A Vampire in Tamriel.

Chapter 2

After smacking myself on the forehead-loud!- at my own stupidity, although begrudgingly realising the second drawback is necessary, I slowly get up from the chair that was next to the desk, zip my way over to the hearth, search for firewood-ah! Found some!-  , find some flint, and light a fire, then throw the note inside the warming flames, careful not to let myself be touched by it. I then gently grab a chair and sit, brooding on what to do next, while squinting at the surprisingly bright light the fire gives off. [ 'I can't just stay on my properties, I'll need to be around the living eventually, and I doubt that my lands will have people on them. Wait, where exactly am I, anyway?'] With that thought niggling at me, I stand up, and head for the entrance, doubting there would be a map that conveniently displays my exact coordinates, finding a passageway leading up, and once reaching the top, locating a pull chain, then proceeding to yank it down, causing the wall blocking my path too freedom to slowly slide open, showing me what appeared to be a much cleaner crypt, filled with Dawngaurd armor and weaponry,two sealed stone coffins on each side,and a ladder straight across from  where I stood. Before leaving my vampiric get away home though, I grabbed the Dawnguard heavy armor and finagled it on, took it off because I felt I put it on wrong, then proceeded to repeat the process for what was probably a few hours until it felt right. I then grabbed a nearby long sword and shield, and felt like I had wielded the blade and shield for decades.[ 'Sweet,no training for me! Thanks past me for going all in on the Warrior Constellation!'] After test swinging the blade,to ensure it was evenly weighted-hmm, little heavy on the end, but acceptable- I then moved over to the ladder, sheathed my blade, swung my shield unto my back, and climbed, slowly pushing the grate up as I heard a heartbeat way too close for comfort, and smelled dried blood, along with wet fur. Being as quiet as possible, I exited my hidey hole,seeing a bear several-14- feet away from my location,sleeping like a murderous little babe. I slowly withdrew my sword from my hip, creeping towards the beast, and with little fanfare, stabbing it straight through its closed left eye, proceeding in and out the brain, and cracking through it's skull. It jerked and whined when I did this, but rather than withdraw my sword, I cleaved through it's skull,showering it's grey matter and blood upon the ground-always double tap-. "Guess the wards doesn't block out animals." I say to myself while cleaning off the blood on my blade in a nearby puddle of rainwater. "Damn, I sound sexy,*ahem* Hey there gorgeous, can I buy you a drink? Promise you won't wake up missing a kidney~pfft." Chuckling at myself, I dry the blade with a hash of clean cloth I found in the crypt, probably meant to be part of a noble's outfit. Standing up,I look at my first kill in this world.[ 'Wish I could skin ya buddy,would probably help with my financial situation if I did. Alas, I don't possess the proper tools.'] I then look at the source of dried blood, an elk with it's throat ripped out, and most of it's insides missing, along with part of it's ribcage. [ 'Damn, sucks to be you, Sir Elk.'] Turning around towards the cave entrance,I walk outward, into the light of a fresh morning.

"FUCK,MY EYES!" I screech in pain as the feeling of white hot pokers descends upon my poor peepers, quickly raising my arms to block out the unforgiving light, and squeezing my eyes shut, zipping back into the cave. "O-okay, blindfold, yeah. Plus fourty increase to everything physical, should'a realized sunlight would hurt like a bitch, shit." I hastily take off my fullfaced helmet, grab another piece of clothe that was meant to be a spare after the cleaning cloth for my blade was worn out, and wrapped it around my upper face, then tied it tightly behind my head. I take out another clothe and repeat the process, just to be on the safe side. Strangely though, even after putting on my helm,I felt I could see everything around me within fifty feet. [  'A form of echolocation?  Well, better than nothing I guess, although that begs the question,how in Oblivion am I supposed to figure out where I am, if I can't get a birds eye view of my surroundings? I mean, sure, I could wait around till nightfall, but patience isn't one of my virtues unless absolutely necessary. Eh, screw it, I'll just walk in a straight line, worse that could happen is I run afoul a Spriggan or Troll, and I'll definitely be able to kill them with minimal effort, I'm level five hundred, and a vampire! It would be a cakewalk!.....Or I fall into a lake,but vampire, don't need to breathe.'] After hyping myself up, I move away from the wall of the cave and exit the small cavern slowly, pointing my head upwards toward the sky. 

After a few moments of standing around like an idiot, I huff and start marching in a straight line, almost trip over some stones, then continue onwards much more careful of where I put my footing. Relying on my ripoff echolocation to guide my steps, thankful that nature is rather noisy and I didn't have to make clicking noises like a Falmer. [ 'Speaking of which, might just decide to recruit some....wonder what would happen if I turned one? Would they revert back to what they once were, or just be that much more difficult to kill? Well, guess I'll find out eventually!' ] 

Contemplating things of scientific nature as I stroll through the forest,which I'm sure would be nice to observe if I wasn't dayblind, I almost ignore the sound of labored breathing and stumbling feet that are quickly approaching, although I doubt I would ignore the shouting of an arrogant sounding voice, screeching "Get back here, you fucking cat! Your master will be very displeased with your attempt of escape!" [ 'What the- oh,okay-master-the man called her cat- most likely a Khajiit- unwilling servitude-slave attempting escape, most likely would be unsuccessful, well, as an american boy, I just gotta kill me some slavers! It's my-oh she quick.' ] She had entered my field of sight, barreling towards me. I shout at her,drawing my blade and equipping my shield, "Hey Khajiit! Get behind me! I'm happy to kill some Thalmor cunts!" I sense her look up, quickly picking up speed and swerving around me, going behind a tree a few feet-12- away, collapsing in exhaustion behind it, panting. "Out of our way, you insolent prat!" I feel a total of twelve enter my field, eleven with weapons drawn, one having what smells like ozone-lightning spell- between his hands. Five fastly approaching me,ready to cut me down. "No can do, you yellow skinned shits. You know, code of honor and all that, besides, this'll be a good workout for me!" I grin and quickly zip forward, faster than they can react, cutting down four out of the five closest to me before stabbing the fifth straight through the crotch guard. Lucky number five screamed in agony after I withdrew my blade, collapsing to the ground and curling in on his self, wailing. The other four were already beheaded, their bodies stumbling and collapsing upon the forest floor, heads rolling away in a shower of gore. The remaining seven tensed up, the six armed ones gathering in a half circle, protecting the mage while I laughed madly, waiting for them to attack. I heard one mutter under his breath "Oh quellis!" in horror. I say to them, "You know, its been such a long time since I killed any Thalmor-say,do you yellow skins know the year? I've been sealed away for so long and, well, this place was a fair bit icier when I was last awake~. Oh, the reward for telling me is you get to live, by the way!"  They are all silent, glancing at each other, until the mage pipes up in a trembling, rushed voice "Its-its the Fourth Era, just turned two hundred and one a week ago, g-good Sir." The other six snap their heads back to look at him, with what I can only assume are looks of outrage and betrayal, one of them turning his blade towards their Thalmor mage, attempting to shout something, but before he can, he finds himself sprouting the tip of a swordblade through his mouth, gurgling blood and dropping his blade bonelessly, his body going limp. The other five aren't faring much better, what with them missing their heads and all. I withdraw me blade smoothly,gently kicking the body away from me,yet still sending it flying past the mage and into a tree. Speaking of the mage, he jumps out of the way of his flying comrade, falling on his ass and shimmying away, sobbing out "H-have mercy,I-I beg you!" Cocking my head-as well as I can wearing a full faced helmet, anyway- I say in a matter-of-fact tone, "I did state whoever told me the year would live,did I not? And I'm not one to go back on my word,it's dishonorable." He looks up at me, stares, and then proceeds to fall backwards, passed out from fear. I then turn away from my slaughter,looking toward the only other conscious individual in this part of the woods, who had seen the entire thing, and state to her "I do hope you won't mind traveling with me lass. After all, I have many questions that need answering, and well,its been so very long since I had the pleasure of living company and not just corpses. Your free to go, of course, but I do hope you'd consider joining me. On my honor, no harm will befall you while in my company,this I swear." I sense her heart rate pick up, and after several minutes of me simply looking in her direction, unmoving as stone, she says "Th-this One would be happy to travel in her Saviour's company, and She is happy to answer any question you would ask."

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