Age of Empires From Scratch

Chapter 174 The New Home Is Finally Built

Although Cold Winter Town has just begun to modernize here.

However, as the first blacksmith in Cold Winter Town, Will has access to a lot of first-hand information and equipment. After a long period of tutoring, he already knows that most of the partners in Cold Winter Town are from people older than him. advanced world.

Even Tirion Fordring, who looks like he's from 'ancient times', has advanced technology on the Azeroth side.

After learning a lot and living in the clean and tidy Coldwinter for so long, he was becoming more and more reluctant to return to Port Royal.

Elizabeth is also in a similar situation, especially after learning that David is planning to build Cold Winter Town into a city with various advanced infrastructure facilities, she has considered letting her father move to Cold Winter Town more than once.

Anyway, it is impossible for the governor to do this job for a lifetime. When he leaves office, he will bring all his family wealth to Cold Winter Town and it will be over.

The only thing that went beyond her plan was that her father's resignation came a little earlier, and the way of resignation seemed a bit embarrassing.

Nice to meet you, Lord Glamorgan.

Wetherby Swan has been the governor for many years and has experienced many years of experience in the officialdom. Although he encountered sudden changes, he still came to a strange place inexplicably under the leadership of his daughter.

But he didn't show the slightest panic or bewilderment. Instead, he carefully arranged his clothes and made sure that he was not rude, and then he respectfully greeted David.

You are welcome, Mr. Wetherby-Swan.

The arrival of Wetherby Swan has added a group of people to Cold Winter Town, but these people basically serve the Swan family, and may become service to the Swan and Turner families in the future.

To David's surprise, besides Wetherby Swan who brought a group of servants to Cold Winter Town, another person also appeared in this 'escape' team.

James Norrington.

The Commodore of Port Royal was originally a law-abiding general who hated pirates, but he was inexplicably charged with colluding with pirates—Becket was in order to seize various powers in Port Royal, and as the military commander of Port Royal Norrington, the officer, is naturally also on his target list.

It was also for this reason that when Elizabeth asked Laura and Sylvanas to help launch a counterattack against Lord Beckett, Norrington also joined in, which basically blocked the possibility of him continuing to serve the Royal Navy.

Norrington, who had nowhere to go, was invited by Governor Wetherby Swan, who admired him very much, and came to what Elizabeth described as that is a magical place, where we can start a new life, and absolutely Don't worry about reprisals from the UK. ’ of Winter Town.

Although Norrington once pursued Elizabeth, he and Will are rivals in love.

But when he realized that Elizabeth didn't like him, and Will also loved Elizabeth, he simply chose to quit and sent his blessings to the two.

His gentlemanly demeanor also aroused Will's favor, so Will also welcomed Norrington to Cold Winter Town, and even solemnly recommended the former British Royal Navy Commodore to David.

Although there is no navy in Cold Winter...not even a fishing boat, I believe James will help you in the future. Will glanced at the vast river not far away. The flowing river will be used by David sooner or later.

At that time, a former naval general with rich experience will definitely play a big role.

Winter Town will never be without a navy.

After personally welcoming Wetherby Swan and James Norrington, it was up to Elizabeth and Will to arrange for these people.

David was dragged aside by Laura, and he suddenly took something out of the storage bracelet when he was surrounded by his own people.

Take a look, what is this?

What is this? David looked at the thing in Laura's hand, which seemed to be a stick? Maybe some kind of weapon? An ancient weapon with a special meaning?

This is Poseidon's trident.

... David suddenly remembered that there is indeed a trident of Poseidon in the Caribbean world, and that thing is quite unique in length.

The trident in memory doesn't seem to be like this, does it?

Is this the trident? David pointed to the end lifted by Laura: Where is the fork?

There was an accident and it broke.

Laura didn't feel anything wrong at all. Thinking back to the several adventures Laura had experienced, although she could successfully achieve the goal every time, these things would always be destroyed due to various things, and in the end all that remained were It's a memento of the corners.

Compared with the previous few times, she felt that she was able to bring back the trident relatively intact this time, which was already a great improvement.

Besides, it doesn't matter whether it has a fork or not. I just want to know what kind of power this thing has? Aren't you curious?

I'm really curious.

Poseidon's trident is a serious artifact. Although it looks a bit ugly, like a broken piece of wood about to rot, it should contain some powerful mysterious power, right?

Maybe after successfully arousing that mysterious power, the trident suddenly glowed and showed its true handsome appearance?

Thinking about it this way, he became less repulsed by the ugly stick in front of him. He held it in his hand and looked at it over and over again, and even mobilized Shengguang to test it, but there was no response at all.

I tried it a long time ago, and not only did it not respond to the holy light, but it also did not respond to arcane energy.


David looked at Laura, and secretly sighed that Laura's courage was so bold, she dared to try anything, and she was not afraid of provoking Poseidon?

Those guys who know Greek mythology are not serious fun.

As if seeing through David's complaints, Laura replied directly: If Poseidon really appears, I will immediately run back to Cold Winter Town.

With the city return skill that can be used at any time, she really doesn't worry about provoking any powerful enemies.

Later, Laura asked about David's situation.

I thought you would stay in that world for a long time, but you actually came back before me.

Things are simpler over there.

Things in the Transformers world were not complicated, and David also used the power of Autobots and human officials to achieve his goals.

It would be troublesome if he was asked to work on his own.

Not to mention running around the world, you have to deal with several forces, either one is dissatisfied or the other is causing trouble.

For example, Laura, she wants to enjoy the adventure and find and get the trident herself, so let’s not talk about other things, it will take a lot of time just to travel by sea.

But one of the two is going to do business; the other is to have fun and relax. This essential difference has led to the different behavior styles of the two.

While talking about their respective gains, they took Laura to see the situation of the digger.

Seeing these huge Cybertronian engineers building various buildings at a fast speed, the Winter Fortress, which was originally thought to be completed in autumn, seems to be able to move in before autumn.

At this rate, you should be thinking hard about what furniture you need to buy.

By the way, I'll take Arcie to your side when I'm free.


Arcie wants to scan a supercar to make her own car form. After much deliberation, I think you are the only one who can satisfy her request.

Unlike David who chose American muscle cars, Arcie prefers European supercars. As for whether supercars can’t really run in the land of Brennia, Arcie doesn’t care at all, anyway, With the development of Lindong Town, sooner or later there will be a suitable path.

I have a few sports cars at home, but I don't care too much about this kind of thing, so there are only a few cars at home. How many do you want me to buy for you?


David's original idea was to let Laura take Arcee to a car show or something to scan and then finish scanning. Unexpectedly, Laura just bought a few cars, and her tone was similar to going downstairs to buy two bottles of beer.

You can do whatever you want.

Laura was indeed casual. After returning to Cold Winter Town to rest for a day, she took Arcie to her own world the next day, and quickly scanned the new car form back.

David looked at Arcie in front of him. He didn't care that Arcie chose McLaren P1 as his car image, and he wasn't surprised that Arcie also scanned a human image by the way. What surprised him was the image itself.

Did you copy that image from the Casablanca movie?

It's the data provided by Laura. Arcee looked at herself, she was quite satisfied with her current human appearance: Is there any problem?

no problem.

If you find it strange, I can also change into another image. Arcee found the hermit warrior's ability very interesting, especially the ability to change shape constantly.

David agrees with this, but he likes to toss about the mechanical image: It would be great if we could keep multiple image data templates, so that we can change whatever we want when deforming.

In addition to patrolling every day, Arcee taught soldiers how to drive vehicles and planes, and studied her own transformation ability by the way;

David also started a stable but boring daily practice life;

The Swann family began to gradually adapt to life in Cold Winter Town;

When the soldiers of the Winter Knights were trained by several instructors to die, time passed day by day.

As the hottest days of midsummer passed, the diggers finally completed the construction of all the infrastructure of Winter Town, as well as the palace that would become the new residence of David and his family.

Looking at the building in front of him, which was the same as the famous house except for the color of the wall, David began to encounter difficulties.

Almost all the partners gathered around at this time, and they all looked at David, and Laura asked the question on behalf of everyone: I'm afraid the name Winter Fortress is inappropriate. I want to give my new home a name. What's the name?

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