Aiming to be the perfect butler for my lady

Chapter 31- Plans

The remaining five days went in a flash and the trials finally came to an end.

After that ambush Kyle and Alatia didn't have to face any other attack and Edmund just kept on observing Kyle without creating much trouble for him. The way his behavior changed around Kyle, signifies that Edmund never wanted Kyle to get wounded and he was genuinely guilty about it.

Regardless, Edmund's demeanor around Kyle improved a lot and Edmund even appreciated his work on several occasions.

Now, whether Edmund really meant those praises or was he just trying to gain forgiveness from his sister remains a mystery...but that didn't matter to Kyle. He was content with the fact that Edmund was no longer suspicious of him.

Currently, it is nighttime, and mostly everyone returned to their rooms.

After dinner, suddenly Cassie arrived at Kyle's door and asked him to accompany her.

Naturally, Kyle was wary. However, when she told him that it was her Master who requested his presence, Kyle didn't make her wait for long.

Now, in the back garden of the mansion, two young men can be seen currently walking slowly on the stone path built around the training ground.

The round moon was illuminating the surface with its silvery shade. The night breeze of the autumn was quite comfortable.

The two individuals remained silent for a long time before it was the blond Prince who called out,

"I think you must have noticed already that I was quite jealous of you. For a long time."

Kyle wasn't surprised to hear that all of a sudden. He knew if Edmund called to talk to him, then it must be about Alatia. The reason for Edmund's jealousy undoubtedly stems from the fact that in the past, Alatia spent most of her time not with her siblings or parents but with him.

Regardless, Kyle didn't interrupt the older one.

"You used to get ridiculed by Alatia and in retaliation, you used to say pretty mean things as well. However, Alatia liked your company a lot."

Edmund chuckled while Kyle felt like shaking his head with a sigh building up his throat.

Those days.... they were something. Alatia's straight face insults and Kyle's teary eyes retaliation.

"You know, Alatia used to think that if she showed her fondness toward you, then Father would separate you two. Because of your status difference and all. I heard she carried that behavior of her until recently?"

Kyle smiled before assenting, "Yes, until that incident when...she fell sick because of an overdose of potion." Kyle somehow managed to stop himself from saying, 'Until that incident when I was pushed to the brink of death'.

He didn't want to sound accusing and Edmund realized his intentions.

" must be quite hateful toward our family, right? I mean, the way you were punished in the cell for a crime you never did...anyone would despise such a decision-maker."

"Truth be told, Your Highness, I was surprised that Your Majesty didn't order my extermination on the spot. Given Alatia's severe condition and the fondness, Your Majesty carries for her....I thought I had met my end. But thankfully, he only decided to lock me up for the time being. The wrongdoers who punished me in the cell are already dead, so I don't carry resentment anymore."

Edmund couldn't believe these words which oozed maturity were spoken by the same kid who used to pull Alatia's ponytail and fight with her all day.

"You have changed Kyle."

Kyle just smiled briefly at the man but didn't say anything to that.

Another brief silence ensued between the two as they walked under the moonlight with seemingly less awkwardness compared to before.

Kyle could sense that Edmund was mustering up his courage to utter something which urged him to say, "Please ask away anything you have in mind, Your Highness. I will be honest with my answer."

Edmund looked at Kyle with surprise but he soon calmed down and inwardly scolded himself for being so transparent.

However, he didn't hold back for long and finally asked Kyle, " the future if your feelings toward Alatia grow and mature into something more than what a servant-master or friend should have....what would you do?"

In these ten days, Edmund had noticed his sister's fondness toward Kyle exceeds normalcy and it was slowly transforming into blind obsession. However, at the same time, he couldn't see the same affection from Kyle. The respect and affection he carries for Alatia was still something under limits. And given they are childhood friends, a little teasing from Kyle's side was normal.

There was a long silence that descended between the two and by the looks of it, Edmund didn't seem to be in a rush to hear his answer.

Edmund didn't know what was going through Kyle's mind but the silver-head seemed conflicted as to what to say.

A sigh Edmund heard from Kyle before the boy finally revealed, "I will either run away with Alatia or try to gain a noble status so Your Majesty can let me have Alatia as my bride."

For once, Edmund couldn't believe Kyle just said that. And secondly, said so smoothly that for a moment Edmund felt he wasn't Alatia's brother but rather Kyle's friend here.

"To plan on eloping with my sister and telling me about it beforehand...I commend your courage."

Kyle just offered a smirk and chose to remain silent.

"Haha~I like that attitude, Kyle." Edmund paused in his tracks as he brought his hand over Kyle's shoulder with a merry laugh escaping his lips.

However, soon the laugh died down and the hold on Kyle's shoulder became a little firm, as Edmund said,

"But beware Kyle. Regardless of what relationship you may have with Tia in the future if you ever allow her to cry because of anything...I will come for vengeance."

Kyle's response was swift, "I won't disappoint you, Your Highness."

A swift response doesn't always indicate insincerity—it also can mean that the answerer is quite confident in himself.

Edmund wanted to believe the latter to be the case.

[Kyle's POV:]

After separating from Edmund I was about to go to my room but then I felt a tug on Slave Collar and knew my mistress was calling me

These days we have formed a new way of calling each other if we wanted to talk secretly. Since Edmund mostly remained alert during the daytime, Alatia began calling me during the night after everyone fell asleep.

Not a good idea but not a bad one as well.

I checked my surroundings after summoning Beta and found there was no spy keeping track of mine.

I slowly walked towards Alatia's room and found the door open already.

"I am coming in....." My voice trailed off a bit as my gaze landed on the ethereal beauty, currently sitting on her bed with a faint blush adorning her cheeks.

Her silvery blond hair was cascading down her shoulder like a waterfall and her porcelain skin seemed radiating the same shade under which she was currently positioned. She was wearing a low-cut single-piece nightdress with a deep neck. She has developed this past year quite well and that night dress hugged her curves really well.

I schooled my gaze a moment later than what could have been regarded as appropriate before making my way toward her.

"You called me, my lady?" My gaze remained on her violet eyes as I controlled my emotions fairly well.


....well the way she giggled signifies that she 'saw' lust in my aura, even for a moment.

Not good. Gotta keep my composure or her teasing would only elevate.

"How did the talk with my brother go?" As she said, she patted the seat beside her.

I sat down before Alatia leaned on me and held my hand with our fingers clasped.

The fragrance of her natural scent blended with her body wash made me dizzy for a moment but my response never wavered,

"It went well. He just told me to take care of you and....we were done soon after."

I deliberately hid the discussion regarding the marriage and stuff that Edmund brought up. Given Alatia's growing affection for me, it wouldn't have been surprising if she suddenly suggested eloping right now.

"Is that so....well, he doesn't need to care about it. I know, Kyle will always be with me."

Hearing her words, I suddenly remembered something which I needed to tell....or more like ask her.

Although I felt pretty nonchalant about this previously, right now, in the atmosphere I was feeling kind of nervous

Regardless, this was urgent as such I didn't take long before uttering,

"Ala....can you go to the academy tomorrow without me?"



A/N:- The Academy arc hasn't begun since there is still some months left. Alatia has to go there for written exams.

Well, I informed since I didn't want to raise your hopes.

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