Ace Of Diamond: Lord Of Baseball System (More chapter on Webnovel)

Seido High Vs. Akikawa High

"Top of the first, Akikawa Academy's batting order starts with the center fielder, Ninomiya", announced the announcer.

"Watch the ball Nino".

"He can't throw faster than the pitching machine".

"It's highly doubtful that the team has that much faith in the 10th grader pitcher. Perhaps there's a special reason they have to send that pitcher out first", said Shun.

"I see, you're right", said Ozaka.

"If that's the case then we can exploit it. Let's drag him off the mound", said Shun.

"PLAY BALL!", said the umpire.

Furuya got ready to pitch at Miyuki's signal.

Furuya struck the first batter out.

Hashimoto, the 2nd batter came.

Miyuki figured out the opponent's strategy. They planned to hit Furuya's pitches and tire him out.

Furuya walked the 2nd batter because he kept throwing balls.

In the Dugout

"Have Sawamura and Kawakami on standby", said Kataoka.

"Why not Rei", questioned Director Oota surprised.

"Have Kadota come to the bench and let Rei take his spot in the left field", said Kataoka.

Director Oota nodded. He walked to Rei who was laying down on the bench with a hat on his head.

"mmmm…. W-what", said Rei waking up and wiping the drool off his face as Director Oota shook him.

"Rei Coach wants you in the left field", said Director Oota.

Rei nodded and complied with the coach's orders happily. He didn't even expect that he would be allowed to go to the field today.

"Here", said Kadota giving Rei the glove he seemed irritated.

"Thank You", said Rei grabbing the glove while chuckling. He had an idea why Kadota was irritated. It was probably because he was taken off his spot for today.

"Player change, Kadota Masaaki for Rei Fujikawa", said the announcer.

"Isn't it too fast", thought Miyuki in the field when he heard the announcement.

Furuya clenched his hand in frustration he was now even more stressed since the coach send Rei to the field. He knew he had to get his act together.

"It's been a while since I took this position during a game", said Rei taking his position in the left field. He was reminiscing about his past. Sighing he slapped his face to get out of his daydream.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? FOCUS!", said Jun seeing Rei slapping himself.

"Y-yes", said Rei startled.

The 3rd batter came to bat and Furuya walked him as well even though he pitched his breaking ball, the splitter.

"What a pathetic sight", said Rei sighing at the sight before him.

People were shocked at how bad Furuya was pitching at the start of the game.

The 4th batter came to bat and Miyuki called for a splitter again.

Furuya struck out the 4th batter.

"Batting fifth, pitcher, Yang", said the announcer.

"Must be tough to be a catcher when the pitcher is stupid", said Shun coming to the batter's box.

"Not really. I'm not afraid of a batter who isn't going to swing", said Miyuki.

Feeling the battery was dangerous Shun decided to swing for this at bat.

"We're right behind you", said Yuuki.

"Just kill him now!", said Jun

"Let him hit right there", said Kuramochi.

"Don't worry about the runners!", said Ryosuke.

"Yep, I got you. Let them hit it here", said Rei lazily.

"Raise your voice, brat!", said Jun.

"H-Haii Jun Senpai …", said Rei.

"What is this situation why is Rei listening to Jun", thought all the players on the field dumbfounded.

Furuya pitched and Shun hit the ball.

Furuya and Miyuki were frozen when Shun hit the ball.

As soon as the ball was hit Rei predicted that it was going to come near him or Jun Senpai.

Seeing the ball come near him Rei ran toward the ball to catch it.

"It's going towards the Left field", commented someone in the audience.

The ball was about to hit the ground, but Rei saved it by catching it. He went in for a dive to catch it.

"OUT!", said the umpire as soon as he saw Rei catch the ball.

Rei held up his arm in victory and grinned foolishly since he caught the ball.

"AHHHHH REIII-SANN. SO COOL!", yelled a group of girls in the audience.

"Not bad, brat", said Jun approaching Rei.

"I thought coach sending him here instead of Kadota was ridiculous. But you proved me wrong", said Shirasu approaching Rei.

"Thank you", said Rei smiling at them condescendingly.

"I take it back you're definitely an arrogant prick", said Shirasu.

In The Dugout

"Furuya, get It together", yelled Sawamura.

"I agree Sawamura since Furuya was barely saved by Rei. But isn't Rei amazing, he still shines as a left fielder", said Kawakami.

"Hmph...", said Sawamura.



Akikawa: 1]

"In the bottom of the first, Seidou High School's offense starts with their shortstop, Kuramochi", said the announcer.

"Have to prioritize getting on base first. The coach said to use my speed because it can damage the pitcher", thought Kuramochi taking his batting stance in the batter's box.

Kuramochi bunted hoping to get on base with his speed. Shun threw the ball to the first baseman quickly getting Kuramochi out.

"Batting Second, Second baseman, Kominato", announced the announcer.

Ryousuke was tiring out the pitcher with hitting fouls.

"Back with his bad habits", said Rei sighing in the dugout.

Shun struck Ryosuke out using his precise control. Ryosuke let the ball slide thinking it was a ball, but it was a strike.

Furuya continued pitching 2nd inning and struck out all the batters.

In the dugout, Rei looked at Furuya and saw him sweating.

"He's already sweating so much. Is it all right if he continues to pitch?", said Rei.

"Well, it's up to the coach", said Chris.

"The game is totally in their favor but it's about to be the other way around", said Rei grinning.

Rei got up and grabbed a metal bat. He walked to the batter's box since it was his turn to bat now.

"If it isn't the monstrous pitcher", said Sekiguchi, Akikawa's catcher.

"Would you like it if I score a home run or a back screen home run?", questioned Rei smiling at him.

Sekiguchi made an expression saying, 'Are you crazy?' towards Rei.

"Well keep watching", said Rei seeing his expression.

Sekiguchi signaled for an in-course fastball to Shun.

Shun shook his head disagreeing with Sekiguchi. He knew Rei mostly hit the first pitches that come to him since he had analyzed him.

Shun hadn't seen Rei hit home runs on breaking balls so he signaled to the catcher that he would throw a curve to the outside corner.

Surprised Sekiguchi nodded since Shun rarely wanted to pitch-breaking balls as the first pitch.

Shun threw a curve ball to Rei.

Rei was caught off guard by the curveball, so he swung the bat and missed it.

"STRIKE!", yelled the umpire.

Rei got serious now and was more focused. The only way to hit a curveball was to aim for a bad one. Since some major players could only hit a good curve ball.

"He's going to throw a curve isn't he", thought Rei.

Shun threw a curve to the in and somehow Rei anticipated the curve, so he swung his bat making the ball go over the fence.

Rei was shocked at the home run because he hit the ball on instinct. He shrugged thinking his past life experience was probably coming to use.

He grinned and gave a thumbs down to Shun before running to touch all the bases.



Yelled the audience.

Rei laughed awkwardly as he heard the comments while touching the bases.

Shirasu was up to bat next after Rei and was struck out.


Seido: 0-0-1

Akikawa: 1-0-0]

Coming back to the dugout after touching the home plate he was about to be jumped by Jun and Kuramochi. He skillfully evaded them and went to lay down on the bench.

"I knew there was a reason you sent Rei to the left field", said Director Oota astonished by Coach's insight.

"His batting talent can be very useful in times of need", said Kataoka smiling.

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