Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Dagon and Rodan

[It is currently 1100 BCE]

Mhm. Dagon is getting fucked up.

Oh? It seems like Rodan isn't the only of his species after all. He's about to be though. I've got three snacks now! I take off towards the area where Jerusalem is located. Dagon and the Muto prime fought around the Phoenicians.

I take off and erase my presence so they don't notice me. In a few hours I get there and circle above them. It's a pretty awful fight. Awful as in it looks like two children slapping eachother.

I'm glad their fight takes place closer to night so my shadow isn't a problem, and they're too engrossed in their fight to look up at me.

The fight ends with Dagon being weakened and the Muto prime impregnating him like a wasp. The prime was pretty smacked up though. I turn bird form and basically become an arrow with my beak being the tip. I crash into the Muto prime with enough force to cause an earthquake. My skull gets shaken as I hit the hard carapace of the prime and see that I just barely managed to break the surface of the chitin. I quickly breathe out some of my death breath and take off again.

I know your abilities, bub. I'm not getting yelled at.

I command the mist to eat into the wound I caused.

The prime rears back and yells out at me, attempting to hit me with its Sonic scream. The sound reaches me, but not nearly loud enough to even phase me. I smirk lightly, and breathe out some more death breath which very quickly slams into the primes face and coats the water around it, killing some of the fish around it. It breathes some of it in and starts feeling the effects of the death breath.

Anticlimactic? Yeah? So? I'm not risking my life to fight something I may or may not beat. Not yet anyway. I might fight like that sooner or later. It's just a matter of time before I fight something that isn't affected by my breath attack. That's the main reason I wanna get a lot of different abilities.

Oh! It's dying.

I land and walk over to it. It tries releasing a Sonic attack at me but I send out the atomic chains and chain its mouth up. I decide to test out the aqua jet on its carapace and shoot it out at the top of its skull, a bit away from the hole from my pecker…

Wrong word choice but yeah.

It cuts through within a few seconds of constant impact, destroying its brain.

Well it's dead. Time for Dagon.

I walk over to Dagon and notice that he's still alive, just sleeping. I decide I'll let him sleep a while and just give him a small amount of death mist to pass away peacefully while I bring this corpse back home.

I take off with the Muto prime which is much heavier than it should be and plop it down at my cave.

Dagons energy signature is getting weaker, but still has a few hours. And of course, the Rodan creature is flying towards him.

I keep my presence hidden and circle above Dagon in wait for the glorified dinosaur. He eventually comes over the horizon and sees me. It's the same one from before. I'm guessing actual Rodan is the one that came about while I was asleep. I charge towards him not giving him a chance to run and plunge him into the ocean. He screams out and tries burning my wings. My feathers get singed, but there's not much he can do in water. He eventually gets cooled down so much that he passes out. My feet feel a little sun-burned but nothing I can't handle. I'm sure my insides will be sad after this anyways. I take my talon and plunge it directly into his skull, releasing a little more magma into the ocean. I then take his corpse to my home and notice it very quickly melting the snow around it.

Well… that'll be fun to eat.

I go to where Dagon is sleeping and notice that the eggs implanted in him are dead already, and the death mist is taking an abnormally long time to kill him. I decide to give him mercy and lift my talon up into the air. I slam down with all my light and cut his skull in two with a little resistance from his scales.

I grab his corpse and take him along too. Dagon is a little bit bigger than me height wise, but my wingspan dwarfs him easily. It's over four times his size. I'm probably the biggest Titan alive as far as wingspan goes, maybe bigger than Ghidora.

I start digging in, leaving Rodan for last. The Muto is gross. Obviously. But I chuck it down my throat anyways since it'll help me get stronger. Then, I move on to Dagon.

His scales are annoying to chew through, like eating rubber. Thankfully my beak is specially designed to cut through this stuff. The spines are the worst part, because I have to eat basically the entire Titan to get 100%. Thankfully, I'll never get full because their bodies get turned into DNA and energy rapidly.

Then… ugh… Rodan.

I take a bite of his wing and am instantly filled with the sensation of a burned tongue. But I truckthrough.

The lava swirls in my mouth like the devil's piss as I force it down. It doesn't hurt as much after leaving my mouth, but it's still unpleasant.

I eventually get all of Rodan down and feel sore, numb, and tired. So, I get in my cave and pass out.

[Titan Energy gained: 12058 (25770)]

[Wingspan: 517 - 735m]

[Height: 87m - 112m]

[Muto Prime DNA: 100%]

[Gojira DNA: 100%]

[Rodan DNA: 100%]

[Abilities gained: Sonic Screech, Impregnate, Atomic Breath, Nuclear pulse, Heat manipulation, Alpha Call]

[Mutations gained: Slash resistant skin, Dorsal plates, Nuclear reactor, Heat resistance, Bio-volcanic nature]

I'm still unconscious, but I can think. So,

"Explain them to me."

[Sonic screech: You let out a screech that is loud enough to be heard around the world and can stun titans. Can shatter Gojira species dorsal plates]

[Impregnate: You can stab into something with your fingers and plant eggs in them. Skill is generally useless considering the produce offspring skill will allow for stronger children]

[Atomic breath: The Gojira species iconic breath attack. It reaches a temperature of 500,000°C, much hotter than the surface of the sun]

[Nuclear pulse: When you are overloaded with radiation, your body will become superheated and you gain the ability to release this energy in quick bursts, destroying everything around you]

[Heat manipulation: You can control the temperature of the air around you]

[Slash resistant skin: makes your skin resistant against slashes. Can be combined with other resistances to create an all encompassing skill]

[Dorsal plates: You gain the dorsal plates of a Gojira]

[Nuclear reactor: Your body becomes similar to a nuclear reactor, generating Titan energy all on its own]

[Alpha call: You gain the ability to use an Alpha call on other titans. Beware: use of this skill can cause Ghidorah's awakening]

[Heat resistance: Your entire body is resistant to heat. Up to 700,000°C]

[Bio-volcanic nature: Your blood is like magma and you feel at home in volcanic locations]

Nice… I'm going to sleep…



[Name: Seraph, God, Yahweh, Allah, Valkyrie, Bennu, Roc]

[Sex: Female]

[Race: Death Phoenix]

[Class: A-Titan]

[Wingspan: 502m - 735m]

[Height: 85m - 112m]

[Titan Energy: 11229 - 25770]




[Breath Of Death]

[EMP Blast]

[Offspring Production]

[Atomic Chain]

[Aqua Jet]

[Ink Spray]

[Energy Manipulation]

[Turn Humanoid]

[Sonic Screech]


[Atomic Breath]

[Nuclear Pulse]

[Heat Manipulation]

[Alpha Call]

[Assimilated DNA: 10]


[Razor Beak]

[Razor Talons]

[Bullet Time]

[Venom Glands]

[Venomous Canines]

[Venomous Wings]

[Venomous Saliva]

[Titan Sense]

[Extra Limbs (10)]

[Atomic Skeleton]

[Wolves Hearing]

[Ink Sac]

[Limb Regeneration]


[Resistant Skin]

[Dorsal Plates]

[Nuclear Reactor]

[Heat Resistance]

[Bio-Volcanic Nature]


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