A Yandere Nightmare, In Night City!

Chapter 12: Playing God Hurts The Heart!

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Chapter 12: Playing God Hurts The Heart! by Harem-Fan


     Entering class in a daze, I sit down and look out of the window and try to remember my book. I do remember a lot of the material, but I do not have it completely memorized.

     For example, I know there are 10 women from now that will be the target of Sandman, but not all of their names are remembered clearly. Ann and Angel were easy to remember, due to them being early in the plot. But I just remembered another...

     [Now that Tony White is acting up, I just remembered his sister, Sandman's 6th target... When he takes her, he will gain her power. I believe it was, Cary White a Psychic, Psychokinesis, a Telekinetic controller.]

     The pretty Math Teacher has just asked us to open our books, so I do, but I am still out of it...

     [Miss White runs one of her family's companies as a young CEO. She was too busy for love and never even knew she was a superhuman till news of her little brother's death. Then her home exploded and put her in Sandman's notice. Just like me, Tim Smith, I don't even know what Cary looks like.]

     I only said she was Tony's older sister.

     [Her life or death really is not so important to me though. But the woman I worry about the most is... Ellen Stand, a Psychic of Bio-manipulation or rather, Super Healing! Being in contact with her bodily fluids "Kissing and Intercourse" gives the recipient Regeneration... This power made Sandman almost invincible in the final high school graduation fight of the first book. Yes, I had written the second book, but I never turned it in...]

     Ding Ding Ding! The final bell of the day rang, but I noticed no one as I automatically went to the roof to smoke...


     Lighting another Marlboro Light, my thoughts go back to the key victim...

     [I kinda worry about her due to the fact she is a kind University student, without a mean-bone in her body. I do not know if her place will be moved up since I won't let Ann be taken in October. So in less than two months, I must decide what to do with her.]

      I am currently the only person on the roof, so I lay down on a long bench while I puff away...

     [I know it sounds disgusting to think about it, but I want to seduce her for healing when I get hurt. The most humain but wasteful option is to just make her lose her purity. The option I never want to do is kill her. Finally, Sandman can get any power but never this one, sigh.]

     [The idea of manipulating others for 'The Greater Good' disgusts me. Even though I wrote such a dark world, in my heart, I think I am still an okay human. But really, am I any different than Sandman? Justifying wanting to take a girl's purity to stop a bad guy only sounds like a bad book format for the author to live out a twisted imagination, sigh...]


     Poke Poke Poke! I feel something hitting my forehead gently, and I realize I fell asleep. As I opened my eyes, I saw blue eyes looking curiously into mine. Ann says to me.

     "Dumbass, you're dead! Look at you just sleeping on the school rooftop. And it is only 3:30, so don't panic."

     I suddenly felt a light weight on my waist and realized that Ann is sitting on me, while her long hair dangles in my face. For some reason, I think I am blushing...

     "W-What if someone, Dan, sees you sitting on me? Um, you are not planning anything, right?"

     Seeing my flustered face, Ann felt thrilled inside, and she impishly grins down at me.

     "What Dan does not know won't hurt him, right? Plus he left school already. Also there are no clubs for the rest of us this first week. So I came here to see if you threw my underwear away, and I found it was still in your pocket... Pervert~♪!"

     "Ann, I would like to smoke another cigarette, so can you let me up, please?"

     Ann reached into my pocket, pulled out a smoke, put it in her lips, and while looking in my eyes, she lit it. She did not smoke, but put the smoke in my lips and said.

     "No, just lay here and smoke. Even though I don't, my mom does, so I am used to the smell. Plus I like my seat, ~fufu!"

     [Dan, Dan, Dan... I am not as dense as you, and I know in this life, I have wronged you. But, I will make sure you won't need to kill yourself to save Night City. I know how to stop it after all. But, Ann is really making it hard on me, cough...]

     I turn my head to the side to smoke in embarrassment, because I have grown a slight chub under Ann, and her blush is growing. But for some reason, she has not moved or gotten mad yet.

     "Hey Tim, do you believe in the supernatural? If I told you that I had special powers, would you believe me? And these powers make me want to kill, and see people bleed?"

     I am really surprised here, and I only nod to her. Her face is blank, without emotions. She talks in a monotone kind of flat voice and asks.

     "I get joy from injuring my prey... My mom is so kind, and so is my brother... I feel like a monster pretending to be cute and kind, so I believe my real father was evil and I am like him?! Do you think I am evil, Tim?"

     [It is all my fault you are like this... I never meant for you to be evil, just a cute girl without breaks. When you are a 3rd person making a person in a novel, you do not realize they have feelings. What makes a Yandere a Yandere... Do they just wake up and decide to be violent? Did they really have a choice, sigh...]

     Well my chub vanished, and I told Ann...

     "First, you do not know who your dad is. And even if he was or was not bad, it has nothing to do with you. Do I think you are evil... No, because I am alive, right? Plus you have no control of how you feel, but the person that made this shit world. But, I am a bit broken in my heart, so I am the worst person to ask to judge you..."

     Ann's eyes look a bit misty right now as she hears my opinion. I just wait for her.

     Suddenly she shivered for a brief moment, and her eyes cleared up. She looks at me seriously and her eyes squint dangerously.

     "I promise to not kill you, but do not make me sad... Timmy~!"

     She then leaned in to give me a peck on the lips, and then ran away like a frightened little girl...

     "Looks like she is giving up on Dan, sigh... Well, Dan really did not romantically love her in my story... He only did not reject his scary sister. Well time to go see if Tony is missing or alive..."

     Just as I walked into the stairwell door, a redhead came out from behind the roof exit. She leaned on the wall and said.

     "Now I think Dan is not the one for me after all... Well, let me help out a bit, so we can date on Sunday, fufu."

     Then Aisha More followed behind Tim Smith in the dark...


     As I step into room 7, I see all 5 of the student council, and Tony is in fact still alive!

     [Wow half panda eyes are really alive! Maybe Luna has not heard about lunch, or she has not fallen into delusions yet, or killing as soon as possible is not reasonable. Well, I think if Tony died now it would be bad with his sister. I will just have to be more careful when alone. I will tell Luna about him before he can drug her though, because that would disgust me...]

     Luna, who had been in a really bad mood, had twisted what she heard in her mind to... "Wow, Luna did not kill him for me! But I will make sure to not let him touch my woman!" She suffers from delusions a lot with her feelings of family. If only Tim had the ability to hear their thoughts.

     "Sorry President and everyone else, I am last again."

     Luna, still in her pink suit, waves to my seat and says calmly.

     "Tim, it is fine to be just a tad late. I left you some documents to file for me, thanks."

     Halfway to my desk, I realize what is wrong... Yesterday, our desks had a 3 foot gap between them, and now they are touching, so I go around Luna, to the filing cabinet. Yes, she most definitely did that on purpose!

     Then as I ignored Tony, Luna squinted her dangerous red eyes at Tony and said in a firm tone.

     "Mr White, not only are you getting into fights, but I heard from many students that you pushed Mr Smith... Why have you not apologized yet?"

     Tony looks like he has a mouth full of Mastiff Poop, and he said sullenly.

     "Sorry Smith, I had accused you wrongly, and it will never happen again. My fight had muddled my brain a bit, and I hope you are fine now. Sorry to scare you."

     Wow he is actually calm and smart, not like brainless villains. So I humbly accept.

     "I accept your sincere apology. Plus it was nice for the President to care about our situation, thanks President Luna."

     And Luna hears... "Whatever, my Luna loves me the most, you loser." Her delusional thoughts on overdrive.

     That ended the drama in room 7, and it was time to go home...


     At Luna's limo, she brushed her long hair behind her right ear, and told me.

     "I will measure you tomorrow, and deliver you some clothing on Friday, for Saturday. I am excited to let you meet my parents. I hope you do not mind, Tim."

     "I will let you decide, and I do not mind. See you later, Pres."

     Then I watched her go, and walked home, keeping one eye alert...


     At 8:53 pm, in Tim's back smoking porch...

     Slide! Step Step! As I was listening to some music out back, sitting in my outdoor chair, smoking, a beautiful woman walked in.

     As Jill closed the sliding glass door, she smiled at me, and came to sit in my lap. She took a drag from my smoke and then said in her sexy voice.

     "Tim dear, I am happy to finally be in your arms, are you still alright with yesterday?"

     I tighten my hug on her waist with my left arm, and smile.

     "Your black silk teddy is laying on our bed, so what do you think? I told you, you are my soulmate, right?"

     She exhaled air she was holding, then kissed me deeply. Finally after a minute, she says more seriously, after lighting a smoke for herself.

     "Good, I was worried, but I will come clean with you about everything, so you will not be worried. But I will say it in bed where no one can overhear us. So let's get a couple of drinks together, shower together, and make love?"

     I pat her rich ass, and nod.

     "Let's do that my wife..."

     So that is exactly what we did over the next 2 hours...


     Nearing midnight, I still have Jill in my arms moaning, as I hold her waist and boob from behind her.

     I am pumping and finishing after our third round of sex. It seems she likes sex in the sideways position the most, so she can look into my eyes.

     "Ahh, Wife, I just finished..."

     I then wipe her sweaty face, as she is dumbly smiling at me in pure yandere obsessive joy. I kissed her lips and she finally focused on me.

     After about two minutes she spoke.

     "Husband, before you, I only had sex one time when I got pregnant with my children, so please know you are the only-lover in my heart. Their father... I do not even remember seeing him... I was..."

     I put my finger over her lips and said.

     "That is it... And I know how devoted you are to me, so let's just forget the past, alright?"

     She was so happy to hear my words, she broke our connection making a huge mess, but she only squeezed me hard.

     After a minute of sucking air out of my lungs and almost killing me... Again... She says seriously while pointing to her perfect boobs.

     "You see that all of your love marks are gone, right? My secret I have kept to myself... I can regenerate my body, and that is why I look so young. Please believe me... I hope this does not make you think I am a monster?"

     "Not only do I believe you, but it only makes you hotter in my eyes. I also have been told I am a Psychic like you. Though I lost my memory, I have gained powers to know things about this world. So I know things about you from an outsider's point of view, and I hope this does not make you hate me?"

     Jill, who can hear my heart, nods and kisses me gently this time. So I continue while she sucks on my collarbone.

     "If in a perfect world, I could only have you as my one and only lover and wife, I would. But... in order to save people important to you and me, and my own life, I will wrong you a bit, Jill. A few women will approach me for my love. This is wronging you."

     Jill held me tightly like I would vanish, and then said in my ear.

     "It hurts my heart, and I hate it... But I know you are telling me the truth, so please forgive me for being jealous, alright? I just do not want you to die."

     I hold the sides of her face, and look into her blue eyes, and I almost feel they are the eyes of the woman in black, but I ignore this and say.

     "No matter what happens in the future, just know you are my first woman in this world, and are the most important love I have. I will do anything to keep you at my side forever. I love you so much Jill Evergreen, my wife!"

     [In for a penny, in for a pound! I will jump headfirst into dangerous water, because even dangerous women need love.]

     How did I know at that moment, a few other women were stimulated at my heart's words unintentionally. Jill however was hit the hardest.

     Jill and I never slept this Tuesday evening, and greeted Wednesday with a romantic home-cooked breakfast.




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