A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapter 36. Enemy of my enemy?

"Vetilim and Corcera. Those are the two most common materials that come from the Void. In appearance, the only difference between them is the color of their 'Bludveins'. One crimson, the other violet... Now when it comes to their purpose, things start to go in separate directions.

Vetilim always comes first. It is the primary way for the Void to spread over new territories. This living matter can go anywhere, and if developed correctly, it will evolve into advanced structures.

Now Corcera... This one is more complicated. While it can claim areas for the Void, it is also capable of so much more. Thankfully, those capabilities are rarely realized. Thank the Void for that, or some planets would have been in way more trouble..."

~ Study of the Void by Unknown

Leo kept his gaze locked on the group of Voidlings for a good few minutes. Like any other time, the monsters were relentless, not once even thinking of giving up on their assault on the ruined house.

The entrance door might have had something to do with that, as just when the beasts managed to push it by even an inch, the door would slam back right into their faces. Those Voidlings would then screech and growl before attacking again, jumpstarting the unending cycle.

Why won't you just escape through the back? Leo frowned, scanning each monster. If he really wanted to do this, then a complete package of info could save his life.

Two normals, a Runner, a Cursed Crawler, and three Hounds... A grimace found its way to Leo's face. Those numbers weren't bad per se. It was the variety of those beasts that stopped Leo from running towards the group straight away. Well, that and the almost dozen of other Voidlings that populated this street.

At least there are almost no advanced variants among them. I can deal with normals just fine... Now how to go about it?

Leo had already made up his mind that rushing in blindly wasn't an option. In the past, among the warehouses, he could always run away if things became too intense. However, the possibility of other humans being present in this situation made it much more complicated. After all, Leo's intention was to converse with them, not to flee and forget.

Running a hand through his head, Leo let out a long sigh. If I can take most of them out stealthily, then maybe I have a chance... His gaze wandered to the Blood Vein grass and Void's living matter, an idea slowly forming in his mind.

With the high density of buildings and plenty of trees on the sidewalks, Vetilim and Corcera had plenty of space to weave their web high above the air. If Leo used his affinity correctly, then he just might be able to clear some of the streets without ever touching the ground.

And well, once the high ground ran out of usefulness, Leo just hoped that his stealth and the tall grass would shield him for long enough...

Gulping, Leo nodded to himself. It was as good a plan as any. He didn't have any better resources, support, or time to figure out something better. Although a soft weight in one of his pockets told Leo that he just might be wrong about the former.

Only if things go to shit. Leo promised, patting the said pocket. No need to let the entire city know where I am.

With his claws and knife ready, Leo leaned on the windowsill, ignoring the pieces of glass grinding against his skin. Then, in a moment of distraction, his eyes strayed, and Leo flinched as he found himself confronted by hundreds of crimson eyes suddenly fixed on him.

Right, avoid freaky eyes no matter the cost. Even a single glance made my head hurt... Taking a deep breath, Leo climbed through the broken window and pushed his claws into Vetilim, which grew along the outside wall.

Military knife followed soon after, and Leo grinned when he gave the weapon a tug. Should be enough. Now just please don't attack me. Rolling his shoulders, Leo nodded and jumped, swinging his body to face the wall.

Shit. The curse almost left Leo's lips when his claws almost slipped out of the living matter. In a flash, he pushed deeper, clenching his hand a bit to get a better hold.

Okay, and now, up we go.

Leo alternated between his claws and knife, using each to propel himself higher up the wall. With each stab and grip, he closed the distance separating him from the roof. The smooth Vetilim proved treacherous under his feet, causing him to slip a few times, but his claws always held, ensuring his steady ascent.

Leo managed to grasp the edge of the roof after exerting one final effort. Then, with a final push, he reached the peak and rolled over the dusty, Void-eaten rooftop.

That was harder than I expected. Guess I'm not past the human peak in strength yet... Leo thought with a groan. Gonna need to put a few more points in Might in the future.

Pulling up into a crouch, Leo approached the roof's edge. His eyes danced across the street, burning the position of each Voidling into his memory. Once he had completed his reconnaissance, the muscles in his legs tensed, and after a deep breath, he leaped from the roof in a single fluid motion.

The unsupported flight didn't last long, and soon, Leo's extended arms tightly grabbed the nearest thick branch. He pulled himself up and rested against the tree's dead trunk, scanning his surroundings to ensure he had not been spotted.

Leo closed his eyes for a brief moment before opening them again. Alright, the first part is done. Now I have access to most of the street. Even as a kid, I wouldn't have a problem balancing on those…

And that was the truth. Vetilim's and Corcera's thick webs stretched almost everywhere from Leo's current position. Occasionally, the webs intersected with others, forming small platforms suspended high in the air. This provided ample space for Leo to work with.

But first things first. Leo thought as his gaze landed on a Cursed Human standing close to the tree.

Essence and shadows stirring, Leo once more directed everything into his palms. As the energy whirled across his skin, a smoky substance began to take shape, gradually forming into two identical, strongly curved blades. Each weapon had its own rope connected to the handle, giving them a unique and deadly appearance.

Leo smirked lightly. Yeah, those will do well.

Grabbing the handles tightly, Leo pulled his arms back, taking aim.

Propelled by his still impressive strength, Leo released the blades from his hold. They whistled through the air, the shadow ropes growing longer and longer, drinking his Essence reserves.

Leo twisted his wrists, causing the weapons to change their trajectory and arc toward the monster's neck. The blades flew true, slicing through the beast's flesh and severing its head from its body.

With a firm tug on the ropes, Leo watched as the monster crumpled to the ground, lifeless. Soon, the weapons landed back in his palms, and Leo's smile widened. Only a few days ago, such a feat would have been impossible for him. But now?

Now, Leo possessed the skill and dexterity of characters from works of fiction. And yet, it was only the beginning…

Time to get to work.

From one tree to another. From balancing on the broad Vetilim webs to jumping between the few platforms. Leo became a blur of action, his shadows spinning through the air, striking down every target in their path. Nothing was safe from Leo's deadly prowess... well, except for the mixed group of Voidlings waiting at the end of the street.

Those Leo didn't even dare to touch as long as they were other monsters wandering the road. The thought of slicing one or two of them crossed his mind, but it quickly dissipated. He didn't want to risk his already flawed plan even more, especially when there were still Cursed Humans roaming around.

But now, only you are left. Leo sighed as he observed the group from above. He was pretty close, lying on one of the few platform-like intersections. Most of my Essence is back, and I can't see any more Voidlings approaching... It's now or never. Fuck.

Leo had a few ideas of how to go about this. Yet, none of them seemed promising. Even though only two of them were level six, their diverse set of abilities could quickly turn the tables against him. He really couldn't think of a way to take down the Voidlings without sustaining some injuries, again…

I have to separate them, lure a few away from the house. Leo bit his lip, almost drawing blood. The Cursed Crawler won't go away. It is too close to the door, but the Hounds? Or maybe the runner? That's an idea…

Leo tsked, shaking his head. But how? If they spot me, then it's game over. Shit... I really need to experiment more with my affinity. I bet I can come up with more useful abilities given some time.

Sighing, Leo averted his gaze from the group. He could spend the next few hours planning without coming up with the perfect plan. Not that such plans had ever worked. 'No plan survives first contact with the enemy', and all of that.

Besides, I have a basic idea. I can come up with the rest later. That's how it always goes, anyway...

Shrugging in resignation, Leo pulled himself. And just like he did inside the Rift Passage, he clasped his hands together, leaving a small gap between them. Pure Essence quickly followed, and Leo held it tightly, guiding the energy.

Slowly, he lifted his cursed hand, gazing at the small sphere of light resting in his healthy palm. The crimson orb glowed with crimson flame, yet swirling inside this fire was a very familiar smoky substance. It mingled with the pure Essence, hiding as best as it could.

A grin spread across Leo's face. Better, a lot better. I love the ease of controlling an affinity.

Spinning around, Leo scrambled towards the nearest tree. He hugged the trunk where strings of Corcera hung in hundreds, giving him a perfect cover from the Voidlings. Then, with a surgeon's precision, Leo cut away the True Stealth around his lips and took a deep breath.

Let the madness begin.

A sharp whistle escaped Leo's lips in an instant. The sphere of Essence quickly followed, sailing through the air before it hit the nearest building. Its bounces echoed through the street, and Leo held his breath when screeches and howls joined the sound.

His ears rang as the chorus of monsters grew louder and louder. Despite the temptation to take a peek, Leo dared not risk his position. Even though they heard his whistle, the Voidlings had no way of spotting him. Leo had made sure of that with his carefully chosen hiding spot.

Come on, come on…

Just then, the sliver of shadow Essence inside the thrown sphere answered Leo's prayers. It screamed at him as foreign energy assaulted the orb, and Leo only gave one command in return.

Consume and destroy.

Instantly a howl, pitiful and loud, pierced the air, cutting through any other sound. It slowly shifted into a soft whine before dying out, just like its creator.

Leo paid no attention to the notification that popped up on the edge of his vision. After a while, he took a peek, eyebrows raising as he shifted aside the cascade of Corcera vines to get a better view.

The fuck?

Not too far from Leo's location, almost at the center of the street, a group of Voidlings gathered. Two Hounds stood in front of a Runner, growling menacingly at the humanoid creature. It screeched back, its ruby eyes flicking toward the area behind the canines.

There is no way, right?

And yet when Leo's gaze followed, the answer became obvious.

Resting behind the two Hounds was the final member of their pack. Its body lay lifeless, with myriad minuscule wounds adorning its head, from which blood seeped out in a macabre display. The crimson fluid stained the earth and surrounding vegetation, spreading like an ominous omen.

Leo's satisfaction with his handiwork, powered by over a quarter of his reserves, was short-lived. The two remaining Hounds finally got tired of waiting and pounced at their foe.

Bloody hell. This definitely wasn't on my bingo card for today...

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