Ace Of Diamond: Lord Of Baseball System (More chapter on Webnovel)

Ryosuke’s Injury!

In Rei's Dorm.

Rei was laying on his bed after showering. He was relaxing and thinking about their future match with Inashiro.

He sighed remembering all the details which happened during the match.

"Where was the turning point for Seido during that match?", he thought.

"Ah, I remember there were 2 things which made Seido a half-crippled team during the match. If it weren't for that maybe Seido would have won. Number 1 would be that Ryosuke was injured, and the 2nd was with the ace", thought Rei frustrated.

Rei knew how to solve the 1st problem, but he didn't know what to do about Tanba. Guess he will have to act regarding Tanba during the match.

Shaking his head Rei thought clenching his hand, "This time would be different since I'm here".

"What are you thinking so hard about", said Kanemaru coming out of the bathroom.

"Nothing much, just thinking about the match 2 days from now", said Rei.

It had been a minute and Rei didn't hear a reply from Kanemaru. Pissed Rei looked around the room and spotted Kanemaru getting ready to sleep on his bed.

"Why did you even ask if you were going to ignore me!", said Rei.

Kanemaru shrugged and said, "I am tired, and I have to train tomorrow. Good night".

"Why are you sleeping so early…", muttered Rei.

Rei sighed and got up, he had to get to the team meeting anyways.

After an hour, In the Meeting Room.

Kataoka coach and Chris were explaining Narumiya's pitching to the players.

"So…What do you think, as the only one who got a double off Narumiya last year?", said Ryosuke.

"We have…2 batters at the top who can disrupt the opponent. We have batters who can adapt and have confidence. As we are right now, we can take Narumiya down. Let's play our baseball to the end", said Yuki causing everyone to roar in agreement.

"As expected of the team captain", thought Rei.

"Well, there are some things to be discussed in the team currently, but I do agree that the team's offense power is exceptional. And because we have Yuuki and Miyuki senpai maybe we can score runs off of Narumiya's pitches as well", thought Rei.

After a few minutes, the meeting ended.

"Can I speak with Ryosuke Senpai privately?", said Rei approaching Ryosuke who was sitting.

"Sure…", said Ryosuke.

"We are having a pitcher's meeting in a while. Chris Senpai told me to inform you", said Harucchi interrupting them before they went somewhere. 

"I'll be there later", said Rei nodding.

Ryosuke and Rei proceeded to leave the area.

"I wonder where they are going?", thought Harucchi seeing them leave.

After a few minutes, in a field.

"I know you're injured", said Rei shocking Ryosuke.

Ryosuke stayed silent in response.

"Why didn't you tell the team? Did you even go to the doctor?", said Rei bombarding him with questions.

"I did but it's not going to be healed in time for the match", said Ryosuke guilty.

"Do you think you're going to be able to play in this condition", said Rei.

"I will, it's fine", said Ryosuke reassuring Rei.

"I don't think so", said Rei bluntly.

"You might know but if your injury was discovered during the match the team will be distressed. You have no idea how it will impact the team. What if we lose the match because of it?", said Rei condescendingly.

The realization hit Ryosuke making him more guilty, "So, what can I even do now?".

"Here, I got this from my uncle, he's a doctor and it's a cream that can numb your injury", said Rei taking a small container out of his pocket.

"Really", said Ryosuke eyeing the container suspiciously.

"Yeah! I can even call him if you don't believe me", said Rei hastily.

"No, you don't have to. It's just that I haven't heard of a cream like this before", said Ryosuke.

"It's because It's sold abroad. So do you want it or not?", said Rei hurriedly.

Nodding Ryosuke took the medicine.

"At least with the numbing cream your ankle will be able to hold out during the game. Just saying use this right before the game since it will numb your injury for a day", said Rei.

"Thank you", muttered Ryosuke.

Rei smiled and walked away.

Ryosuke clenched the container in his hands hoping that it would make his injury better. He didn't want to let his team down when they were so close to koshien.


"Damn…why did Ryosuke Senpai get so suspicious. Guess his instincts are on spot. Anyways thankfully he took the cream", thought Rei on his way to the pitcher's meeting.

Yep, Rei bought the numbing cream from the system shop. He could have bought an instant healing cream for Ryouske's ankle but since he was painfully poor only withholding 39 coins, he could only afford a numbing cream. Well at least with this Ryosuke wouldn't mess up during the game.

Rei had to use all his fortune to solve one of the problems. It was worth it anyways since Ryosuke was the best and greatest defender.

But he still couldn't be relieved since there was still the 2nd problem.

Groaning Rei walked towards where the pitcher's meeting was held.


In Inashiro coach's office.

"Will they be using Rei or Tanba as the starter pitcher in tomorrow's match?", said Hayashida, the club president.

"Most likely Tanba, he's the ace after all. It depends on how Coach Kataoka thinks about this but if I were him, I would use Rei. In the end, it doesn't matter if you're the ace or not, if you have good skills then you should be on the mound", said Kunitomo, Inashiro's coach.

"Since they have a lot of good pitchers in their team, I bet they will be switching often", said Hayashida.

"Pitcher's Relay? If they don't have a pitcher to carry them through the game, then they have a low chance to win against us. Against Narumiya their newbie pitchers aren't going to work. There just a stepping stone for us to reach Koshien", said Kunitomo.


Seido, Indoor field.

"Many times, a four-ball walk leads to a run. Tanba, you were pitching carefully, but you still made mistakes", said Chris.

Tanba nodded acknowledging his mistakes.

"Kawakami, you become too cautious and give up runs", said Chris.

"Sawamura, you get too many hits", said Chris.

"The batter hit your pitch to the outfield", said Miyuki.

After hearing the feedback on his pitching Sawamura started thinking about how to improve himself.

"Rei, you listen to my orders. Don't defy me on the mound!", said Miyuki.

Rei looked away guilty.

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