Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

A New Teammate

Patreon is at chapter 163.


(The Watchtower)

"Now that everyone has arrived. Let's begin." Batman stood up from his seat as he addressed his fellow league members. The ones present were just the mentors to the sidekicks as well as Canary who was the team's combat instructor.
"We're here today to review our protege's progress since the establishment of the junior team."

The hologram between them changed to show the image of Blockbuster, Mister Twister's remains and all the other villains Maelstrom and the rest had gone up against. The Flash whistled.
"Seems like it's been an eventful few weeks for them."
"Flash is right. Most of these guys would have given me trouble back in the day."
Arrow added.

"And that's taking into account that none of their encounters with the villains have gone exactly smooth."
Superman shared his own opinion.
Aquaman cleared his throat.
"About that. Is there a way to give them missions with a lower amount of risk?" He hurried to explain himself.
"I'm not doubting their capabilities. Aqualad has proven time and time again that he is strong. What concerns me is how simple missions completely go off the rails."

The atmosphere became grimmer.
"Makes you wonder…how many close calls until one of them gets injured or worse?"
The mentors looked at each other gravely.
"Aquaman has a point. But I share a different opinion. The job is dangerous. And they are quite aware of that. Filtering out missions that have an element of danger is not helping them. It's hindering their growth."
Canary spoke up.

"With all due respect Black Canary, you don't have a protege. Your opinion, quite frankly doesn't count."
Aquaman's voice was annoyed. Black Canary narrowed her eyes at the king of Atlantis.
"That's not fair Arthur. You know that she only has their best interest in mind."
Green Arrow defended her.

Superman stapled his fingers together.
"When we all started out, there was no one to hold our hands. The challenges we went through helped shaped who we are today. Helped shape what the League stands for." His eyes ran through everyone gathered.
"Aquaman. You have trained Aqualad to do what you can and more in case you are not around, correct?"

Arthur begrudgingly nodded his head.
"Then you understand that for him to truly grow, you need to step back. Let them put what they've learned to work. Let them be greater than us. For that is our job as mentors. To ensure we leave the world in safe hands in the future."

Everyone nodded at the Man Of Steel's words. Aquaman seeing he had no support simply shrugged and kept quiet.
"The team is more than ready to take on the huge responsibilities we have all prepared them for. That said, there are some concerns that need to be addressed."

With a gesture from Batman, the image of the wrecked Cadmus facility, Santa Prisca and The cornfield where Amazo's fight had occured appeared on the hologram.
"We have long suspected the presence of a powerful group working in the shadows to counter the League's efforts."
The others sat up straighter.
"After some investigation and interrogation of both Sportsmaster, Kobra and recently, Ivo, those suspicions have been confirmed."

"Wow. Do you know the identities of the ones behind it all?"
Barry inquired.
Batman shook his head a little bit of frustration leaking through.
"Not yet. They hide in the shadows. It's now quite clear that they're taking advantage of places where The League cannot go, to carry out their agenda."

"Do they have a name?"
The one who answered Green Arrow's question was Martian Manhunter.
"They call themselves, The Light."

( Mount Justice )

"I spy with my little eye
A girlie I can get 'cause she don't get too many likes
A curly-headed cutie I can turn into my wife
Wait, that means forever, ever, hold up, never mind
Oh, I spy with my little eye
A girlie I can get 'cause she don't get too many likes
A curly-headed cutie I can turn into my wife
Wait, that means forever, ever, hold up, never mind
Oh I, I spy with my little eye
I spy, I spy with my little eye
Oh I, I spy with my little eye
I spy, I spy with my little eye
Oh I…"

M'gann knocked on the door to Aden's room. All she could hear from outside was the sound of music and Aden's voice. 'He really has a beautiful voice.' M'gann thought. 'And also a great body…' she blushed at the direction where her thoughts were taking her and shook her head to get rid of the image of sweat dripping down his brown skin. His muscles rippling with effort as he sparred with Superboy. Then she thought of Superboy…his jaw and beautiful blue eyes staring at her. His rock solid abs…

M'gann didn't notice when the door was opened, revealing a shirtless Aden with headphones on his head, staring at her in confusion. Aden snapped his fingers at M'gann and the Martian got out of her stupor. The reddening on her cheeks increased once her eyes landed on Aden's chest. His sculpted physique looked…M'gann suddenly realized she was staring. She hoped that Aden hadn't noticed but once her eyes looked at his face, she noticed the smirk.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer."
M'gann flew away in embarrassment, leaving behind the plate of cookies she had come over to bring.

(Aden's P.O.V)

I closed the door after M'gann ran away in embarrassment. I munched on a cookie and almost moaned at the tasty goodness. M'gann had gotten better at baking. Her progress was phenomenal taking into account a few weeks ago she had no concept of earthen food.

My eyes swept across my room to admire the new changes. I had used the 5K from my winnings to set up a private studio in my own bedroom. Fortunately, the room was huge enough for it to not look cluttered. I went over to the latest Lexcorp laptop that had cost me quite a penny.

On the screen was this world's version of Pro Tools, a Digital Audio Workstation. It was called, HighTones. Next my eyes landed on the Keyboard and the Guitar I had bought earlier. A microphone, speakers and the headphones I had on completed the set.

Pretty bare for a music studio but great for starting out. I looked at the notebook in my hand and the lyrics to I spy by Kyle I was reconstructing from memory. It wasn't the only song in the notebook however.

Basically, I was jotting down all the lyrics to the songs I could remember, editing them and then recording myself and saving the audio file in my computer. It wouldn't do if I forgot the best hits from my world. I even had a few original projects of my own I was working on. Music had always fascinated me and growing up in a family of musicians, I felt inspired to share that same joy I felt growing up to the rest of the world.

I finished up after 2 hours and left my room for the gym, reminding myself to get a good camera for when I started uploading covers in this world's YouTube.

On to other things, I arrived in the gym and found Superboy bench pressing 150 tons with ease. I shook my head, said hi and went a bit further away from him to the sparring mat.

I first started by stretching my muscles. Stretching was essential for a limber and flexible body. Which was essential for my fighting style. Chi blocking incorporated fast but elastic moves to take down your opponent with the minimal amount of effort. It was the principle of blow like the air but sting like a bee.

After stretching for half an hour, I started doing the chi blocking Katas. The moves flowed like water, one set building the bridge to transition to another move. I got lost into it that I didn't notice it when I started adding air bending stances and moves into the chi blocking. I had done it before but this time it felt different.

The air exploded out like a minute shockwave whenever my fist shot out. The air extended away from my foot like a coiled snake whenever I kicked out and buffeted my surroundings while whistling whenever I spread my hands out without urging.

I breathed a little heavily with a confused look on my face. The air whistled. No no, let me explain myself. It was different from the normal thing. I crossed my legs and started to meditate. The way it was like, like I was given the key to a door I couldn't see. I connected with the air element around me and just observed.

It roiled around, coiled in the air while gently swaying across the room. A new sensation also made its way through my senses. The air also sang. I opened my eyes.

A breath escaped my mouth. I had it. I knew what the door was. I finally had the way towards my next sub-skill. Sound.

A blue box from the Avatar System appeared before me.

(A few days later)

It was time for a new mission. The rest of the team was gathered in the hall when I arrived, my visor in my hands. I had gotten caught up in the training room, trying to perfect the new Subskill I had to minimal success. It was a new application of my bending that I had trouble familiarizing myself with.

I said hi and we started making small talk. I noticed that M'gann was going out of her way to ignore Superboy and I. She would blush everytime we made eye contact and during our mental exercises she had been acting weird.

I shrugged and put it out of my head. Soon, the security system announced the arrival of Batman, Green Arrow and our new teammate, Artemis.

Only problem is...she noticed me almost right away and shouted,


Everyone turned to look at me and I glared at her. Artemis had the grace to mutter sorry and look away, leaving me feeling stupid for not wearing my visor. Then again, how did she even know it's me? I was pretty sure my mask from when we met was a good disguise.

Batman cleared his throat while looking at me, promising that we would have a discussion about what had just happened.

"Team, I would like to introduce your new teammate. Green Arrow's protege, Artemis."

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