A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapter 38. Hope

"Voidlings and the System... To be honest, we don't know how this partnership works; we just know it exists. However, there is a question we all want to be answered. No, a question that has to be answered once and for all!

If the System is here to help us survive, then why does it still assist the monsters that hunt us?! Why is it strengthening the Akirians of Ediovr when those demons only slaughter our families?! Is it some part of a greater plan of the entity we can't even understand?"

~Part of Master of Knowledge's last speech, Ger

Leo didn't even finish putting his foot down before the duo tensed. The taller man straightened up, the staff in his hands ready to whirl into action. In the warrior's case, the movement was negligible, yet the sword pointed in Leo's direction said a lot by itself.

Leo stopped the roll of his eyes as he paused his approach, keeping his hands in the air. For people that had just assisted him, they sure were suspicious. Although Leo couldn't really blame them, he had watched enough post-apocalyptic movies and shows to know that an ally could become an enemy in a blink of an eye.

Dear god, I had never thought I would be comparing those types of movies to real life. Leo almost snorted. This world is a mess... Whatever, let's get this show on the road.

Keeping a smile on his face, Leo spoke up, nodding toward the weapons pointed at him, "There is no need for that, gentlemen. You probably saved me from some nasty injuries and empty reserves. I would have to be a right bastard to just attack you after that. Besides, as you can see, I'm unarmed."

Despite the tense situation, the last comment earned Leo a snort and a raised eyebrow from the younger guy as his eyes darted to the cursed arm.

Leo shrugged lightly, "Not much I can do about it. Name's Leo Hale, by the way."

"The local reporter?" The warrior blurted out, his eyes lighting up just a bit.

A chuckle escaped Leo's lips, hoping to defuse this situation further. They were standing in the middle of a fucking street, for Void's sake. Sooner or later, more Voidlings would come, and Leo really didn't want to fight another small army now.

"Right in one, not that it means much anymore," he finally confirmed. "Now, I know that my arm doesn't look too friendly, but the System got it under control. I'm still a human like you, just with a bit extra added thanks to the Outbreak."

The mage, who had finally gotten his breathing under control, nodded and lowered his staff, the warrior following soon after. Although their postures were anything but relaxed.


"Apologies, mate. I'm Dylan, and this is Tyler," the older man with the gruff voice said, motioning to his companion. "The last few hours have been rough, so we are still on edge. Besides, your appearance doesn't really help. No offense."

This time Leo snorted. He could only wonder what he currently looked like to other people. A deranged maniac coated in blood with an arm of a demon? A psychopath on his way to slaughter the entire town that accepted a deal from the devil?

Fucking shit, I really need to somehow clean myself and change those clothes. I wonder if anything inside my bag is still usable…

"None taken," Leo waved them off. "There are better things to worry about nowadays than appearances... Like getting the hell away from the middle of the street."

"Aye, you might be right there, mate," Dylan sighed. "Come on, let's get inside; then we can talk. We have left Laura alone for long enough."

"Laura?" Leo asked as they all approached the house from which the duo came out. He lowered his hands, even though it was obvious by the constant staring that Leo was far from trusted. Understandable, even though deep down, he couldn't help but be a bit annoyed. After all, Leo cleared this street to help them out.

How much one arm can change. This is gonna be a pain once I evolve.

"My cousin," Tyler muttered, the previous spark in his voice suddenly gone. "We had a run-in with some weird Voidling when the sun rose. It hit Laura once before legging it. Bloody wanker got her good, and now she can barely stay awake."

Hit and run Voidling? Now that's something new. Wonder if any of them have Bestiary.

"Tyler!" Dylan growled out harshly and stopped at the entrance to the building.

"What?!" The younger man shot back with as much fire, his fists visibly tightening. "How does it help if I lie? Laura's inside anyway. Bloody hell, you saw what happened outside! There's not much we can do against him, and we need help, Dylan. Laura needs help."

Just when the mage was prepared to retort, Leo stepped in. "Alright, you two, calm the fuck down. We don't need the entire city to know we are here. And yeah, I could probably take the two of you out, but I didn't go out of my way to clear the entire street just to kill you. I'm not a fucking murderer."

Even as Leo said it, his mind flashed to the moment in the forest shack. The place where he took his first human life. It was a mercy, Leo. He begged you. Let it go.

Leo shook his head just in time to see the duo's posture slump slightly, almost as if chastened. Yet, a moment later, Tyler scowled at Dylan and shouldered past him, a whisper on his lips. "See?"

Well, there is that.

"Sorry about that, mate. Just trying to be cautious," Dylan finally spoke up, running a hand through his dirty locks. They stopped in the house's corridor, and the man pushed a bookshelf to cover the entrance. "Bloody apocalypse is taking its toll on everyone, and with Laura's current condition, it's even worse..."

Leo raised his hand, stopping Dylan before he could continue. "Don't sweat it, man. I would have acted the same in your place. This world is unforgiving. One mistake, and you are food for those stronger than you."

"Fucking hell," Dylan sighed, leaning against the corridor's wall. "Thanks for being understanding. Tyler... Tyler had always been emotional. I had known his family for over ten years, neighbors, you know. When the world went to shit, I was lucky to escape with him and Laura, but we left everything behind. I didn't have anyone, but the two of them? Entire family lost in a matter of seconds. And now, with what happened to Laura..."

"I understand," Leo quickly cut in. "I understand perfectly."

Lily's babbling and Nick's tired but amused eyes immediately came to mind. If any of them were here with him, Leo would have done anything to keep them safe. Just like there was nothing that could stop him from finding them.

"Ah, I see," Dylan nodded but didn't try to pester Leo for information. A fact he was more than grateful for. "So, Tainted Human and level ten, eh? Must have been some tough shite, especially going it alone."

Leo snorted. "That's putting it mildly. The beginning was hard enough, and after the second Cataclysm, you can barely recognize that we are on Earth. Although this new iteration of the world has its own charm, in a bleak and exotic sort of way. Definitely helps with sneaking around."

"Assassin?" Dylan quirked an eyebrow.

"Yeah," Leo nodded. "It seemed like a good choice for a world full of monsters. I definitely didn't regret my choices. And you? Mage?"

"Aye," the man answered with a grimace. "Can't say I took this entire introduction seriously... So when given a choice, I let my inner child out and went with the magic option. Not the best decision in hindsight, but it's not all that bad, especially with two others to lend a hand."

Why am I not surprised? It was obvious that not everyone would have believed the introduction.

"I had learned that as long as it works and helps you survive initially, then it doesn't really matter," Leo shrugged. "During the introduction, the System said as much. You can learn almost anything as long as you work hard enough. My abilities might focus on stealth and surprise attacks, but nothing stops me from learning more about Essence manipulation."

"I guess you had taken everything seriously from the beginning," Dylan stated more than asked.

Leo clenched his cursed hand and muttered, "That's right." Before he could be dragged down by another painful memory or depressing thought, he posed the question. "Can you tell me how long it's been since the second Cataclysm began? On my way here, I got caught up in some shit, and it messed up my sense of time."

Dylan frowned, obviously not expecting this kind of question. "Three full days, mate. We are closing in on six days since this complete shite has begun."

So just like I feared. Two and a half of a day wasted. Leo closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and looked at Dylan again. "Thanks."

"Nothing to thank for," the man grinned. "Anyway, I don't wanna come across as pushy, but now that you've sorted the street out for us, are you planning on going solo or fancy joining our little group? Tyler had a point earlier. With Laura's condition, we could really use some help."

Leo didn't answer immediately. He had his own plans, plans that had already waited long enough. I guess I could go to Nick's house and bring them here. I might be strong, but I don't know if I can keep them safe alone...

"I guess there is no harm in joining. I just need to do one more thing before that," Leo told him. "My brother lives with his family not that far away from here. I have to go there. I must find them even if that's the last thing I do."

"That's... that's probably for the best," Dylan nodded, and Leo hated the pitying look the man gave him. "It should also give Laura enough time to recover a bit. And when you return, we can all head over to the other group together, eh?"

Leo froze, "Other group?"

"Aye," Dylan said, his expression turning serious. "There's another group of survivors near the old trainyard. We heard from a bloke who passed through here that they've got a safe place to stay and supplies. It's a risk, but we plan to move as soon as we can. A bigger group might be our only chance to survive."

Leo furrowed his brow. Wait what? Someone is running around the city, spreading the word about a safe house? Seeing no other option, he voiced his question.

"The lad didn't stay long, but he was bloody fast. Assassin like you, just more focused on legging it than fighting," Dylan recounted, and despite his gruff tone, the hope in his words shone through.

"He told us that the group formed just after the Outbreak," the man continued. "Now, after the second Cataclysm, three of their Assassins are running around the city, trying to find any survivors and give them directions. Bonkers, I tell you, but I couldn't be more glad. They just might be the reason why we all will survive."

Bonkers isn't the word I would use, but yeah, can't disagree here. Fucking hell, they must be pushing everything into Grace and Might to move that fast. A smart thing to do if they want to survive their runs, but in the future? Shit might bite them in the ass.

Leo nodded finally after a longer period of silence. "Strength in numbers."

"Exactly, mate. So what do you think?"

Leo let out a small laugh, the flame of hope suddenly burning brighter in his chest. "I say that as soon as I come back with my family, we go. I can scout the place before we enter, just in case, but I don't see a reason to dismiss this."

Dylan grinned widely, "And that's what I like to hear. Now come, let me introduce you to Laura before you leave. She should be awake by now."

With that, the man walked down the corridor and turned into an open door. Leo watched him before following with a shake of his head. This meeting definitely went better than his last encounter with a human.

Not all is lost.

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