Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Discovered By Humans

I'm woken up by a sudden increase in radiation.

"Ah, it must be World War Two. I slept for quite a while huh?"

[It is currently 1945 CE]

Yep. It's World War Two. Godzilla should be waking up soon to kill Shinomura. I can't really gain anything from Shinomura because of its single-celled nature.

I'll just sleep till humanity fucks up and wakes Ghidorah up.

The same events from the monsterverse occur. Godzilla and Shinomura fight for decades until humanity drops a hydrogen bomb on Godzilla and kill Shinomura. Godzilla, of course, waves off the bomb like it was nothing. 2014 happens, which signals the awakening of the two Muto's and Godzilla struggles against them yet again. Then 2019 comes.

[It is currently 2019 CE]

Mhm. I know. I can sense humans all around me. I guess they've found me somehow. Though, a giant bird living in a mountainside cave isn't exactly stealthy, but I'm still in the arctic…


Monarch facility staff POV:

A scientist stands in front of multiple Monarch soldiers presenting them the Titan they're guarding.

"Titanus Fenrir. A name I'm pretty sure nobody has heard of. In Norse mythology, Fenrir was a gigantic wolf who was chained by Odin. This did not capture the wolf however, as how could a mere mortal capture a godly being?"

The man faces another screen which shows an old cave painting of a wolf and a winged woman fighting.

"Legends say that the chains merely strengthened the wolf. Giving him the ability to cover it in some golden energy and send it to capture other beasts. His legend ends with this."

The man stops in front of the screen with the cave painting.

"A hundred thousand year old painting done in Norway. The mythology states that he was felled in battle for his cockiness to think he could bring down a Valkyrie. It's said that this creature toyed with him before breathing a kiss of death into the wolf's throat."

He gestures with his hands,

"That. Is what you're guarding. She's known as the Valkyrie, and the Seraphim to name a few. We've decided on calling her Sera for short. She was one of the most active Titans during human civilization, with accounts of her dating to cave paintings hundreds of thousands of years ago."

Another scientist looks at him and says,

"We're protecting a giant bird?"

The scientist looks at him and shakes his head,

"No no no, we're keeping it contained. To protect us."


Sera POV:

*breath out*

*Weapon charging up*


Oh. Right. People.

I open my eyes and stretch up to my full height. Because of the cave, I'm not able to spread my wings without causing a cave in. I stand up and hit some metal above me. While I could easily break through, I don't wanna scare the humans even more than looking at a multiple story tall bird. I tap it and open my eyes. I see a couple guys surrounding me with hazmat suits and some electricity rifle looking thing.

I ignore them and look into the glass chamber the non-combat types are in. I see Millie Bobby Brown and the lady who's supposed to be her mom. Then, blue lasers shoot up from the ground in front of me, forming some kind of prison around me.

'As always, overestimating themselves.'

I unfurl the arms from underneath my feathers and stick it through the lasers.

Of course, it does absolutely nothing.

After this little display of power, I lay back down. As expected, nothing went wrong with their containment because I'm not where the ORCA is at. If I was, I'd destroy the thing. It's been annoying enough hearing Godzilla's alpha call every now and then, hearing one constantly would probably make me kill everyone here.

A-titans aren't really affected by other A-titans alpha calls. We're just annoyed by them.

I look towards the woman who will eventually wake up Ghidorah and snarl slightly at her. I also spit a little silk at her before laying back down.

Then I hear some dumbass soldier yell out,

"Haha! We scared it!"

I promptly spit a glob of silk at him and encase him in it.

A few scientists jump at me suddenly turning around, and the soldiers laugh a little bit at the sight of their friend covered in bird spit.

'Show me my status.'



[Name: Seraph, God, Yahweh, Allah, Valkyrie, Bennu, Roc]

[Sex: Female]

[Race: Death Draenix]*

[Class: S-Titan]

[Wingspan: 735m]

[Height: 112m]

[Titan Energy: 25770]




[Breath Of Death]

[EMP Blast]

[Offspring Production]

[Atomic Chain]

[Aqua Jet]

[Ink Spray]

[Energy Manipulation]

[Turn Humanoid]

[Sonic Screech]


[Atomic Breath]

[Nuclear Pulse]

[Heat Manipulation]

[Alpha Call]

[Alpha Call resistance]*NEW*

[Sigma Call]

[Assimilated DNA: 10]


[Razor Beak]

[Razor Talons]

[Bullet Time]

[Venom Glands]

[Venomous Canines]

[Venomous Wings]

[Venomous Saliva]

[Titan Sense]

[Extra Limbs (10)]

[Atomic Skeleton]

[Wolves Hearing]

[Ink Sac]

[Limb Regeneration]


[Resistant Skin]

[Dorsal Plates]

[Nuclear Reactor]

[Heat Resistance]

[Bio-Volcanic Nature]

[*Because of your many reptile-like features, your race has evolved into a Draenix, a mixture of a Phoenix and a dragon]


[Alpha Call resistance: Due to your evolution into a Sigma Titan, you are no longer affected by the alpha call of those weaker than you]

[Sigma Call: it is the opposite of an Alpha Call. When used, it designates you as a being not within the hierarchy of Titans]


Draenix, huh? Pretty cool. My body feels bulkier, like I could throw Godzilla like a toy.

I guess ignoring the alpha calls was the right decision.

I might cut off and eat one of Ghidorah's heads in Antarctica.

I also wanna save Serizawa and nuke the g-man myself. I just like the guy.

I was thinking about eating Mothra's body when she sacrifices herself for Godzilla to kill Ghidorah for her reincarnation ability, but I'll have plenty of time to find another way to get it. I more so want to kill Ghidorah before Godzilla disintegrates him.

I'm not getting involved until after he arrives in Boston. Mainly because I'm not confident in coming out of an Oxygen destroyer unscathed.

I might scare the space lizard off in Antarctica. Mainly because his arrogance pisses me off.

Godzilla is arrogant too, but not as much as Ghidorah.

Plus Ghidorah wants to terraform the planet into a hell scape and kill all humans which I'm not fond of. Humans may be annoying and arrogant, but without them music wouldn't have been made. And I love music. I might get them to serenade me after I save the day. No country music though.

I'm tempted to turn into my humanoid form and tell them to bring me booze, but I'll keep that a secret to expose after killing Godzilla.

Plus that evil woman that helped to release the titans needs punishment after that. Not for releasing the titans, but causing an untold amount of death. I won't kill her, but I won't let her get out unscathed. I'll chop off a leg or something.

The terrorist guy who released Ghidorah, though? That's a different story.

I once again give the woman a side eye and lay back down.

I'm getting hungry thinking about Ghidorah jerky.


One of the scientists looks over to Emma Russel and asks,

"Hey, uh… Doc? Did you do something to piss her off?"

Emma, who had just fallen back in shock from a giant white glob flying towards her, looks at the scientist and says,

"Uhm. No, I don't think so… Maybe she's not comfortable with humans around her?"

The scientists nods his head and says,

"Well… She does live at the tip of Greenland… Maybe she's of a more… Solitary lifestyle."

Madison, Millie Bobby Brown and Emma Russels daughter, looks at Sera in awe.

Her feathers are a beautiful glistening black, with spines going down her back similarly to Godzilla.

Nobody else may have noticed it, but she did… Sera gave her a soft look. Like a mother would. She also seemed to get amused when the soldier was struggling to get out of the silk.

Suddenly, a biologist speaks up,

"Hey, guys? Do you… See her neck?"

Emma, the scientist, and Madison all look at the neck.

It's difficult to see… But…

"She has… Gills?"

Emma says.

The feathers around the gills are smaller than the normal ones, hiding them from all but the most trained eyes.

"But… She's a bird!"

The scientist says confused.

"Wait wait wait, she also has those spines on her back. Don't those look familiar? Pull up that Phoenician painting of Dagon, the Muto prime, and the angel!"

A mosaic painting comes up showing a Godzilla-like creature being beaten by a Muto Prime and then subsequently both of the being finished off by a black figure with wings and a Grey cape from her neck.

"I'm sure of it. She mutates somehow. Taking on characteristics of her kills."

Madison looks at the painting and back at Sera.

"In the painting she doesn't have the plates either."

Madison points out.

Emma nods her head and looks at the Titan,

"She's pretty incredible, huh? I guarantee you that little act of her putting her hidden arms out of containment was just to spite us for thinking we could hold her here. Or it might have been a warning."

The scientist looks at her and says,

"A warning?"

Emma nods her head,

"Yes. She's showing how easily she can break out of her containment to display how other titans could break out too."

The scientist still looks skeptical but says,

"All right then. We'll try to find other ways of containing them."

Madison looks out at Sera with stars in her eyes,

"She's beautiful."


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