Ace Of Diamond: Lord Of Baseball System (More chapter on Webnovel)


“We will now begin game 2 of the semifinals between Inashiro and Sakurazawa High school”, said the announcer.


In The Audience.


“I will definitely find your weakness”, said Sawamura motivated seeing Narumiya warm up.


“If we don’t hit his pitches, we won’t be able to reach Nationals”, said Miyuki.


Rei nodded and said, “Leave all the pitching to me and I’ll be counting on Miyuki and Yuuki senpai for home runs”.


“Are you underestimating me, you brat”, said Kuramochi pissed. He was the leadoff hitter after all.


“Maybe. I mean you couldn’t score many runs last match”, said Rei.


“WHAT DID YOU SAY, BRAT!!”, said Kuramochi kicking Rei’s ass.


Receiving the kick Rei gave Kuramochi the deadliest gaze ever.


“Ma….ma…Can you guys stop fighting and focus on Inashiro’s Match”, said Miyuki.


“Do you think Sakurazawa High even stand a chance to win against them?”, asked Rei curiously.


“Nope”, said Miyuki immediately.


Kuramochi scoffed implying how ridiculous it was to even think about it.


“I also think they are going to lose”, said Yuuki.


“Narumiya is AWESOME. So based on my observation I’d say Inashiro will win”, said Sawamura seriously.


All the other team members were silent hearing Sawamura’s reply.


“What are you a detective”, said Kuramochi smacking the back of Sawamura’s head.


“EIjun-kun. Couldn’t you speak normally”, said Harucchi.


Chris and Miyuki shook their heads thinking, “Baka”.


Sawamura was confused as to why his teammates were acting like this.


“I don’t think you guys should be underestimating Sakurazawa so much”, said Rei.


“Why? Aren’t they just a team full of newbies?”, said Sawamura.


“Let me tell you something, Sakurazawa High’s ace throws a knuckleball”, said Rei shocking everyone near him.


“I see. Knuckleball…”, said Chris.


“That’s going to be tricky”, said Miyuki.


Sakurazawa was a school known for its academics and they had no mention in the sports world. But after 3 more members joined in the team this year they were on the rise. It was a miracle to them that they made it to the Semifinals since last year Sakurazawa High was disqualified in the first match.


Back in the field.


Inashiro couldn’t make it on base because Akira continued pitching Knuckleballs.


“ARE YOU GUYS PLAYING CATCH BALL!”, said Sawamura frustratingly seeing Insiahiro batters strike out.


“Eijun-kun calm down”, said Harucchi.


“Harucchi, you can’t stop me. I’m going to go teach it to them. How can they not hit the damn ball when it’s so slow”, yelled Sawamura from the audience.


“Shut up, baka”, said Rei shutting Sawamura up.


“It’s a Knuckleball…”, said Rei.


“W-What is a Knuckleball”, said Sawamura confused.


Seeing Sawamura confused Rei sighed and said, “Didn't your master teach you?”.


“I’m sorry for not being able to teach my student everything”, said Chris apologizing.


Back in the Field.

Using his Knuckleball, Akira struck out Inashiro’s lineup.


The next inning.


Unfortunately, Sakurazawa was having trouble scoring since the pitcher was Narumiya. It was kind of unfair to them.


Akira tried his best till the end but sadly, Inashiro kept hitting runs off of him since they had gotten used to his pitch.


In the end, the game was called after 5 innings because Inashiro scored 11 runs while Sakurazawa scored 0.








Yelled the audience clapping for Inashiro.


“Yeah!”, said Mei waving his hand back to the audience.


“UGH!” said Rei, disgusted at the sight before him.


“What happened?”, asked Miyuki curiously.


“How can Narumiya be this arrogant, obviously I am way better than him. Maybe he has a pitch more than me, doesn’t mean I can’t beat that shit”, said Rei.


Miyuki was flabbergasted at Rei’s comment. “I think someone else I know is more arrogant”, he thought.


“WE WILL WIN!!”, roared Sawamura startling Rei.


“Sawamura, Stop barking like an idiot. We’re already pissed off, thinking about what happened last year. The winners go to nationals and this year is the best year to beat them”, said Jun.


“Maybe this year will be different”, thought Miyuki looking at Rei who was eating food with a bored expression.


Outside the Stadium.


“We will have a meeting as soon as we go back”, said Yuuki.


“I have to go back and practice as soon as possible”, said Jun.


“Oye, Sawamura, and Furuya, where are you guys going?”, asked Rei seeing them putting their bags away.


“Oh, Toilet…”, said Furuya.


“I’ll join you guys too”, said Harucchi popping out of nowhere.

“Okay but we better hurry”, said Sawamura.


All of them nodded and departed towards the toilet.


“WAIT!!”, yelled Miyuki stopping them.


“What”, said Sawamura annoyed.


“I’ll take you guys there”, said Miyuki.


“What are you our Chaperone”, said Rei.


“WHY!!”, yelled Sawamura.


“Calm down Eijun-kun not here”, said Harucchi.


“I know you guys are going to get lost like last time. So, I’ll lead you there”, said Miyuki giving Sawamura no chance to argue.


After a few minutes later all 5 of them arrived at the toilet.


“You guys go in I’ll wait with Miyuki Senpai outside”, said Rei.


“Then why did you even come!”, said Sawamura.


Rei shrugged in response.


All 3 of them went inside the toilet.


“Miyuki Kazuya, do you like Seido?”, asked Rei.


“I told you not to use my full name…but I like it that's why I came”, said Miyuki.


“You don’t regret not going to Inashiro”, asked Rei.


Even though an unexpected question Miyuki said, “I don’t. I came to Seido because I wanted to face that all-star team”. He smiled reminiscing about the past.


Rei nodded and as he was about to ask something 4 people walked by him wearing the Inashiro jerseys.


“SHIT!”, thought Miyuki seeing them.


“Nice to meet you, Narumiya Mei”, said Rei holding out his hand.


Narumiya smirked and shook Rei’s hand.

“What a great surprise, if it isn’t Rei”, said Carlos.


Rei smiled at him in response.


“Hey Miyuki”, said Narumiya.


“Hello”, said Miyuki fake smiling.


“Nanda…you don’t seem happy to see us”, said Narumiya.


“No comment”, said Miyuki causing Narumiya to chuckle.


“Ah, Kazuya I missed our times together even though you left me”, said Narumiya.


“Is he mocking, My Senpai”, thought Rei.


“Why do you think you’re the number 1 pitcher of the country, Narmiya Mei, and leave Kazuya alone”, said Rei.


“When did I say you could use my fi- “, said Miyuki getting interrupted.


“What is Rei sticking up for Kazuya, how cute?”, said Carlos.


“Can’t you just shut up”, said Rei.


“HOW ARE YOU SO RU-“, said Carlos about to punch Rei.


Narumiya stopped Carlos and said, “If you don’t believe I am number 1, how about we have a bet during the finals to see who is number 1 between us”.


Rei smirked liking this bet.


Both shook their hands finalizing the deal.


“Though it’s still a disappointment that Kazuya didn’t join me. We will make it to Nationals”, said Mei.


“Let’s see”, said Rei.


Miyuki smiled seeing the confidence in Rei.


The trio came out of the bathroom while bringing chaos with them.


“Shut up”, thought Rei sighing.

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