A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapter 59. Mutations

Oh well, Leo shrugged. No use crying over spilled milk. After all, it really could have been worse.

His gaze fell to his crotch, where the remnants of his pants covered the lower half of his body. The piece of clothing was just barely clinging to his frame, and the addition of the three tails definitely didn't make the matter any easier. He had to figure something out before leaving.

Well, at least I didn't lose everything... yet. Leo added with a grimace. I'm pretty sure my insides aren't the same as before, so what is losing a few more organs, eh? Doubt they will see any use in the future…

Chuckling, Leo shook his head. Those were definitely not the things he should be worrying about currently. But well, after living as a simple man for over twenty-five years, no one could blame him for wondering. Moreover, he could bet that most people would have an existential crisis right about now.

Or maybe the process of evolution makes it easier to accept the changes. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if that was the case... Leo noted. The System was all about adapting, so giving a User's mind a push in the right direction might not be out of the question. Even if it was slightly disturbing…

Whatever... Nothing I can do about it now. If it lessened the impact of physical changes on my mind, then so be it. And if it didn't? Well... in that case, I'm certainly more messed up than I thought. Now, let's see the next message. I still have a trip back ahead of me.

Your Hunter Job has advanced to the next stage. Hunter's Pulse obtained. Displaying the description now.

Hunter's Pulse (Epic)
Improved version of basic Hunter's Pulse. Just like the previous version, it can be guided by intent and will, but now the pulse will offer additional help even when unasked. Additionally, the System will now provide support to speed up this ability.
You can now send a pulse from every single part of your body to perform a perfect scan. You can now search for familiar Essence in the scanned area. The range of this ability depends on the amount of Essence used. The efficiency of this skill improves with your Vision. Warning: Beings with sharp enough senses might still become alerted by your pulse.

When those words forced themselves into sight, Lee flinched as knowledge surged into his mind, updating whatever information he previously possessed about Hunter's Pulse. It didn't change much, but the things that changed were quite significant.

Leo no longer had to focus a pulse into his hand, and now, just like the description explained, he could push it out from his entire body at once. With this, the scan returned with more precise information. Furthermore, it somehow made the ability much faster to use. Although that was probably thanks to the included System's assistance…

And I gotta say, seeing wisps of Essence I'm familiar with could be useful... That is, once I learn how to even familiarize myself with Essence other than my own cuz I don't think Void Essence counts…

Dismissing the skill, Leo progressed further into the System's notifications. Right, Type information. What's this all about?

As a result of your Job advancement, you have gained the ability to uncover a Void-born's Types when using the Identify skill. This particular talent is one of the major points of a Hunter Job.

Plenty of Jobs and Mutations rely on specific body parts from various creatures to continue their craft or advance further. However, not every creature possesses the required attributes for each purpose. This is where Hunters come in. With their enhanced Identify skill, Hunters can locate and hunt down beasts possessing the necessary Types.

Be warned that this is usually the reason for Hunters' short lifespans, as some tasks require them to hunt creatures way beyond their capabilities. Good luck.

So this is where things get interesting for Jobs... And mutations require body parts. Huh, good to know. Leo hummed. Though I doubt I will be doing any specific hunting anytime soon. I have way too much shit to finish first...

Yet, one could never be sure. Leo didn't expect to unlock Apex evolution, much less his current one, and it still happened. So while hunting for other people's benefits was probably a big no for now, who knew where life would carry him in the future, especially if it was for his advantage.

We will see...

Your Dagger Mastery skill has evolved to fit your new species. Displaying information for Night Hunter's Blade Mastery.

Night Hunter's Blade Mastery (Rare)
What is a blade without the knowledge of how to use it? Never worry, young Akirian, for you shall never need to find the answer to this question. The blades of the Night are for you to wield. Strike fast, strike hard.
Grants basic and instinctive knowledge on how to wield the Blades of the Night Hunter. Abilities gained from the lesser version of this skill are still available. The efficiency of this skill improves with your Grace and level.

Just like with the Pulse, information rushed into Leo's head, teaching him everything he should know about the blades now attached to his arms. It didn't provide him with any special moves or tactics — those would come in battle — but instead, it taught him a few essential tricks.

The proper technique for extending those blades was one of those tricks, while their basic handling was another. There was also a bit of information on how to properly channel Essence through them, but honestly, Leo already understood most of that. His experimentation with Kiss of Death made sure of that.

Overall, not bad. At least now I know how to use them without closing my fists... Leo noted just as another notification rushed to the forefront of his vision.

Standard information package regarding Mutations and their menu is available. Do you wish to display it now?

Leo snorted. Stupid question. I've been waiting for this ever since I received my first mutation. Show me.


Mutations are often referred to as additional Traits due to their similar function. The distinction lies in how they are acquired. Traits are bestowed through Evolutions, Classes, and special circumstances, while mutations are chosen and purchased by the User without the influence of the System.

Mutations are categorized into three grades: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma, with Gamma being the lowest grade. It is important to note that a mutation's grade does not necessarily determine its strength. Additionally, some mutations have the potential to be upgraded to a higher grade or even evolve into a Trait given the right circumstances.

All mutations can be acquired by spending Ether and obtaining the necessary creature parts. The same applies to upgrading existing mutations. Furthermore, the System would like to remind each User that Gamma and Beta mutations are sometimes temporary and can be lost if not careful enough.

Warning! Each mutation can strain one or more of the three pillars. Be mindful of your limits.

For a moment, Leo waited for more text to appear, yet none did. And so, he slumped even harder against the wall and read the message once more. It wouldn't do him any good to miss anything in this package.

Only three grades... That's nice, I guess. No need to remember more than necessary. Summoning the System, Leo furrowed his brow at the simple menu that greeted him. Interesting…

Adapt, Grow:
-Develop new mutations
-Advance existing mutations

As much as he wanted to check out the available mutations, Leo didn't even wait for a second before selecting the second option. After all, he possessed a very particular mutation, a mutation that pretty much led to this entire mess.

And it's grayed out... Not surprising. It was pretty much given. Leo shrugged. He didn't really expect to be granted an ability to upgrade Heart of the Void, it was Nikra's shard after all, but it didn't hurt to check. Though it makes me wonder if that means I can never upgrade it…

Dismissing the thought, he checked out the other option inside the menu. It didn't disappoint.

While the Beta and Alpha category was grayed out just like Leo's only mutation, the Gamma tier didn't possess such a blockade. As such, the moment he chose it, the System immediately listed tens of different mutations, all available to him.

True, most of them seemed — or rather were — useless, but Leo already spotted plenty that didn't. Tougher skin or bones, formation of weak draconic scales, strengthening of his claws or blades, minor false affinities, and a few others could definitely be helpful in the future, and he instantly selected a mutation that caught his eye the most.

Mutation: Minor Regeneration (Gamma Tier)

Death is always waiting around the corner, ready to hurl you into the Abyss at a moment's notice. So why not make it wait a little bit longer? Maybe even forever?


Healing speed doubled. You now require less sleep to fully recover your strength. Lifespan slightly lengthened.

Requirements: 1000 Ether, 2 Hearts of Regenerator-Type level 15+ beasts.

Notice: Insufficient resources to buy this mutation. Please come back once you can fulfill the requirements.

No shit Sherlock. I never possessed one thousand Ether, much less some hearts of regenerators. Leo scowled, dismissing the window. Apparently, Minor Regeneration would need to wait for a very long time.

Gathering this much Ether just wasn't possible without killing hundreds of Voidlings, and even with the new evolution, Leo didn't fancy facing a level fifteen beast. Not that there are any Voidlings like this in the city. It's still a bit too early, but give it a few days, and maybe…

Obviously, Minor Regeneration was far from the cheapest mutation on the list. Hell, now that Leo checked a few others, he was pretty sure that it might even be the most expensive one. Let's see. If there is something that can have a higher value, then it must be an affinity.

Mutation: Minor False Fire Affinity (Gamma Tier)

Want to destroy something? Fire is here for you to make your enemies disappear. A small spark it might be, but the potential is here. So burn them all. Leave only ashes behind.


Grants the ability to channel weak fire affinity into your Essence. Natural evolution of affinity unavailable due to its False form. Minor affinities will slowly weaken with time until they disappear entirely.

Requirements: 3000 Ether, 2 Fire-Type cores of level 15+ beasts, 5 Fire-Attuned Crystalized Essence.

Notice: Insufficient resources to buy this mutation. Please come back once you can fulfill the requirements.

What in the Void is the core of a beast? Crystalized Essence, I get, but a core? System? Anything? No? Okay...

Sighing, Leo let the entire menu fade away. There was no reason to waste any more time on this if he couldn't buy anything anyway. Oh, he definitely had an eye on a few mutations, but those had quite the price tag on them.

It will be weeks before I get all of them, if even then... Still, I'm curious if there are mutations that can give me another arm or something similar. There definitely wasn't anything like that in Gamma grade... Meh, yet another question to throw into the pile…

It certainly wasn't a small pile. With each question it grew, and slowly Leo began to doubt that he would ever find an answer to them all. Each day could be his last, and with Nikra inactive, the only source of information was the System...

Of course, there were also other survivors, but at this point, there was no way anyone on Earth knew more than Leo did.

Another problem for the future me... Anyway, System, give the last two! I can see now why evolutions aren't every ten levels…

Task Extermination: Earth completed. Do you wish to claim rewards now?

Huh, almost forgot about this one. Must have missed it before the evolution... And give me a moment. I want to check the second one.

You have contributed towards weakening a Tainted Wasteland. Bonus experience and 35 Ether granted. Weaken the Wasteland further to receive better rewards.

Always something. Leo shrugged, his eyes settling back on the task reward.

Alright then. Show me what those Ether Flares are...

Mutations... finally.

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