A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapter 58. Changes

"Nightmares belong to the Night, to the darkness. Voidlings that embraced the power of the dark might have become stronger, sometimes unstoppable, but they will never see the light of a star again if they wish to live. It is the price they will pay until their dying breath, and not even the System can change that.

Beware of the Nightmares that stalk the Night, my young friend, for they will never leave you alone once they spot you in the darkness. They will pursue you for as long as they can, and sometimes, they will dare to risk the searing burn of a star to finish off their prey, even if it means their death..."

~Conversation between a master and a student, Uncharted Lands, 57th Outbreak

As Leo's request reached the System, an onslaught of notifications flooded his vision. However, before they could completely drown him, he selectively pushed most of them aside, allowing the messages to filter in gradually. He had learned the hard way not to grant the System unrestricted control — it only led to unnecessary headaches.

No need to add any more suffering for my mind to bear. Leo grimaced, feeling the aches coming from all over his body. Devouring the two policemen might have healed his worst injuries, but he was far from fully recovered.

Gonna need to drain a few Voidlings on my way back. I will need this strength in case everything goes to shit... After all, who knew how his group would react to his very friendly appearance.

Leo snorted and shook his head, focusing on the text hanging in front of him. I can worry about them later. For now, let's see.

Awakened Human (Ranger LVL: 6) slain | Experience awarded | 34 Ether absorbed

Awakened Human (Warrior LVL: 7) slain | Experience awarded | 46 Ether absorbed

Leo's eyes grew wide. He expected some Ether from the dead duo, but nothing like this. Although, in hindsight, he probably should have expected something similar. There was, after all, a major difference between notifications when he killed other survivors and Voidlings.

Absorbed instead of gained. It was the same with the man in the shack, but I had completely ignored it back then... Leo's mind flashed to that day, to his first human kill. Now he had two more to add to his list.

Don't go there again. Focus on what's important. He scowled. Hopelessly trying to make himself feel bad about the policemen's death would help no one. Not that it worked anyway…

Killing survivors apparently absorbed some — if not all — of their Ether instead of providing an already determined amount from the System. While a welcome surprise in this case — more Ether could never be bad — this new information could create many problems later on. If it didn't already.

It is only the beginning, and Ether has already shown many different uses. And I bet I didn't even scratch the tip of the iceberg. Leo sighed, looking at his own Ether counter that appeared in the corner of his vision.

Ether: 97

The more you have it, the better. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if survivors started killing each other to gather more as fast as they could. Humans are violent and greedy creatures, after all, and I doubt anything has changed in the face of extinction.

Perhaps it was a grim perspective, but Leo couldn't help but acknowledge its truth. People were killing each other long before the Outbreak due to greed and various other factors. Now add to that the dangers of this new world, and he could only imagine the lengths some would go to ensure their survival and accelerated growth.

The only positive in this entire mess was the fact that no one knew how much Ether other survivors could provide until they killed someone. Not exactly something to be happy about, but it was still better than nothing.

And apart from self-defense, I doubt most people would actively try to kill others. But after this information becomes public knowledge? Yeah, then shit will truly hit the fan, as they say…

His own mind drifted to the trio waiting for him. While they seemed like a good bunch, Leo couldn't possibly know how they would react if they knew what he did. The same applied to any other survivor as, in the end, survival was all that mattered. How other people wanted to achieve it depended wholly on them.

I just hope it won't become a bloody battle royale between the living... Leo finally dismissed the kill notifications and brought forth the next ones. He could worry about people slaughtering each other later.

Progression blockade disabled. May you flourish and reach new heights, User.

Level 11 reached. Class and Racial attributes have been distributed. Please assign your 3 free attributes.

Wait, what? Already? Leo blinked, rereading the notification to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. It just didn't make any sense. Either my experience gain wasn't as locked as I thought, or somehow, those two gave me an entire level.

Leo really, really hoped it was the former. If the death of two, level six and seven, survivors could fuel his growth so much, then Ether wouldn't be the only incentive towards killing other people. Attacking others on sight could quickly become a norm if that was the case.

I would love to pick your brain right about now, Nikra... Leo called out, not even caring about the fact that he was once again trying to depend on the Old One's knowledge. This issue could easily escalate the bloodbath between survivors to levels that the absorption of Ether never could. Dependency on Nikra, be damned.

Yet, the answer never came. Whatever link existed between him and the Old One was fully closed now, and Leo feared it could be a while before that changed.

Should have expected that. Leo scolded himself. She wouldn't be saying goodbyes if I could talk to her right after evolution. Fuck... Maybe she tired herself out by bringing me into my soulscape and watching over my body in the real world…

That was the only possible reason for the radio silence that Leo could think of. After all, right before the evolution, Nikra spoke to him a few times over the span of one day. With his connection to the shard and Void improved, it should have been even easier if what she told him was true.

That must be it. I just hope you won't be resting for long, Nikra. Leo sighed before focusing on the end of the last message.

Three points, hmm? I didn't really have a chance to check properly yet, but if my control really was hit, then I might as well fix it right away. Besides, you can never have too much control…

As Leo confirmed the assignment of his three points into Mind, energy suddenly flowed into all three pillars. Soul, Body, and Mind ignited in a rush of power that he had almost forgotten about with everything happening during the last day.

Not even a day had passed since my last level-up, and I had already missed the rush... Man, this can get addicting really fast.

This thrill of continuously growing power was a double-edged sword, but honestly, Leo couldn't care less about it. Yes, the addiction had the potential to cause some problems, but this was also the new way of life. So as long as the rush of power didn't completely take over the mind of a survivor, it shouldn't be too bad.

And I guess I just jinxed it, but what's new? Leo shrugged and summoned the following notification.

Full description of your new species unlocked. Displaying updated information now.

Prime Night Hunter (Stage II)
Hunt. Kill. Consume. Never stop, little Akirian. You are the Hunter that stalks the Night. You are the Prime that leads your kind. As the first and the last, be ready and fight until there is nothing left.
Tainted evolves into Void-borne. Grants Low-end Akirian Physiology trait. The potency of your Essence has been enhanced at the price of slightly lowered control. Heavy physical evolution involved. All Effectiveness: +15%. +1 Might, +3 Grace, +1 Vision, +1 Soul, +1 Mind, +3 Free Attribute points per level. Natural Mutations: Unlocked

That's much better. Though I didn't really learn anything new, it's a nice confirmation of Nikra's words... Well, better this than nothing. Let's see, next!

Low-end Akirian Physiology (Rare):
Whatever you were before, forget about it; you are an Akirian now, little one. Rise your head and enjoy the benefits of a species with no equals. This is just the beginning of a very long road.
Natural resistance against the Void's harsh conditions slightly improved. Your body is now capable of withstanding Void Storms below C-Grade. Basic body functions enhanced. You can now sustain your body with Essence and flesh of your enemies. Due to your unique physiology, you are now more vulnerable to Ether weapons.

Holy shit, that's a lot... Leo thought, eyes wide. Natural resistance is always welcome. I have no fucking clue what a Void Storm is, but thanks anyway. Body functions improved, great, whatever that really means. I'm gonna pass on eating the flesh of my enemies, but Essence? Why not.

At last, Leo's gaze fell to the final listed effect, a loud gulp echoing through the room. Even though he probably shouldn't have, the presence of a disadvantage in the description surprised him a bit. He might not know where one could get an Ether weapon, but it definitely added even more value to the mysterious energy.

However, despite this not-welcome information, Leo couldn't help the snort that escaped him. Ironic. Vulnerable to the energy I'm collecting. Gonna need to find out if only Ether weapons are my weakness or if any form of it can cause me harm…

"More and more questions..." As those words left Leo's mouth, he froze as the low, gravelly tone of his voice echoed in his ears. It was almost like he was trying to growl the words out.

What the fuck? Who the hell has replaced my vocal cords with a demon?!

Clearing his throat a few times, Leo tried once more. "Hello?"

However, to his disappointment, nothing changed, and his voice remained unaltered. Not that Leo ever had a distinctive or unique voice, but the thought of his vocal cords being completely changed within the span of an hour was definitely enough to weird out anyone who would hear about it.

Well fuck, you sure aren't making this easy, System. Couldn't even leave my voice... He chuckled, the sound just as raspy and low as his voice. Not only will people attack me when they see me, but now they will probably run the moment they hear my, pretty much, demonic voice.

Leo sighed heavily. Great... This for sure will make explaining everything to Dylan, Tyler, and Laura easier.

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