A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapter 37. Slice and Dice

"Rift Passage is a very curious phenomenon. Some can exist for hundreds of years, while others die after a few days. And yet, despite all of that, their age means nothing in the face of the dangers we can face inside.

Whether young or old, every Rift Passage can become your tomb. You might think, 'If they're newly created, that has to mean that the monsters inside are weak.'

Wrong! Powerful Voidlings can be born in a matter of seconds inside the Void. So please, don't ignore the System's warnings and control your arrogance. It just might save your life one day."

~5th Lecture in Tariem's Military Camp

Despite their number advantage, the two Hounds didn't tear the Runner to shreds with their first attack. The humanoid monster was quicker, its clawed feet kicking up some dirt as it avoided the raging beasts.

Saliva dripped down the jaws of the canines as they growled and rounded on the single Cursed Voidling. The Runner snarled in response, taking a step back.

For a moment, Leo thought it would back off completely and run away with its life. But then, its head again snapped toward the fallen Hound, and Leo understood that even in the face of death, the Runner had no intention of giving up. And so, with a powerful screech, the creature lunged forward, ready to fight for its meal.

Good luck, mate. Hope you take at least one of them out. It would make my job much easier, that's for sure. Leo thought as the monsters clashed. Although you guys have already given me an interesting idea... Using a Voidling's corpse as bait. Why did I never think of it before?

Probably because Leo had never stayed in one place long enough to find out what would happen to Voidlings he didn't consume. And even then, Leo rarely left any bodies behind. No reason to waste resources that were just lying around…

Still, it could make ambushes much easier. Combined with the newly acquired Decoy, Leo would be able to create perfect assassination scenarios even in densely populated areas. He had to find a way to transport a dead body without physically dragging it around first, but the potential was there.

They will probably ignore the body once I show myself, but I'm still an assassin, after all. Leo nodded as howls of pain filled the street. And the Traveler mentioned something about creating storage inside my soul. Doubt it will be easy to figure out, though... Whatever, I can worry about it once I get to Nick's. For now, I still have work to do.

Leo's reflections might have taken only a moment, yet even in this short period of time, the battle below continued to escalate.

There were still only three Voidlings fighting as, for some reason, the rest of the group refused to acknowledge the brawl down the street. However, at this point, the two Hounds and Runner barely separated.

They laid in a heap, scratching, biting, and hissing at each other. Blood flowed freely while flesh was ripped from their bodies with each attack. The Runner was the most vocal, its mauled skin almost unrecognizable at this point.

Yet, even as the beast laid almost defeated, it didn't give the Hounds the satisfaction of victory. The Runner's crimson orbs burned with fiery determination, its instincts refusing to give up. And then it let out a guttural growl that sent shivers down Leo's spine. The Runner may have been outnumbered, but it wasn't going down without leaving a goodbye gift.

With whatever strength it had left, the beast's claws descended upon the Hound that was making a meal out of its torso. The canine squealed, trying to back off, but the Runner's claws held tight, digging into the dog's head.

In this single moment, Leo almost cheered for the Cursed creature. A one-for-one trade was better than nothing. However, it was not meant to be, and just as the Runner was about to finish off its adversary, the second Hound changed tactics from standard biting.

With a rage-filled growl, the canine stomped on the Runner's head. Only to do it again and again, slowly denting the Cursed monster's skull and freeing its kin.

The newly freed Hound whined pitifully, hobbling away from the Runner as its snout rained blood upon the earth. A second later, the beast collapsed, its chest heaving up and down.

Almost dead, Leo noted before his gaze went to the fallen Runner. Not bad for a two versus one.

At this point, the Runner's body barely twitched. Its remaining crimson orb gazed up at the Hound above it, but the eye was lifeless and unfocused, glazed over with death.

Even then, the healthy Hound showed no mercy, and after a victorious howl, it dug into the Runner's neck, ripping it apart with each bite. The Cursed monster let out one last wailing cry before the remaining fire in its eye was doused, never to come back.

And that's my cue.

Out of sight, Leo slid down the tree, letting the crimson grass consume him as he touched the ground. In an instant, the military and bowie knives jumped into his hands, the black glow of the Kiss claiming them shortly after.

More than ready, Leo glided through the tall grass, shadows almost stirring underneath as Essence answered his call. It spread everywhere, and Leo grinned slightly when he felt his muscles warm up and come alive, ready for whatever lay ahead.

Reinforcement. Valron Coverage.

Like an arrow, Leo shot toward the center of the street. The power of the soul fueled his every move, and in a matter of seconds, he pushed past the grass and flew into the battlefield. In the corner of his vision, Leo noticed the injured Hound stirring, but he paid it no mind as the other beast grew closer.

The healthy canine only had eyes for the fallen Runner as it feasted upon the monster's flesh. It stood no chance when Leo pounced on the beast's back and slid his knives right into the Hound's brain with unmatched speed.

Such a short-lived victory. Leo almost snorted as the canine collapsed. Within a blink of an eye, he was on the move again, claiming the life of the last Hound.

The notifications came just as expected, and Leo quickly dismissed them all as he disappeared into the grass again. While he doubted that the other Voidlings even noticed the disappearance of their kin, it didn't mean Leo could slack off. He had a plan, or rather something akin to a plan.

Shadows stirred again, this time directly answering Leo's call as he sheathed one knife. A familiar three-bladed weapon formed on his cursed palm, posed to strike.

Cursed Crawler might have come from a completely different evolution line than its Inferior cousin, but it didn't mean Leo couldn't use the same weapon to take the monster down. After all, it worked quite well previously.

Armed and ready, Leo stopped some distance away from the final semi-detached house, his target. Even though the group of three Voidlings didn't notice him yet, Leo understood that stealth wouldn't be an option as soon as the weapon of shadows left his hand. A fact he was perfectly fine with if the Cursed Crawler died quickly.

Leo took a deep breath and lowered the supply of Essence into Reinforcement. Let's do it.

Within a blink of an eye, Leo's weapons switched hands. The triple blade left them just as fast again, ripping through the air, right towards the Cursed Crawler, who still hadn't given up on the barely standing entrance door.

Leo was already on the move even as a screech left the Crawler's lips when the weapon embedded itself in its back. He tugged sharply on the shadowy rope as Essence surged through it, ready to exact the same fate on the Crawler as it did to its Inferior kin.

Yet, before the energy could finish the trip, the Crawler turned and slashed at the rope with its claws.

Leo's eyes widened as the shadow constructs faded, along with the Essence he had just sacrificed for the attack.


As much as Leo wanted to ponder what had just happened, there was no time for that. The Crawler quickly closed the remaining distance between them, claws descending.

The long bowie knife in Leo's hands met the assault in a shower of sparks. A grunt escaped his mouth as the claws pushed harder, digging slightly into the steel blade.

How... Leo trailed off as he caught sight of the faint violet glow emanating from inside the Crawler's claws. He had missed it before, but now, standing so close, it was impossible to dismiss the unnerving light. Especially when none of the monsters Leo had fought in the past possessed a feature like this.

Growling, Leo deflected another slash to the side and backed off as two notifications snapped into existence in the corner of his vision. Evidently, the System knew something and just had to reveal it at the worst moment possible.

Fuck, not now! I can kill it even if it is slightly stronger than I initially thought. Of course, just to prove Leo wrong, two screeches came from his left. I hate my life…

Even as Leo sidestepped another attack from the Crawler — who, at this point, was using the Vetilim vines and other obstacles to move around quicker — his gaze darted to the side for a moment. And indeed, the two Cursed Humans were approaching, fast.


Barely a few seconds passed before the Voidlings descended upon Leo like a swarm. Their sharp fingernails and claws snapped at him as soon as they got close, but Leo dived out of the way each time, starting a dance that had become quite familiar to him during the last few days.

Alright, normies first, Crawler after. Leo pushed even more Essence into Reinforcement, finally feeling the burning in his muscles. And System, Limit Break to…

Whatever plans of activating Limit Break Leo had a moment ago, they were thrown away like trash when the broken entrance to the house snapped open with a bang. Not even a second later, two people emerged from the building, their appearances as different as night and day. Well, except for their clothing, the apocalypse had spared no one from tattered and dirty garments.

As much as Leo wanted to get a better look at the duo, the Voidlings were as relentless as any other day. He quickly rolled away as the beasts tried to tackle him again, but before he could stand up again, a gruff voice reached his ears.

"Stay down a bit longer!"

Leo, against his better judgment, dived towards the ground again, ready to send Limit Break into overdrive at a moment's notice. After the mad woman, he would rather be prepared for anything.

Obviously, Leo hadn't needed to worry as, almost instantly, the three monsters were knocked away from him by a wave of invisible force. The beasts tumbled on the ground, and Leo pounced, Essence bringing his body past its limits.

With one blade of shadows and the other of steel, Leo sliced through the trio without mercy. The Crawler was the first to perish, its demise brought on by a deep cut across its neck that almost severed the head. The two Cursed Humans fell just as quickly, a quick stab into their eyes extinguishing their ruby glare.

Cutting off Reinforcement, Leo withheld a groan threatening to escape his lips, and without rising from a crouch, he turned to the human duo.

On one end stood a tall man, probably in his mid-thirties. His brown skin was matted by dirt and dried blood, and the less said about the state of his long black hair, the better. Although Leo's probably wasn't any better, so there was that.

However, despite all this, it seemed the man didn't have an ounce of fat or muscle on his frame, making him appear more frail than powerful. Still, he held himself well enough, or he would have been if not for the wooden staff that the man used to support his shaking legs.

So this is the mage. That Essence push must have taken a shit ton out of him if he is barely standing now... Leo thought as his gaze shifted to the second person.

Maybe a head or so shorter than the other, this man was younger, probably around Leo's age. Just like his companion, the man's pale skin wasn't spared from the wonders of a post-apocalyptic world, only here Leo easily spotted a few wounds that still hadn't closed.

So a mage and a warrior. Not a bad combination. Leo noted as he silently watched the short sword held tightly in the younger man's hand. He was clearly prepared to act if Leo became hostile, or perhaps they were just concerned about his cursed arm. Which, based on their wandering eyes, was most likely the case...

Of course it is, Leo scoffed internally. Whatever, let's see what I'm getting into.

Awakened Human | LVL: 5

Awakened Human | LVL: 6

Huh, that's not much. Only race and level. Shit must work differently on survivors. Pity I never used Identify on the Traveler... Leo sighed lightly before putting an easy-going smile on his face. His hands slowly rose into the air, and he stepped forward.

Time to make introductions.

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