Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

The Fog Part 1


(General P.O.V)


Ra's Al Ghul was the incarnate of a shadow. Unknown to most and a daunting figure to those strong enough or influential enough to do. He meditated in his room, awaiting good news from his underling on the progress of the mission.


His eyes opened just in time to stare at the screen showing a man whose upper face and head was covered with a visor that had a huge red optical lens at the front.

"Dr. Roquette has resurfaced. She is trying to track us. That link however is a two way stream. I have her coordinates. It's Happy Harbor, Rhode Island."


"Who do we have close to that location?"

Ra's Al Ghul asked.

"I have a few of our people in mind."

The leader of the league of shadows grunted after seeing the names of their closest agents.

"I have a feeling they won't be enough."

"What should we do then Master?"


"Don't concern yourself with that. I'll handle it. Make sure you get what we need."


(Aden's P.O.V)


Wally glared at me from across the room. The environment was tense and unfriendly.

"Miss Martian link us all up. We don't want the shadows to overhear our communication."

Aqualad instructed M'gann through the coms.


Her voice came through and I instantly felt the telepathic streams connected to my mind. And also Wally's grumbling.


"He had no right to talk to Speedy like that!"

I rolled my eyes at the Speedster.

"Dude, I'm mad too but it's so not the time."

Robin backed him up while also reminding him that we were on a mission.

"Ugh! This was not. A good idea. I have a technological work of genius that borders on a miracle to track, a shadow group of assassins that funnily enough call themselves The Shadows that want to put me down under. And now on top of that I have to listen to teen drama!"

Roquette shouted through our mind link looking exasperated.


"So not the time lady."

Kid Flash told her, completely missing the irony. Artemis snickered.

"Kettle meet Pot."

"Like I'm going to listen to the person who stole Speedy's spot on the team."

I ground my teeth in anger at seeing the flash of hurt on Artemis face.

"So not cool Kid. Ease up a little, it's not her fault you know."

Robin was at least mature enough to accept the situation for what it was. Wally had… disappointed me.


"I'm going to patrol the perimeter."

I told them and got up from the desk.

"Yeah walk away, traitor."

Wally added.


"Kid, I will pull you out of this mission if you continue acting like this. Whatever issues you have with Maelstrom or anyone else, solve them after the mission. Not now."

Aqualad's voice was sterner than I'd ever heard before.


Wally looked surprised before his face got even angrier, staring at me as if it was my fault. I had no doubt that Miss Martian was blocking the expletives Wally was probably thinking about me, based on her loud sigh

"I'll huh… follow Maelstrom too."

Artemis said out loud and trailed after me out of the class room. We made our way out into the open, the school building behind us in relative silence.


"I'm sorry."

Artemis told me softly rubbing her arm. I cocked my head to the side in a little confusion.

"For what?"

"Well, for a lot of things actually. You stood up to Speedy mainly because of you know…me."

I shook my head and turned my head around to look out into the bushes surrounding school property.


"Trust me. It was less about you and more about how that guy's attitude annoys me."

Artemis chuckled a little.

"Yeah you made that quite clear in the hall."

I smiled at her as my thoughts took me back to what had happened.


It was right after Speedy now Red Arrow had arrived with our new mission details. To protect a genius scientist he had rescued from the League of Shadows, while the scientist tried to track down a swarm of Nano machines she had been coerced into making by the same group. The nano machines were called, The Fog.


They could eat through anything. Metal, concrete, flesh and bones. Their main function however was that they could instantly download any data and information from data storage systems and deliver it to the one controlling them.


Cutting edge technology, top government information and secrets. The one who controlled them could do anything. Knowledge is power after all.


She was hidden in the local high school of Happy Harbor.


Back to Red Arrow, First of all he had swaggered in like he owned the place. Which I would normally shrug at and mind my own business but then he totally became an ass and insulted not only Artemis but the team. Talking about how we would never amount to anything meaningful while under the League's oversight.


(A while ago)


I snickered at Red Arrow's words. Everyone turned to stare at me.

"You have something to say newbie?"

Red Arrow asked, with a bite in his tone.

"Me? No no. See I was actually content just listening to you bitch about how life is so sad because no one understands how great you are and how much they're wrong not to offer you a spot in the Justice League."


There was a brief silence. Then Red Arrow took a step towards me, anger rolling off him in waves.

"What makes you think you can talk to me like that?"

I smiled and got up.

"What makes you think I can't?"


I held up a hand to silence Aqualad, my eyes still staring at Red Arrow.

"You walk in here like you own the place. Talk rudely to everyone. Including your so called friends and expect that the rest of us are just going to lay down and take it?" The smile slipped off my face as I crossed my hands.


"You don't know what you're talking about Maelstrom."

Kid Flash appeared between us and pushed me back. He turned to address Red Arrow.

"Speedy he's…new. Don't listen to him."

He still tried to suck up to the older teen despite the fact that all he had done was be a dick to everyone. My ears buzzed as I couldn't believe it.


I looked around and except for Batman (who was unreadable), Red Tornado (who didn't really care about whatever was going on), Artemis, Superboy and Miss Martian, all I could feel wafting off everyone else was disapproval.


'Wow. Does this guy have superpowers that make other people want the seek approval from him or something?'


I wondered.


"Frankly speaking. I don't care what you think of me."


'Yeah right,' I thought.


"I brought you all a job I was sure you could handle. From your words however, I'm thinking maybe I was wrong."


He told me and I chuckled.


"Dude, this is not about our capabilities. Check our mission log. You'll be surprised to learn that other people are competent too. You're just mad that I see right through your bullshit."


There was an intake of breath when my words dropped. Red Arrow couldn't handle it anymore and advanced menacingly towards me.


"You little..."


"Both of you, stand down. This is not the time or the place."


Batman came between us. Red Arrow stared into the Dark Knight's eyes and held it before clenching his teeth and turning towards the Zeta Tube.


"I'm leaving."


"Speedy B06."


"Its Red Arrow B06. Update."


He stated as the light of the Zeta Tube washed over him.


"What is wrong with you?"


Kid Flash came up to me to hold me by the shirt but I easily shrugged him off.


"I should be the one asking you that question. You all just let him walk all over you." I stared at the three veteran sidekicks.


"I mean I can understand Kid Flash's misplaced loyalty. But even you Aqualad? You're so blinded by whatever past you have all shared that you can't see your friend is changing."


"You don't know him. Speedy is a good guy."


Robin came to his defense.


"I never said he wasn't. But the bitterness he carries...that irrational anger at the League for denying him what he thinks is his right...will get him hurt or worse."


"Watch your words carefully, Maelstrom. You're still pretty new so your opinion about him is all wrong."

Green Arrow finally spoke up. The older man's eyes were no nonsense and stern. I could already see that no matter what I said, they would still look at me as if I was the bad guy.


I took a deep breath and nodded.


"You're right. But I'll tell you one last thing." My gaze was unflinching as I stared them all down. "He comes up to me like that again and I'm not backing down. I have my own self respect and I hate bullies. No matter what kind."


"Damn. That hot."


Artemis whispered but given how everyone was silent, no one missed it.


Green Arrow sighed.


"Time to move out team. Maelstrom, I want to see you after the mission."


Batman stated and left.


(Present Time)


"That's not the only thing..."


Artemis words pulled me out of my thoughts. I spared a glance and waited for her to continue.


"My reaction when I saw's going to raise some questions. Especially with Batman."


I already knew what she was getting at but still, I pretended to be confused.


"And why is that?"


She held my hand, making me stop and turn towards her fully.


"Let's just say that my situation is a bit different. You saw where we first met, right? That's my real life."


Her tone turned gloomy.


I sighed.


"I understand. Trust me," my eyes softened and a small smile appeared on my face.


"someone else would tell you that your background doesn't determine the choices you make in life but that's a lie. There are things you can't fully shake off. Where you come from defines a part of you. And you can't ignore that."


She was stunned for a little bit.


"Alright, I didn't expect that."


She finally said, making me raise an eyebrow.


"Should I be insulted? I feel like I should be insulted."


Artemis chuckled.


"You can't exactly blame me. I thought you hot guys trade your brains for those muscles."


I smirked.


"You think I'm hot?"


Artemis boldly squeezed my bicep and licked her lips.


"Guilty as charged."


I swallowed. This girl...


"By the way, you never told me how you recognized me."


I asked her.


"The jaw."


Before she could elaborate a sound in the bushes made us pause.


"Did you hear something?"


She nodded and nocked an arrow, letting it loose towards the Grove of trees near the fence. There was a clang and I grabbed her hand, pulling her out of the way of the metal hook flying at us.


Guys, we have company. The Captain Hook kind."


I informed the others through our mind link. I had gotten good enough at manipulating what I sent over so most of the mental echo from my communication with Artemis was isolated from the rest.


"Seems like they now know our location. Maelstrom, Artemis deal with whoever that is and fall back to within close proximity. We are short on manpower because I sent Superboy and Robin to where the Fog is."


Aqualad's voice came through the link.


"Got it."

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