Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Names and Human Form


Wait, ugh?

"What the?"



I look down at my body, and it's still a bird. I guess I'm like a parrot?



[Name: Valkyrie, Bennu, Roc]

[Sex: Female]

[Race: Death Phoenix]

[Class: A-Titan]

[Wingspan: 432m - 502m]

[Height: 80m - 85m]

[Titan Energy: 3870 - 11229]




[Breath Of Death]*EVOLVED*

[EMP Blast]

[Offspring Production]

[Atomic Chain]

[Aqua Jet]

[Ink Spray]

[Energy Manipulation]

[Turn Humanoid]*NEW*

[Assimilated DNA: 6]


[Razor Beak]

[Razor Talons]

[Rock Skin]

[Bullet Time]

[Venom Glands]

[Venomous Fangs]*

[Venomous Wings]

[Venomous Saliva]

[Blast Resistant Skin]

[Titan Sense]

[Extra Limbs (6 +4)]*EVOLVED*

[Atomic Skeleton]


[Wolves Hearing]

[Ink Sac]

[Limb Regeneration]


[*:These two abilities can be merged for greater effect]


Oh? I've been named? By who?

[The time is currently 1725 BCE. You've been named by Ancient Scandinavians who witnessed your battle against Fenrir many years ago, though the original story has changed from you being a giant bird into a woman with wings. Also, the Egyptians witnessed you block out the sun and deitized you, thus naming you Bennu. The people of the Middle East know you as the Roc bird]

Ah nice, the civilizations must have been small since I didn't notice them.

My body feels much more slender now that I've evolved again. Before I felt like a normal bird with how much body was built, now I feel thin yet muscular. My beak is also slightly longer than before, like a mix between a hawk and a crane.

Anyways, merge those abilities, and what do my new abilities do?

[Breath of Death: Your abyssal breath has gotten more potent, able to cause the instant death of any non-titanic species that comes into contact with it. It loses its corrosive ability, and instead causes tissue around the impacted area to die at a rapid pace.]

[Atomic Chain: Ensares and burns creatures caught by it]

[Aqua Jet: You release a jet of water from your mouth. The water is so pressurized that it is able to cut through an inch of steel]

[Ink Spray: You spray ink from your fingertips allowing for great accuracy]

[Energy Manipulation: Allows you to manipulate your energy to make yourself appear dead, or just non-existent to other titans]

[Turn Humanoid: Allows you to turn into a humanoid form for greater combat effectiveness. You keep a monsterous feel even in your humanoid form]

[Extra Limbs (+4): You gain an extra set of wings and arms. Bringing your total to six wings and four arms]

[Atomic Skeleton: Your skeleton is strengthened by your energy. The more energy you have, the stronger your skeleton is]

[Venomous Canines: Your canine teeth have been merged with your venomous fangs, creating venomous teeth]

[Wolf's Hearing: Wolf ears have sprouted from your head, giving you access to a wolf's hearing]

[Ink Sac: A sac that stores ink]

[Limb regeneration: You gain the ability to regenerate lost limbs. (Doesn't work with heads)]

[Gills: You gain gills]

Nice. I can sleep underwater now. How does that human thing work?

I go ahead and activate the ability. I can feel my feathers start dissolving into death smoke as they leave my body.

My skin is pitch black and thin-muscular. My arms have feathers going up the sides of them. I also have wolf ears on top of my head, and gills on my neck.

I have feathers on my head forming a sort of crown shape.

I have four arms which is gonna take some getting used to.

I also have claws attached to my forearm bones that sit below my wrists when my hands are opened. When I close my hands it extends about a foot past my fist.

I also still have birdy feet with giant talons.

Also I'm a little taller in human form, but my wings are smaller.

[Height: 85m - 97m]

[Wingspan: 502m - 487m]

I'm nakey….

I rub my hands on my chest and… ugh… flat…

I mean, birds don't have milk so it makes sense but I'm still a bit sad.

The feathers go from my feet up to a little above my knee but cover nothing else.

It's weird feeling cold on my body for the first time in forever.

"I should get a spiders silk ability and learn how to make myself clothes. I've got forever to learn."

I wish I could get Mothra's silk ability, but that'd piss of the G-man and I don't wanna kill him. I'm gonna wait for Dagon to die and eat him AND the Muto prime.

I could make myself a cute hoodie and some sweats. Or maybe a toga? I just can't go around naked. I mean, I can, like who's gonna stop me… Am I an exhibitionist? Possibly.

I don't really care. I'm gonna go look for a spider.

I get out of my snowy cave and sense the titans across the globe. There's hundreds, maybe even thousands, but I'm looking for a specific kind. Australia, the Americas, tropical Africa… ah! There's one… funnily enough it's in Europe.

Welp! Time to be a nudist!

I take off towards Europe with my streamlined form cutting through the air.

I fly over Egypt and make my energy stop leaking from my body to disappear from the spider's view. I'm sure the people of Cairo appreciate the view of a flying naked lady.

I fly over Greece next, and end up around where I think Czechoslovakia is. The spider is currently buried in the ground, but based on its energy levels, it'll have to get up soon to hunt.

I land nearby, just behind a mountain very carefully to not wake it up. I lie in wait and spend the time making a trap for the spider. I send out a bit of radiation, just enough to make it seem like a weakened Titan.

Once I see energy movement, I cut it off and fly up high in the sky. The spider breaks out of the mound of dirt it hid under and starts trudging along towards the last location of the energy signal.

Suddenly, it feels a jolt of pain through its back as I land on it with my talons. They dig in and I start lifting it up. Then, I get an idea.

I take the flailing spider over to the Mediterranean  and plunge down into it holding the spider underneath. The spider flails and tries to fight me, shooting silk up to try hitting me, but failing miserably. Some of the silk does stick to my feathers, but is quickly melted by the venom.

It takes a few hours, but the spider eventually passes out from drowning and I stab it in multiple places around its body until its energy signature dies out. I start swimming up and use the aqua jet from my mouth to pull me up out of the water.

I flap my wings, and cause some mega sized waves before flying around for a bit. I'm tired of Antarctica. Especially because Ghidora is there and I don't wanna risk waking him up sooner than 2019.

I want canon to still happen so I can reap the rewards of the dead Titans. Especially Ghidora since he can travel through space and I wanna go through space.

After mechagodzilla I'll probably leave earth behind and travel the cosmos.

Anyways, I get to the Arctic and look around for a mountain. I find one big enough for me and start carving out a cave to sleep in. I make it just barely bigger than me and then crawl in. I walk back out to the spider corpse and turn into my birdie form.

I start munchin. Its carapace is hard, but my beak is strengthened by my Titan energy thanks to Atomic skeleton. I easily cut through it and eat the whole spooder.

[Titan energy gained: 2483 (13712)]

[Wingspan: 502m - 517m]

[Height: 85m - 87m]

[Arachne DNA: 78%]

[Ability gained: Silk Production]

[Mutation gained: Silk Skin]

Oh? I guess Arachne is a species. What do the abilities do?

[Silk Production: You can produce silk from your mouth]

[Silk Skin: Silk no longer sticks to your skin]

Nice. I honestly don't know what to do to pass the time now. Dagon isn't killed for another 600 or so years. Guess I could try making that toga.

My silk is a somewhat grey color. I'm guessing it's influenced by my race.

It takes about five years, but thanks to me being a Titan, my sense of boredom is much less than a humans. I have literally all the time in the world to learn.

It goes down to my legs just above my knees and it hugs my body slightly. When I'm in my bird form, I'll tie it around my neck to act like a cape and pull it back around me when I change to my human form.

I think G-man might be getting annoyed by me killing titans every time I wake up, but I don't give a damn. I'm probably bigger than the guy. He was weak as hell in the 2014 movie, so him this far in the past must be a pushover. Still, he is the alpha of the surface so I guess I should calm it down. The spider was the last ability I wanted till Dagon's death. And he won't care what I do to the Muto prime. He might even be happy about it.

Anyway, I decided to fly around again to see how humanity has progressed. So far, China seems to be in the lead as far as cities go. Theirs definitely seem the biggest.

I do a fly by of the Middle East and groups of people just seem to get on their knees and pray or something. Guess I just made a religion.

I fly over Africa, and it's more of the same besides a few cities in Egypt, Morocco, and South Africa. South America has some pretty big cities in it too compared to the rest of the world. North America is basically barren still somehow. There's a bigger city than usual here though, it seems like it's near St. Louis or something. It could still grow though.

Having had enough of the boring ancient world, I decide to sleep for a while.

Being a titan is pretty awesome. You can sleep almost instantly and you wake up any time you sense something off.

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