Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Remys majik buk of MARZ! – Part One

Chapter WON!

Mama jus left me and airy's on marz all by arself! I was vary sad! We ownly had like a few years togather! Airy's says i shud lern how to rite! she can rite to good for her age! Y did she haf to be smart? y not me!

Chapter TO!

marz is doen gud! thair are all kinds of cul animals! thair is 1 that has big ers that ar gud at fling! It luks lyk tha ders that i saw on ert! i namd it dumber! It is big! like half airy's syz!

Chapter TRE!

Hoomens hav sent sumting on marz! I beet it up an thru it bac! marz is pretty. she says she luvs me alot! marz is lyk mama. i mis mama.

Ares edits:

Remy's Magic Book of Mars

Chapter One -

Mommy just left me and Ares* on Mars all by ourselves. I was very sad. We only had a few years together. Ares* says I should learn how to write (You should). She can write too good for her age (Thank you)! Why did she have to be smart! Why not me (You're the lovable one)!

Chapter Two -

Mars is doing good! There are all kinds of cool animals, for example: there is one that has big ears that it uses to fly. It looks like the deer of Earth. I named it Dumbeer (Dumbo and deer)! It's about half the size of Ares*!

Chapter Three -

Humanity has sent a sattelite to Mars (I'm guessing to get a scan of the atmosphere for future colonization)! I destroyed it and threw it back out into space (She isn't a very good shot. She missed)! Mars is pretty. She says she loves me a lot (I'm guessing through manipulating Titan energy)! Mars reminds me of mommy. I miss mommy.

Ares' Notes:

Mars has been progressing very well ever since mommy and Remy arrived. I had tried mixing my TE into Mars along with Remy to attempt to speed up the process, but it was rejected immediately. I'm guessing Remy has a special connection with Mars that allows her to feed it her residual energy.

Remy says that Mars said it loved her. My guess is that when their energies connected, they formed a sort of bond similar to a mother and child.

Several interesting creatures have evolved on Mars in this short period of time. The Dumbeer as Remy calls them actually appear to be closer to horses from Earth, just with slimmer features as the males have no antlers.

Another interesting type of animal that has appeared is several creatures that appear close to mommy's memories of dinosaurs. The most prominent being several different species of raptor. The most prominent of the raptors is one I dubbed the Genesis raptor, or Generaptor for short. I named them this because they seem to possess a high amount of intelligence.

The arms of this raptor have evolved to be longer than their compatriots, and they've slowly but surely evolved into a more straight standing position, similar to humanity. They are taller than the other members of their species, but are weaker as well. They also have thinner scales and less feathers.

They've recently started using sharpened sticks as a method of hunting, where they sneak up on prey from the side using a more raptor-like stance and throw their spears at them. Their thinner scales and less feathers seem to act how human skin acts, allowing them to sweat and chase things for extended periods of time.

Aside from them, there is one more intelligent creature. It seems to be an animal similar to dolphins. It has a flat face, two sets of eyes to see in front of and behind them, and extreme intelligence as well. They have developed a method of communicating with each other using echolocation and sonar.

I don't have much more information on them other than the fact that they tend to have darker skin colors of blacks and greys.

I miss mommy too.


AN: greg

people were wanting me to do chapters describing the changes mars goes through during the terraforming, so every now and then ill post one of these. ill always post another chapter with one of these so they wont be the only post of the day.

i thought it was a cute idea that will also give insight into how mars is doing


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