A Yandere Nightmare, In Night City!

Chapter 28: Date Night Became Death Night!

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Chapter 28: Date Night Became Death Night! by Harem-Fan


     Spider-man is probably giving me a high-five right now, because as I have my Cary pinned down or up? We both grunt together, for our last installment. But that is not why Peter Parker looks up to me.

     It is because I have Cary pinned to the roof of the limo while we had sex on the interior roof. Yes, we used our powers of Psychokinesis to force ourselves upward.

     Uh? Well it was Cary's idea... She wanted to train her powers, and do something no one else has done before. So like I said, the car cleaners are going to question how our sexual fluids got on the roof of her limo?!


     After the two of us straightened up, the tan skinned beauty and I stepped out of the limo, to get some KFC to refuel all of the energy we used in... training? Cary with a smile, took my arm and we walked past her two assistants and we walked in for our dinner.

     As we were eating romantically together in a booth, I awkwardly asked Cary.

     "Why has your personal maid been filming us with her smartphone from time to time?"

     Cary putting a spoonful of her coleslaw in my mouth, said matter of factually.

     "To leak it to my family that the rice is cooked, and you and I are a real thing. Plus it was funny seeing your face when we got out of the limo. You looked like a thief who got caught. Don't worry, I will send you the copy."

     And that ended my crazy Wednesday...


     So the next two days were mostly peaceful. It seems that on nights Jill is not in my bed, Aisha shows up for her plundering of my baby batter, and every time she shows, she is wearing something that makes even prostitutes blush. And every morning Aisha rides me, I make her breakfast. And that seems to be the new normal.


     First High, parking lot, at 3:17 pm...

     So school ended this Friday afternoon, and without the Club to keep me, I was going to go hit a bar for drinks, and before I could get in my car, I heard Rain from behind me.

     "Tim, I am glad I caught you here. I just got an emergency call for a supernatural crime in progress. Will you join me?"

     Rain is looking at me with blue eyes, but a serious expression.

     [This must be a serious affair for Rain to want my help? But she is a no nonsense woman, so she must need my powers or knowledge here.]

     "Sure, tell me what is on the way, but let me cancel my date with Angel or postpone it based on the crime you need me for."

     And then the two of us climbed into her black SUV and headed southward...


     "It was originally just a normal diamond heist, but when the SWAT and local police tried stopping the trio of bandits, they quickly found that they had powers, so they called in all of us. It is currently a standoff due to our snipers pinning them down, but they have around 20 hostages, and one of them is the Mayor's son who was showing off to his girlfriend."

     I am wracking my brain remembering if this was a small plot in my book? So I ask.

     "Do they know what kind of powers are being used by the 3?"

     Rain waved at my show of holding up my pack of smokes, showing it was fine to smoke, and she told me.

     "A Force Field Generator, a Blood Manipulator, and an Ice Maker."

     As I puffed away, trying to keep the smoke mostly out of the car, I kinda remembered a plot, but I did not write it out.

     Rain had come into school injured on Monday making the MC worried, and it was told that Rain had intervened in a hostage situation with terrorists.

     Yeah, my protagonist did not care about beautiful women, but he only wanted them to be safe. I think I wanted to make a strange MC who deserved to be tortured by crazy women at the time. But I come out of my strange thoughts and tell Rain...

     "If you went without me, you would come back injured, and I do not know the details, but if you can be hurt, it is definitely dangerous."

     I then use my bluetooth to call Angel and tell her that the plans are on pause, till I find out what is going on with this case.

     When I told her it was supernatural related, she only told me to be safe, and she will wait for news. Hanging up my call, Rain smiled and teased.

     "Wow, and here you are making date plans when  you are on a date with me?"

     I pulled out my flask of Vodka and swig, then I told her.

     "Well, if your date ends up getting me laid, then I will stay out all night. But I think date night with you will be death night instead, haha."

     The pink-haired woman only smiles warmly at my joke, and then asks.

     "By the way, I know about you getting married tomorrow with that Cary woman, but I need you to do something for me tomorrow night."

     I can tell Warm is struggling with something, and I take another swig to calm my nerves. As I look at her side profile, she asks.

     "Come to my place and stay the night... The full moon is coming, and I want to take no chances. So, I think I am ready for us to be official. I am on the pill though, so no kids till just before we deal with Sandman. I want you to have a reason to fight and live."

     I saw at the end, Cold's grey eyes telling me she wants my baby closer to the fight, so she can help. I nod to her and say.

     "I cannot explain it, but even with our bond of love, I feel I still have not claimed you fully till we make love. My soul really wants you for some reason, like with Jill. Sorry to compare you two, but I think it has to do with my other experience of a life not of this world... You and Jill have some kind of special place in my heart.... I have memories of  two people like you and..."

     Cold just cuts me off and hits me with an identity crisis...

     "I have researched everything about you, Tim Smith. And I understand you have this belief of being a creator of our world, and reincarnating, but ask yourself... If you are the God of this world, who put you in it?"

     "I have concluded that you have been manipulated into thinking your other life was real, and this world is false. But... what if your other world is fake, and this world is real?"

     "Do you know, I remember my 3rd birthday with my sick mother. It was my only happy moment because she left me shortly after, and I was alone in the cold. A young child. And do you know why telling you this is important? Because you were not even a sparkle in your fathers eye yet. I existed before you, Tim Smith."

     "I just want you to know, I never wanted to burst your bubble, but I believe your amnesia, your powers, and your other life of a creator, are not a coincidence. I have memories, feelings, and desires... Do you, the man who does not belong, have the power or ability to make Rain, me? Have you ever seen the movie Fight Club? In the end, the two main characters were one and the same. You, Tim, are just confused, and I think that Sandman may have done something to you. He is strong enough, and is close to us."

     "Tim, just answer me a few easy questions... Where were you born in your other life? What did your wives or lovers really look like? Who do you love the most in both worlds? Do you remember your high school graduation? I think any fake reality has some flaws in filling the blanks in."

     Rain just focused on driving, and after filling my head with questions that my brain just overlooked, I do not know what to think. Even the cigarette in my hand has long gone out.

     [My Wife's face... What was my wifes name? What was the face and name of my mistress? I don't even know my real life as JR?! I found implanted memories when I went to my inner space, and just thought it was my past life, but... Why did I have a dog named Tim? I don't even know what breed he is, just that I had a dog?! But, the woman in black felt real to me. Somehow, I know she was Jill. Somehow, I feel like I do not exist in any world.]

     Just as some tears flowed, unnoticed by me, I felt Rain reach over and hold my hand. She chuckled and said.

     "You and I are like the couple in Fight Club... Holding each other at the end. The main Heroine loved the main character, even though he was troubled with a split personality... so just know I am here and love you."

     [If my other world is fake, and never existed, then how did I write the book? I know Rain is a super genius and is smarter than me, so I should ask her...]

     "Rain, how can I know everything like I wrote this world as a book? Almost everything is related? And does that mean I am not really 33 in my mind, but really just 18?"

     Rain touched my cheek and said in a rare caring tone. Then she just asked me a simple question.

     "Your Implanted Memories is probably a Power you are unaware of, that lets you glimpse knowledge of the world, a powerful Foresight Power. You told me that Dan has the Cursed Power that held Night City, but you learned with me, you had it. So, what powers does Sandman have that can affect it, and you?"

     [In the final battle, Sandman saved up so much energy from the women he plundered over 20 years, to unleash his Ultimate move... Reality Shaper! He used Dan's Bounded Field as a catalyst to affect the world, to eliminate all normal humans from the world, and that was why Dan died... So, did Sandman use Reality Shaper on me, but when and why? Did he create my Earth, a world with no Psychics or Night City... Wait, what if I was sent there by Sandman, and I came back early?! Did Jill in that reality send me back on purpose?]

     My body trembled thinking how my very person was manipulated to the point, I do not know what is real or fake anymore, but I feel Rain squeezing my hand hard enough to hurt me. And I squeeze back... Yeah, this moment is real. I say to Rain.

     "Somehow, I think Sanman attacked me, and now I am broken. I believe most of what you said is probably the truth, even if it is hard to believe. But, I know your hand is real."

     Cold said as a joke to liven the mood.

     "So, tonight, I really am going to have sex with an 18 year old?"

     [Somehow, I need to thank Sandman for getting me laid, right? But seriously, his power to change reality is not a good thing. That is the Power of a God. When I had written about it, well in my fake author's life, I just thought it was a cool way to show how humans and psychics were split into two parallel worlds, but now, I am terrified that he will do it... Because I love my life as it is now. I need a drink, so I can accept that everything I knew was a false reality, sigh.]

     "Sorry, I thought I was more mature. I will try to work my issues out. So why tell me now?"

     "Because you have been living like you are a bystander who does not belong in this world. You are acting like a player of a game. The two of us are going to fight for our lives, and I want you to know this is real, so fight to live. Plus, now I can comfort you tonight. Remember, you are Tim Smith, even if you forgot."

     I finish my flask, and smile at her, and forget the hard thoughts.

     "So you really want to fight for that number one love of both my lives?"

     "I do not have to fight for it, despite what you think, I am your greatest love. How is that?"

     "Damn, you are very unfair Rain."

     [Somehow, I am afraid she is right. Well, I will be a better Tim Smith, for the women I love.]

     Arriving at the scene, Rain says.

     "Let us go and hurry. I want to go home..."

[A/N Before freaking out, reread the story summary on the front page, and Chapter one! Thanks, and there is more to what Sandman did, but at this point in the story, Tim will not be able to figure it out yet until Sandman actually activates his power. Then the words of the black dressed woman will make sense. Spoiler, JR's world is fake.]



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