A Vampire in Tamriel.

Chapter 1

Darkness, everything is dark. Cold, why am I cold? And thirsty, so thirsty....

*GASP* My eyes snap open, blearily looking around, but all I see is a red lined cushioning that is WAY to close to my face. I feel my arms that were crossed over my chest begin to move instinctually, pushing against the lid-how do I know that?- which promptly explodes outwards, flying against the wall on the far end of where I find myself. There is no light, but I see clearer than I ever have. -Thirsty, so thirsty!- I momentarily collapse on my hands and knees,feeling the cold, uncaring,smoothed stone beneath my hands. When I finally get up, urged on by a soul deep thirst I've never once felt before in my life, I take a quick scan of my surroundings, noting the ran down appearance of the place-crypt,where is this knowledge coming from?-  the furniture which looks rather new, the cavern to the left from which within a blue glow and crackling of flame is heard, the entrance leading out and upward, the bookshelves to my left, which is close to a desk with what looks like a letter sitting atop it, and to my right a dining/kitchen area, with an empty hearth, long dining table, shelves and closed cabinets filled with ingredients and-BLOOD!- before I realize what I'm doing,I'm already opening a closed cabinet, withdrawing a weird, gaudy looking blood bag, and drinking from it. I can't bring myself to stop once I taste it.-so sweet,so good,more,more!- And once it's emptied, I grab another,then another,it's only after my fifth I manage to rend control back from whatever strange instinct had taken hold of me and lurch backward,somehow sending myself straight into the stone wall on the other side of the crypt, cracking it. 

When I finally collect myself from what just happened, I promptly plop down on my ass, stunned at what I just did. When I realize what I drank, I can't bring myself to care,because I JUST JUMPED BACK -84- FEET! Like what the fuck!?! I forcefully calm myself down after what felt like minutes, but was probably less than one. And stand up-fast- I think to myself. I'm startled by the fact I'm apparently a superhuman-no,I drank blood and see in the dark, vampire, why am I so calm and not in denial, should be freaking out, but I feel like I've been like this for years-  thoughts like those fill my head as I begin walking, well more like zipping, around where I find myself, taking stock of my surroundings and checking for anything that might tell me where the hell I am. I remember a note at the desk,promptly zip over- I'm the flash baby,heh- carefully pick it up, open it and what I read leaves me in not a small amount of shock.


Dear Jordan Villeious, 

When you find this letter, I'm sure you'll have already discovered my gifts to you, and if you haven't, well I will get to those in a moment. Allow me to explain what happened to you,and where you are. You see, you died, quite abruptly at that, due to a mistake one of my Angels made. Which has only happened fourteen times in your universal cluster, might I add. Well,naturally, I couldn't just let your soul be recycled due to a mistake one of my creations made, and so I,to put it simply, yanked you out of The ¥§μ¿₩§μ¿¤Ω© of $€£§θ.  We had a conversation,and I explained what happened to you. You were...suprisingly polite, if a little sarcastic. I then proceeded to question what you would ask of me to make up for my creation's mistake, and you simply requested to be given a blank level 500 Skyrim character,be transported to a worldline practically the same as Skyrim, specifically in The Rift Hold . With five properties that are shielded from all but the Dragonborn and any you allow. Basically a very powerful Illusion spell that ensures people walk around,and cannot see, the areas which you claimed as yours(you should be able to sense said properties if you concentrate).

 You then asked for a specifically crafted vampire bloodline, and the ability to use the Shouts Cyclone, Aura Whisper, Dismay, Disarm, Whirlwind Sprint, Throw Voice,Resurrection Shout(only within 280 hours) and Kyne's Peace. You could have asked for more,but I believe you were weary of coming off as greedy and angering me. 

Now,your Original Bloodline's powers are as follows.. 1:  Bewitching Beauty, I'm sure you can guess what that does. 2:Hypnotic Eyes,again,I'm sure you can guess. 3:Instant Invisibility. 4: Physical Capability Multiplier,specifically increases the physical power and senses by a factor of 40. 5:True Night Vision,you can see in the night as if it were day,you didn't think that through. 6: Euphoric Feeding,if you feed on the willing,they,along with you,will feel a strong sense of pleasure, 50 times better than sex, you specifically requested, you also stated that skooma addicts will transfer their addiction to your kind. 7: Blood is Blood,you can drink animal blood,and it will sate your thirst. 8:Safety of The Soul,your soul stays safe from Daedric influence,and it cannot be taken by anyone. 9:Soothing Presence,animals and most people will feel safe and generally more at ease in your presence. 10:(this one is specifically for you)Anchored, you cannot be permanently killed (although it might take several months for your living form to be remade) or cast out of the plane you woke up in. Drawbacks of your Bloodline are 1:Folly of Fire,15% weakness to fire magic. 2: Warmth of Mortals, you feel progressively colder, weaker, and emptier without the presence of the living,--eventually making you  barely able to crawl and sending you into a coma until a mortal is close by--, the moment you are within a mile of one though, you can easily track them down and reverse this drawback by being within twenty feet of said mortal,the happier the mortal is,the better you'll feel.(you needlessly explained that this is a failsafe to ensure that when you create more of your kind, they won't just eventually become callous and see mortals as nothing more than cattle. This also applies to you,you can just last longer without them.) 

Have fun in your new life!

The Administrator.


'I'm a goddamn idiot. That last drawback is a bit much,why did I add that!?' I mentally bash myself on the head for my stupidity and misplaced compassion.

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