Age of Empires From Scratch

Chapter 175 Fort Glamorgan on the Northern Plains

Glamorgan Castle? The Winter Palace? Winter Castle?

David said a few names, but did not get any response. Everyone had similar expressions, as if they felt that these names were relatively ordinary.

Let's paint the whole building white... Howard suggested jokingly, and got some responses. Some people think that since the shape has been copied, it is also a good choice to keep the name.

But David still felt that this name was not good, and always felt that it would attract the Cancer administrator sent by the Space-Time Administration.

How about calling it Wolf Fort? Laura thought for a while, and put forward her own suggestion: Didn't you choose the giant wolf as the main element of the family emblem?

It seems to be okay... David felt that the name Wolf Castle was okay, but he felt that he had heard it somewhere before: But the name is so familiar.

There's a football club with that name. Laura thought about it carefully, and thought it might be because of this that David felt familiar?

But after thinking about it, David felt that this should not be the reason. It wasn't until he turned his head and looked at the vast green grassland around him that he realized something.

... He suspected that if he named his residence Wolf Castle, he would never eat mutton in his life: Just call it Fort Glamorgan...

It is not a strange thing to name regions and residences according to the lord's surname, and it will not cause any controversy or complaints.

But what David didn't expect was that everyone still thinks the nickname Wolf Castle is easier to remember, and they prefer to call this new building by this name:

Glamorgan Castle, known as Wolf's Castle, is a large house with three floors on the surface, but actually has six floors (including the underground) inside.

Although the design refers to that well-known building, the internal structure is not completely copied, and the specific layout is still different.

Several floors above the ground are the main activity areas:

The first floor is mainly the reception hall, banquet hall, ballroom, and some staff and servants' offices, lounge, kitchen, small library, map room and so on in Fort Glamorgan.

The second floor is the bedroom and office of David, the lord, a small reception room, study room, etc. Among them, the rooms for office are located on the south side of the building, and the rooms for private life are located on the north side.

The third floor is a space for the lord to entertain and relax, such as a gym and a game room. There are still many empty rooms without specific functions. David can decide the functions of these rooms according to his preferences and needs in the future.

The basement floor is currently mainly a warehouse, including ingredients and some weapons and equipment will be stored here;

The space on the second basement floor is small, mainly for independent water supply, power supply and other equipment. In fact, there are hidden passages leading to the outside, through special passages leading directly to some special compartments on each floor, so that the lord can evacuate when necessary.

The fourth floor on the ground is not a complete floor, but a semi-open structure. David can walk from the fourth floor to the wide enough roof, where he can enjoy the wind, enjoy the scenery, or hold some open-air activities.

In theory, each floor has rooms for guards and servants, but David doesn't think he needs to arrange so many guards.

In addition, after the completion of Fort Glamorgan, a high wall will be built around it. In addition to enclosing Fort Glamorgan, two locations on the southwest and east sides of Fort Glamorgan will respectively build the Winter Town Municipal Building and a barracks.

On the north side of Glamorgan Castle, a large open space will be left as Lord Glamorgan's private garden, and various facilities including fountains, gardens, and lawns will be built.

In addition, tall enough trees will be planted on the inner side of the wall to cover the wall, so that when you look around in the garden, you will feel that you are surrounded by green trees instead of being surrounded by high walls.

When all the buildings are completed, Fort Glamorgan, the municipal building, the barracks, and the high wall will constitute the Winter Fortress in the actual sense, and there will be a total of four gates on the outer wall of the Winter Fortress.

The east gate is the daily exit of the barracks, which is convenient for the soldiers and officers in charge of the garrison to enter and exit for the changing of the guard.

The north gate and the west gate belong to the private house gate of the lord. If friends or the lord go out by themselves, they can enter and exit through these two gates. Guard posts will be built at these two gates and some soldiers will be stationed there.

The south gate is the 'main gate' of Winter Fortress. Entering from here is equal to entering the heart of Winter Town. If someone enters from the south gate, the left side of this person is the municipal center of Winter Town. Managers will work here.

On the front is the lord's Fort Glamorgan, and on the right is the barracks responsible for guarding the entire fort.

After taking a general look at the situation, David decided to build another building in the northwest of Fort Glamorgan as a garage and his own private training venue.

Whether it is shooting, fighting, cold weapons or alchemy, he needs a place where he can practice. At the same time, it is close to the design of Fort Glamorgan, and it is also convenient to directly build a corridor to connect the two buildings.

These things are easy to handle.

Recorded all of David's requirements in a notebook, and Van Cleef came up with a complete design plan when he was ready to go back. When David felt that there was no problem, he handed it over to the shovel, and the diggers would definitely use the fastest speed Complete the construction of several buildings around Glamorgan Castle.

In the future, the entire Winter Town, or Winter City, will be built with the Winter Fortress as the core and will develop and expand around it.

According to the current plan, a wide enough road will be paved around the Winter Fortress. With the Winter Fortress as the center, the four main roads will extend in four directions and become the main roads that determine the traffic network of Winter City.

According to David's idea, these main roads will extend to the banks of the Winter River in the west to prepare for the construction of the Winter Pier in the future.

The north will go deep into the winter forest for a short distance, connecting factories such as power plants and water plants.

The east and south sides have to be repaired all the way to the position of the sentry post and the warning sign, and even an additional road has to be built, all the way to the northeast of Frost and Cold Town.

This is not to show how powerful the infrastructure of Cold Winter Town is now, it is simply to facilitate the soldiers to patrol in the distance.

With the increase of various modern vehicles, the soldiers in Cold Winter Town have initially mastered the driving of modern vehicles. It has become the norm for soldiers to patrol the border on motorcycles or even drive Humvees.

Only fighter piloting requires relatively high cultural knowledge for soldiers, and no one has fully learned it yet.

Building a road that is good enough will also make it easier for soldiers to go back and forth faster.

After explaining the next construction plan to Van Cleef and the Dig Tigers, David and some partners wandered around.

Finally, I took a look at the wooden houses not far away. Everyone knew that these wooden houses would not last much longer, and they would be demolished when Winter Fortress was completely completed.

Why not keep it?

Because these wooden houses are located in the center of Cold Winter Town... In such an important place, many better and more important buildings must be built. Laura rubbed her hand gently on the outer wall of her wooden house, and answered Hill Wanas's question: If according to David's plan, this should be the South Gate Plaza of Winter Fortress.

Although these wooden houses are not very comfortable, the space is very small, and the overall is very rough, but she feels that she will often think of this wooden house in the future.

In comparison, David's thoughts are much simpler. Although he is full of memories of this wooden house, he will not miss it too much. Instead, he will be happy that he can 'go further'.

However, he knew that his thoughts could not represent everyone, so he mentioned something to Laura: If you want, I can let Digger move the whole wooden house to the back garden of the new home.

The back garden of Castle Glamorgan has a large enough space, and it is not a big deal to put a wooden house.

But Laura shook her head and refused. She would miss and recall, but she would not insist on keeping everything with her: Just let them complete their mission, that's a good ending.

Forget it then... Where do you think Jonah's restaurant is suitable? All the partners in Cold Winter Town will have their own houses in the future. In fact, these people have more or less chosen the location of their new home.

Basically choose around the Winter Fortress, but the directions are different, and you can choose any position.

For example, Will Turner, in addition to being a blacksmith, he is now a big landowner, and he used to live in Port Royal, so he hopes that his new home will be closer to the farmland area and the Winter River.

Leonard and the others wanted a relatively quiet place to build a residence with a laboratory, so they wanted to build their new home in the north or northwest.

Liadrin hopes to build a Church of the Holy Light. She has taken a fancy to the area to the east of Rinwinter Town. It is not far from Rinwinter Forest and faces the entire northern plain. If someone enters Rinwinter Town, it is easy to notice her church .

Everyone has different ideas and needs, and Laura can help with Jonah's case.

How about right next to Winter Fortress? Build a Winter Hotel.

Meals and accommodation are provided, and it can even be used as the designated residence for receiving foreign guests in Cold Winter Town. In the future, as long as Cold Winter Town does not collapse, Jonah will not have to worry about his store being out of business.

That's a pretty good idea.

The hotel is built on the east side of the Winter Fortress, and anyone who comes to the Winter Town can see this hotel, and it is next to the barracks guarding the Winter Fortress, and the security is sufficient.

Even these soldiers, as well as the people working in Winter Fortress, will become a steady source of customers.

However, in this case, I will have to hire a new chef for this Glamorgan Castle.

I'm afraid you need to hire not only a chef, but also a housekeeper. Laura knows this very well: Otherwise, let Eva help you with these daily chores?

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