A Yandere Nightmare, In Night City!

Chapter 13: The Sixth Sense, I See Dead People!

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Chapter 13: The Sixth Sense, I See Dead People! by MILF-Fan


     Friday the 13th, 4:37 am.

     Ring Ring Ring! With Jill naked on my side, I was rudely awakened to my phone notifying someone calling me.

     Jill only half opens her eyes to see if it is an emergency or a miss dial. I look at the screen and see it is from Rain Nero. To show Jill I have nothing to hide, I put it on speaker.

     "Rain Nero? What is up at this time, an important question?"

     -I am sorry to call at this early hour, but I am not far from your home on the west-side. I have a strange body here, and I need your opinion. Get ready for school and dress, I will pick you up in 15 minutes. I will pick up breakfast.-

     "Fine, but wait on the curb, I will come out to you, my neighbor is a light sleeper. See you in 15. Click ."

     I end the call and say to the sleepy Jill.

     "Dear, just keep sleeping, I need to go to work. Sorry I need to do this, mwah!"

     After getting my goodbye kiss, Jill says.

     "Spend the night at my house tonight. Your Saturday and Sunday are going to be busy, and I do need to sleep at home sometimes, fufu. The kids will only believe I work so many double shifts, right?"

     As I pack my school things, and get clothes for my fast shower, I talk to the sleepy beauty.

     "Wife, this weekend, I want you to take some of my money from the account, and buy yourself a new car. Then give me your used BMW to use. It is perfect for a student, and I am tired of walking. Don't say no, just listen to me."

    Jill could only giggle at me bossing her around, and she agreed.


     After 15 minutes, and me tossing the burnt-out smoke, I climb into Rain's car as it pulled up. I toss my smoking jacket and schoolbag in the back of her black four door, and then get in the passenger seat.

     As I buckle up, Rain points to a bag of food and a coffee cup.

     "That is a black coffee like you text me, and a sausage biscuit. Morning."

     Rain looks dumbfounded when she sees me pull out my hip-flask from my left breast pocket and pour a cream colored drink into my coffee, then in curiosity she asks.

     "What is that?"

     "Baily's Irish Cream, why?"

     "Why are you drinking alcohol so early in the morning?"

     I looked at her strangely and told her.

     "Because I am an alcoholic, and this is just my morning pickup. I have my afternoon Jack flask in my backpack, for lunch, and then when I get home it's party time... beer, hard stuff, or mixed drinks. I just do not get sloppy drunk, unless I am having a sex marathon. Why are you looking at me funny?"

     Rain just says or asks.

     "Are you sure that is a good lifestyle?"

     I drink my tasty coffee, and smile.

     "You may not believe me, but I have done this for a long time, and life is too short to worry. Plus if I do not drink and smoke, I am not clear headed, ironic, right? But I do not do drugs or smoke marijuana, just booze and tobacco."

     "I understand, it must be your drawbacks as a Psychic. You can more easily control your power when using your vice, right?"

     I eat my sandwich and nod, then I explain.

     "That is why you have an IQ of close to 250! But I do enjoy it even if it is not tied to my powers. I still do not know what my powers are clearly though."

     "We are here, right in this sex hotel."

     We pull into a red-light district sex hotel, and then both get out of the car. I smile at this and tease Warm back.

     "Did you trick me with a case to bring me here, Rain?"

     Warm Rain froze while her other-half was actually teasing Warm in her mind. Yes, there are police cars here and such, but I could not resist it.

     Rain was frozen still with a blush that was hard to see under the neon lights, so I got serious.

     "Miss Nero, I was joking, let's get to work."

     "Cough, It is on the second floor, follow me."

     Tap Tap Tap! Her high heels click and I enjoy her fleeing back side. Glad Cold can't see me watching their butt.


     As we entered the open door of room 6, I saw photo flashes, and detectives combing the room. Outside, guests were being interviewed.

     Rain points to the bathroom, so I go and do not touch anything, but Rain had me put on gloves just in case.

     When I entered, I found a naked middle aged man covering his privates as I look at him funny, and I saw next to him a completely cleaned skeleton, with pure white bones in the bathtub. So I ask the man.

     "Do you know what happened here? And did you see the killer?"

     Rain's sexy eyes opened wide, and the man looked shocked. He then excitedly asked me.

     "What, can you really see me?! No one else can see me? Oh, and that is my body, sniff sniff sniff."

     Realizing what is going on, my lips twitched at a ghost crying.

     No, a normal person should freak out right now, right? But for some reason, I am very calm, and realize what my Psychic Power is... Spectral Sight!

     This ability lets me see the dead, magic like the pink-light in Jill's eyes, invisible, and intangible things... I can even see through all types of illusions. A truly top tear Psychic Power of S+ Level and higher! But what is funny, I have bad vision, haha!

     So I listen and record his statement using Rain's smartphone, since no one else can see or hear him.


     "And so it was your bank teller, Liliana who brought you here and used a strange power to suck you dry. Sorry I cannot help you, but we can at least arrest and capture your killer."

     Just then, the sun began to rise, and the man's body was starting to fade, and he asked in panic, what is going on?

     "Sorry Mr Davis, but ghosts can only stay at the place they passed for no more than a day, and you are weakened by the sun. Soon, you will pass on to the river of reincarnation, and return to the land. Trust me, there is life after death, so just be calm... Good luck."

     As soon as he fully vanished, I turned to hand Rain her phone, and I saw her and some detectives all with open mouths at all of my work. I then pulled out my hip-flask, and finished all of the Irish Cream and said...

     "This house is clean..."

     No one laughed, do they not have the movie Poltergeist in this world? Oh, let's try this...

     "I see dead people..."

     Then the blue eyed Rain did not let me down...

     "Phtt! Okay, I got the other joke too, you just tell bad jokes."

     As I put on a sad face, an officer laughed at me. And soon, the pair of us left.


     "Spectral Sight, right? That is so amazing. I will have to bring you out more. You really are a strong Psychic, Tim."

     "Don't kiss my ass, it is S Rank just like your power."

     She really wanted to tell me I was SSS Level, but Cold stopped her. As her car was pulling into First High's teacher parking, she said.

     "Tim, can I ask you a personal question?"

     I put away the smoke I wanted to light, and I looked at her, so she asked.

     "If I do not have a lover, will Sandman come looking for me?"

     My mind slowed down at this question I never saw coming, and I seriously told her, because I trust her.

     "Sandman can see at a glance if a woman has purity intact. He can then find you anywhere in Night City, on the night of a full moon. Then he will plunder the purity of the woman he found. If you are a human, he kills. If you are a Psychic, he leaves your body and lets fate decide if you bear his child.]

     I can tell she is in a bit of shock.

     [So, I hope this answers your question. He has a fifty-fifty chance of absorbing your power for himself, or rather copying it. Then your strength of S class will drop to A class permanently, from the plunder. Sandman ignores all impure women in disgust."

     Warm Rain takes a deep breath and asks.

     "Tim, you know who he is, right?"

     I nod and tell her honestly.

     "He is a teacher here in our school. I have seen him 3 times so far, and you have talked to him in the teachers office many times. I cannot say his real name, or he will know."

     I put down the window, and lit up my smoke, and after a puff, I continued.

     "There is no point in confronting him now, because frankly, he is like a mortal god, and until he unleashes his first power in ten months, he really cannot be defeated. I am only not telling you who he is, because I do not want you to die. He knows of you, but finds you to be an ant, a useful tool for purity, and a birthing chamber for the new human race... That's it."

     Rain does not seem bothered that I am smoking in her car at least. Then she asked another one I did not expect.

     "What are your plans for me? And how do you feel about me personally? Do you like me?"

     [Ah, fuck me, I never in a million years expected this question from Warm of all people! Ah, crap play it cool man, don't say something stupid here. And I need to cover my lap or she might see something I don't want her to see, cough! I won't say something dumb like... "I find you so fucking sexy, right? Hey, let's get married?" No, she would shoot me in the dick!]

     So I pull my back pack up in my lap, and I say seriously.

     "You are beautiful, intelligent, and loyal... What do I have plans for you? I will need you in the end to help me beat Sandman."

     [I do not like that smile on Warm's face, it tells me she saw through my words, and am I blushing? Cold, come out and punish Warm for me damn it!]

     Then, like she could read my mind, her eyes changed to grey, and the smile vanished. Cold told me.

     "Do not forget about the party tomorrow. I will be there as a server, and my hair will be dyed black. I will be your backup and be near you at all times... You can count on me to be your partner."

     I then nodded and said.

     "Yeah, if my Future Foresight is correct, in the ball, the Invisible Assassin will try and kill Luna and her parents. But now with my Spectral Sight, I will see her before she can hurt Luna. Just listen for me to point her out, then shoot to kill, no need leaving her alive. She knows nothing and is just doing a contract hit."

     As Cold nodded, I added.

     "No matter what happens at the party... You and Luna may not die. If either of you die, so will I."

     Rain, who has heard all of my inner talks, fully understands where my words come from. Though Cold is convinced I am delusional, and if Luna dies, I will in fact be fine. She just will not point out that my other Earth life is false.

     (A/N Cold is right. The summary and TAGS on the novel cover is correct, cough. This world of Night City is the real world for Tim. Sandman's real power is Reality Altering, and this will be shown much later in the Sandman climax.)

     "Tim, lean in so I can see your Spectral Eyes better."

    [Seems Cold saw something with my power...]

     But as I leaned in close to her, she grabbed the back of my head, and roughly kissed me. My eyes opened wide, and I no longer had thoughts in my mind...

     Just as I was starting to enjoy this surprising and amazing kiss, Cold let me go and seriously told me.

     "Take my purity before the next full moon, even if my blue eyed self is embarrassed."

     While I was still stunned at Cold's words, her eyes shifted from grey to blue, then Rain covered her face in pure shame and said in a whisper...

     "Damn it, that was my first kiss!"

     [Why can I imagine Cold giving me a mental high five and a thumbs up?]

     Warm is so ashamed, because Cold in fact did that in her inner-space.




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