant company. Still, with every step closer, it became clear that Leo wasn't as alone as he feared. Gunshots and human screams joined the symphony of the new world. Most of them far away, barely reaching Leo's ears.

Those sounds, no matter how horrific, pushed him forward, staining Leo's clothes with more and more dark ichor. The ruined world of broken warehouses slowly disappeared behind his back as the streets led him right toward the city's heart.

Half-collapsed semi-detached houses and small blocks of flats rose around Leo, their walls looming over him. Just like with the warehouses, the living matter of the Void spared nothing. With the increased assortment of buildings, it climbed higher, forming bridges and pillars.

One of those towers grew outwards, spreading like tree’s branches that culminated in a bizarre image of a flower. Their deformed petals reminded Leo of his cursed limb, while the spots of crimson in them resembled a swarm of flashing eyes.

They tried to lure Leo in with their unnerving stare, yet he quickly broke his gaze away and jumped into the backyard of the first house in sight.

What the fuck is this?! Leo shook his head, trying to wash the images of those blinking eyes away. He had seen a lot of weird shit in the past few days, but this Vetilim tree? It definitely took the cake.

I have to at least scan it. God knows what it can do if left unchecked. Nodding, Leo approached the back of the semi-detached house and slipped in between the cracked door. Complete darkness waited inside, and Leo quickly crouched, a pulse of Essence gathering in his hand.

The energy rushed into the wooden floor, a crimson wave instantly lighting up the entire corridor for a moment. As quickly as the pulse escaped, it returned just as fast, bringing back a handful of information.

One Voidling on the second floor and no weapons, no surprise there...

Feeding a bit more Essence into the veins of his cursed arm, Leo squinted at the now visible interior of the house, or rather what was left of it.

Cracks grew along every surface, inviting the dark mass of Void's material. Yet, even with the living matter spreading, the building remained bathed in darkness. Obviously, something was missing as no matter where Leo's gaze traveled, the crimson and violet of Vetilim and Corcera didn't appear.

Weird. Leo mused as he weaved through the debris covering almost every corner. He stopped before a stairway and grimaced as the entire construction squeaked heavily under his first step. I swear if you try to collapse on me…

Gulping, Leo almost flew up the stairs, his enhanced body carrying him higher like a feather in the wind. An even louder creak echoed through the air when his feet touched the first floor, instantly freezing Leo's body.

Second after second passed, and yet nothing happened. Maybe I'm worrying too much.

As fast as he could, Leo looked around, a frown forming when he spotted a large hole in the ceiling leading to the second floor. This was where the only monster lived, and if Leo's scan was anything to go by, it wasn't a Cursed Human.

Circling around the hole, the bowie knife slipped into Leo's hand, the Kiss of Death following.

With the edge of his weapon, Leo knocked twice, the bangs echoing softly through the entire house. An almost inaudible hiss responded immediately, sending a chill down Leo's spine.

Backing off, Leo slid into the only open room and hid behind a fallen shelf, just out of the reach of a single window. The hissing continued, followed by a soft skitter of multiple feet.

Shit, I don't like this.

Leo took a deep breath and leaned just a bit over his cover, gaze instantly landing on the distant hole, or rather what was crawling out of it.

Inferior Crawler (Voidling) | Rank: F | LVL: 7

The monster's six spider-like, yet human arms stuck to the ceiling, never showing signs of falling down. The beast stretched its head, bald and ugly, with saliva dripping off its razor-sharp teeth. It sniffed and hissed, the sound almost resembling a horrifying purr.

Holy fuck. Short and simple, but those two words perfectly summed up the creature's appearance. Hell, Leo didn't even waste a moment to hide again and summon the Bestiary.

Race: Voidling | Subspecies: Inferior Crawler
Expected Potential: F to E-
Weapon of choice: Jaws, Claws, Paralyzing saliva
Known weaknesses: Emaciated body, Weak bone structure
First evolution in the infamous line of Crawlers. Formed from children's bodies that bonded with the nearby insects during an Outbreak. Found mostly in abandoned locations where they can prey on unsuspecting travelers. They hunt alone with speed and precision unmatched by most Voidlings of the same ranking. Can be immobilized with one precise strike.

Goosebumps spread all across Leo's body. The Bestiary might have given him some valuable tips, but he could have gone without the part about children. The single piece pulled Leo's mind in a direction he definitely didn't need it to go…

Right, you are dying now. No other way to go about it. I'm not taking the risk that, somehow, even a tiny part of that child might still be suffering somewhere deep inside this beast's mind.

As this thought went through Leo's head, the shadows beneath him stirred, climbing into his palm. There, an unconventional weapon twisted into existence. Three connected, serrated blades formed, each facing in a different direction and attached to a rope of shadows stronger than any chain in the world.

Smiling lightly at his creation, Leo stepped away from the shelf and waited, his arm ready to strike. Second after second, breath after breath, the hissing grew closer, and then when the shadows on the ceiling moved, Leo moved along with them.

The slightly hooked weapon sailed through the air like a bullet. Just as Leo wanted, it struck the Crawler from the side, one of the blades stabbing right into the monster's flank. It hissed loudly, and Leo smirked when he gave the blade one command.


Essence surged through Leo's veins, rushing towards the shadow rope. The construct drank it all like a man starving in a desert. And when there was nothing left to consume, the Crawler released a blood-chilling wail as another blade of shadows burst from its other side.

And now.

With all the strength his muscles could muster, Leo tugged on the rope. The monster wailed even louder as its body went flying, only to crash into the ground with enough force to send a tremor through the entire house.

For a moment, Leo hesitated, almost fearing that the building might collapse. However, a pained hiss quickly brought him back to reality, and like a tiger, Leo descended on the downed Crawler, slicing its head off with a single strike.

Inferior Crawler slain | No Experience awarded | 4 Ether gained

Bonus Ether received: 2

And may you rest in peace. Leo bowed slightly as the Crawler's body faded to dust. With a sigh, he approached the only window and took a peek outside, right towards the line of buildings on which the Vetilim plant grew.

Crimson Mirage (Rare):
A Vetilim construct that many mistakes for another plant from the Void. Crimson Mirages form in high-density areas to provide high-ranked Voidlings with additional support. It possesses the potential to evolve into a Special Void Lifeform. Warning! Gazing into the Mirage's eyes can easily mess with the mind of a lesser being.

Well fuck... Like I didn't have enough things to worry about. Leo thought with a frown as he averted his gaze from the construct. Huh, what's going on there…

At the end of the line of semi-detached houses, a large group of Cursed variants gathered. Part of them scratched at the partially collapsed building, while others banged against the cracked entrance door like beasts possessed.

How the wood didn't break completely, Leo could only wonder. And well, one of his ideas seemed pretty possible considering his past encounters.

For the love of all that's holy, just please let them be normal. I really don't want to interact with another crackhead...

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