Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Leaving the Babies

Before I leave I wanna do a quick run through of my status



[Name: Seraph, Mama, Mommy, +6]

[Sex: yes plz]

[Race: Death Draenix]

[Class: S-Titan]

[Wingspan: 1103m]

[Height: 301m]

[Titan Energy: 80366]

[Assimilated DNA: 13]




[Breath Of Death]

[EMP Blast]

[Offspring Production]

[Atomic Chain]

[Aqua Jet]

[Ink Spray]

[Energy Manipulation]

[Turn Humanoid]

[Sonic Screech]


[Atomic Breath]

[Nuclear Pulse]

[Heat Manipulation]

[Alpha Call]

[Alpha Call resistance]

[Sigma Call]

[Gravity beam]

[Conjure hurricane]

[Unnatural Regeneration]





[Proton Scream]

[Missile Battery (Oxy-bombs)]


[Razor Beak]

[Razor Talons]

[Bullet Time]

[Venom Glands]

[Venomous Canines]

[Venomous Wings]

[Venomous Saliva]

[Titan Sense]

[Extra Limbs (10)]

[Atomic Skeleton]

[Wolves Hearing]

[Ink Sac]

[Limb Regeneration]


[Dorsal Plates]

[Nuclear Reactor]

[Heat Resistance]

[Bio-Volcanic Nature]

[Alpha Call resistance]

[Full Body Brain]

[Sigma Call]





[Resistant Exoskeleton]


Ignoring what my sex says, I read through them all and make sure to group together any abilities that are redundant. Though, that was only one from before, [Resistant Exoskeleton].

I feel like I'm pretty fuggin strong. Like I could destroy a planet in a few hours if I wanted to. I call over Remy and Ares.

We've spent quite a few years together now, so I don't feel as bad for leaving them. I can feel that I'll be able to see them again, but it still hurts because I don't know how long it'll take.

The two stand in front of me, Remy is on her knees with her feathery tail swinging back and forth really fast. Ares is standing with a stoic look on her face, but her tail gives her away too.

These two seem to love their human forms, which is why I have been staying in mine as well.

I rub both of their heads as they melt into my hands.

"I'll have to get going now."

Remy gets a sad look on her face, while Ares has an understanding small smile,

"We know. We can feel it calling you. But you'll be back, I know you will. I hope you have fun, wherever you may be."

Ares talks with her usual mature manner of speech. I feel my lip quiver as I see Remy start crying. I lean down and pick them both up into a big hug.

"I promise you I'll come back. I'll never forget my two little jelly beans! Protect each other while I'm gone, okay?"

Remy cries into my chest while Ares wipes a few tears off her face. She grabs Remy by the waist and pulls her off of me,

"Don't worry mommy, I'll make sure she doesn't get into any trouble."

I giggle a little at that and wipe the tears from my face.

"I love you girls."


"I love you too mommy."

I turn into my normal birb form and fly away from the two. The quicker I leave the better. I fly over to the portal that's been calling me. It's different from normal blue portals. This one glows golden. It's also at the bottom of the shallow ocean. I dive down and cut through the water with ease, shooting straight into the portal.

[Ability Gained: Dimensional Travel]

[Dimensional Travel: A required ability for traveling to different realities. Requires evolution into [Titan Demi-god] for free use, or a catalyst. If a catalyst is used, you will not be able to choose your destination]

[Catalyst Used! Activating [Dimensional Travel]]







I feel like my body is being stretched in the worst ways possible. My legs are stretched, my torso is stretched, my boobs get stretched for a second and then go back to normalwhythefuckcouldn'tthatonelast.

I feel like this lasts for hours on end until I finally feel water again.

I look around and see nothing but water and sand, and a couple weird looking fish.

Wait that fish is getting bigger…

It's a titan? But… It feels like an inbred titan. I slams into me and starts dragging me around underwater while I study what it is. Its bite does absolutely nothing to me, and its claws bounce off my feathers. I eventually get bored of the thing dragging me and stab my talon through its skull.

It's pretty big compared to most of the monsters in Godzilla, like at least 30 meters taller. But, it was incredibly light. Like I could pick this thing up and wave it around like a human would a bottle of water.

It was also incredibly weak. No atomic breath, no gravity beams, and probab- okay I'll stop with the goji center meme.

I feel like with the most miniscule movements I could rip this thing in half like paper. I can sense that the blood is highly toxic, but toxins don't affect me.

I take a bite of the creature and feel titan energy coming from it. I quickly eat the entire thing.

[Titan Energy gained: 10832 (91198)]

So I can gain Titan energy from them, but not any abilities huh? Seems like it's time for a power up!



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