Ace Of Diamond: Lord Of Baseball System (More chapter on Webnovel)

Chapter 35

“Isn’t that the monstrous tenth-grader pitcher?”


“Seems like he is a good batter as well”.


“Rei has proved his batting skills by hitting a home run”


“HOME RUN! Seriously”.


“Woah, look at that swing”


Discussed people in the gallery watching Rei do batting practice.


Rei was taking his frustration out by batting today since the coach told him to rest and not throw. He didn’t like that one bit.


Nerima Ward, Tokyo Akikawa Academy.


Shun was throwing for batting practice. This type of practice was thought of by Shun for his control.


Even though Shun has less speed compared to Furuya and Rei, his pitching was scary because of his precise control.


A Team like this will be formidable once they pick up their momentum. They have more than a small chance to beat Seidou.


After Morning Practice.


“WAIT RIGHT THERE, MIYUKI KAZUYA! Don’t you want to catch my new and improved fastball?”, yelled Sawamura trying to get Miyuki’s attention.


“Shut up! Don’t call me by my full name! I already caught your balls yesterday”, said Miyuki.


“Oye, Furuya forget this baka, and let’s go”, said Miyuki.


“HEY, WAIT!”, said Sawamura.


“Let’s pitch a few after the sun sets”, said Miyuki.


Furuya nodded and was looking forward to it.


“Oh sorry, Rei, I can catch it for you later”, said Miyuki.


“I don’t need you to catch for me today”, said Rei.


“I’m really sorry I have to catch Furuya’s today”, said Miyuki thinking Rei was lying to him.


“Chris Senpai said he’ll catch for me”, said Rei.


“Oh, I see…”, said Miyuki. He walked away from Rei feeling disappointed.


“WHAT’S THIS SITUATION”, said Sawamura.


“Never seen Miyuki act like this”, said Jun observing them.


“YAAHAA…Don’t tell me he’s disappointed that Chris is catching for Rei”, said Kuramochi.


Walking away Miyuki was thinking about Furuya’s condition. He knew that if Furuya couldn’t pitch well on the mound he would get switched for Rei and then the coach wouldn’t use him unless he was in his top condition. Thinking of this Miyuki sighed.


At Night in the field.


“You’ll probably not be throwing in tomorrow’s game since Furuya is starting”, said Chris catching Rei’s pitch.


“Oh really. Furuya doesn’t seem in a good condition maybe the coach will let me”, said Rei grinning as he got ready to pitch.


“It’s going to be tricky for Furuya in tomorrow’s match”, said Chris sighing.


“Why?”, questioned Rei.


“Obviously, since Akikawa has a lot of lefty batters”, said Chris.


“I heard that Furuya has a forkball can’t he just strike them out with it”, said Rei.


“That’s where the problem is Furuya has been fatigued recently”, said Chris.


“I see no problem. You can just put me in”, said Rei chuckling.


“Your stamina is still lacking. It is better than Furuya, but you can’t pitch 9 whole innings yet”, said Chris.


Rei lowered his head as he received many critical hits to his ego.


“Anyways, throw your cutter”, said Chris sighing.


Nodding Rei winded up his glove, took his pitching position while changing the grip on the ball, swung back his arm with force, and released the ball aiming toward the mitt.


Chris’s eyes widen as he the ball comes towards him at a high speed and breaks right before reaching the home plate. Regardless of the accurate break Chris still caught the ball surprised.


“The speed increased, and the accuracy of the pitch seems like you have been practicing it”, said Chris.


“Yeah, I practiced it with Miyuki Senpai”, said Rei smiling. His Cutter had reached level 8 which is why the speed and accuracy of the pitch increased.


“You said you knew how to throw a 2 seamer, right?”, said Chris.


Rei nodded in response.


“Then throw one”, said Chris getting in his catching position.


Nodding Rei winded up his glove, took his pitching position while changing the grip on the ball, swung back his arm with force, and released the ball aiming toward the mitt.


The ball went straight and broke right near the plate. 2 seamers break the opposite side of a cutter.


Since the 2 seamer had reached level 8 as well, the speed of the pitch was 150 KM.


Chris caught the ball feeling astonished at Rei’s talent.


“He really is a baseball prodigy. His pitching speed increased and the accuracy”, thought Chris sighing.


Currently, Chris was practicing with Rei for the Akikawa Lineup even though Furuya was going to pitch for the match tomorrow. And since Furuya was with Miyuki he paid no attention to that.


Oblivious to Chris’s thoughts Rei continued pitching mostly cutters and 2 seamers inside courses.


The Next Day, Summer Tournament


Seidou Vs. Akikawa.


“We play as we talked in the meeting. Don’t forget to check the signs. Stay hydrated, and players in the dugout should support those playing by any means. We need everyone’s strength to win from this point on!”, said Kataoka to the team who was gathered in front of him.


“HAIII!”, said the players.


“Furuya, you’re starting. If you make any mistakes in this match, I’ll be taking you out in 3 innings. Ok?”, said Kataoka.


Furuya nervously gulped hearing the coach’s comment. He still nodded agreeing with the coach.


Miyuki was concerned after what the coach said because the coach was warning him. Kataoka probably saw Furuya’s condition the past few days.


“Kawakami, Rei and Sawamura, be ready to go anytime!”, said Kataoka.


“HAII”, yelled the trio.


“Why are you hiding in the corner?”, said Jun nudging Tanba.


“Make sure you stay inside the dugout, shiny head. You’re blinding”, said Ryosuke.


“If you’re worried about not pitching today then I feel you”, commented Rei groaning.


“Yaahaa…Oh My is our Rei upset he isn’t starting today”, said Kuramochi mocking him.


“As if”, said Rei walking away while scoffing at them.


“Let’s go”, said Yuuki.


All the players nodded and followed Yuuki.


As soon as the team appeared on the ground there were loud cheers for them.










“It’s Seidou”


“Unexpectedly you 2 have fans”, said Miyuki pointing at Rei and Furuya.


Both of them blushed in embarrassment.


“What are you guys, twins!”, remarked Miyuki witnessing this ridiculous sight.


Akikawa High School Dugout.


“Wow! They get cheers.”


“There’s a big crowd over there. They have a brass band and cheerleaders but look at our side…”


“Well, everyone’s busy with summer classes.”


“My parents told me to quit baseball! Makes you want to cry.”


“Mine too. We didn’t send you to Akikawa so you could play baseball”


“Well, not like we joined to do it so seriously, either.”


“We can’t quit now after coming this far”.


“After meeting Shun, we’ve learned the sweet taste of victory”.


The players discussed their problems since they were in a public school. These kids were envious of Seidou.


Back in the Field.


“We’re lucky we got the early game before it gets too hot. You should be able to throw like usual”, said Miyuki.


“I plan on throwing until the end today”, said Furuya determined.


“I hope you get switched out early”, said Rei interrupting their conversation.

Miyuki and Furuya were both dumbfounded by Rei’s comment.


“I mean if you get switched then I will get to pitch so I sincerely wish you get switched out”, said Rei.


“You Jerk, wasn’t it enough that you got to be the starting pitcher the past matches.”, said Miyuki.


“Somehow, I feel like you’re mad at me. Why, was it because of yesterday?”, questioned Rei.


“Hmph……N—No”, said Miyuki avoiding Rei’s gaze.


Rei squinted and kept glaring at Miyuki with doubt.


“I will try my best to not let you on the mound”, said Furuya.


“You better pace yourself If you want to last through the innings”, said Miyuki.


“Well, I hope you fail miserably”, said Rei smiling.

Furuya grumbled in response.


“LINE UP!”, yelled the umpire.


“Let’s go! All right!”, yelled both team players.


Both teams lined up and bowed to each other in respect before the game starts.


Seidou Vs. Akikawa Begins.


The fight for the Quarterfinals.  

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