Aiming to be the perfect butler for my lady

Chapter 32- What changed

What changed that made Alatia so affectionate toward me? Canonically, she treated Kyle just as her friend and butler because of some unknown reasons. The pre-canon events, which I currently was going through, were never revealed but I guess Kyle's obsessed behavior must have creeped her out and she ended up friend-zoning him.

Once they reached the Academy, there were some lines I remember where Alatia explicitly told Kyle to never enter her room in the morning because of her disheveled appearance which she didn't want him to see. Deducting from that I could tell that it was the real Kyle's behavior that kept her on the edge all the time. And in the end, once she heard that her eldest brother was killed by Kyle, she left him for good.

However, things are different now. What the real Kyle was forbidden from, I was invited to do such things. Not only do I enter Alatia's room early in the morning before she wakes up, but I also get to see her rare childish and affectionate sight of all people.

And the one thing which the canon Kyle could have never achieved was partaken by me last night.

Alatia and I slept in the same bed.

Although we didn't do anything other than some cuddling and soft whispering under the same blanket, it still was a very huge leap in our relationship.

Why would I agree to sleep in the same bed as my mistress, you ask? Well, the condition she put in exchange for going to the academy without me, was for me to spend a night with her.

Now, it was early morning and the perfect time for me to return to my room to avoid getting seen by others.


"How can you be so shameless, Ala? I know you are awake." I sighed, feeling her supple body pressed against mine and her head pressed against my chest. Her arm remained on my waist and our legs; were entangled.

She lazily parted her lids, with a mischievous smile adorning her lips,

"Calling you lady, shameless...I guess this calls for a punishment?"

My eyes widened but before I could move away she planted her lips against my collarbone and sucked on it pretty hard

"...Ala, you know that will leave a mark, right?" I sighed; feeling helpless in her arms.

"So what? I am just declaring who this person belongs to~" Took a moment of rest, before continuing her early morning punishment.

"Seriously, my lady was this pervert I never knew...." In return for my muttering, she only giggled once she was done sucking me.

....well, that sounded pretty weird.

After some more cuddling and pampering her, I finally got out of bed and headed toward my room in silence

Since it was still nearly four, I told Alatia to sleep some more.

Walking toward my room with light steps, I couldn't help but sigh. You see, I am pretty nervous.

Not because Alatia had entrance written exams today. I know she would pass with flying colors. The reason for my anxiety was the pre-canon incident which I need to defuse today.

Canonically, there was a character who got suspicious of Kyle using Dark Arts and kept a watch on him. Later on, that character reveals his secret and becomes one of the biggest reasons for Kyle's downfall.

Although I am not the same evil Kyle who would use my powers for some petty yet wicked reasons, it's still a fact that I am a Curse User. Whether for good cause or not, my powers connect me to the Dark World as such it was blasphemous.

Although I know my secret will be revealed at a certain point in the future, I still want to preserve it as long as I can.

That's why I have to change a pre-canon event which could lead to my demise.

'I just pray that everything goes as I have planned....'


[Three hours later]

Edmund was accompanying Alatia to the Academy before he would head to the Capital from mid-way while returning.

There were several high-ranked guards along with the security in chief Collen escorting the two nobles. Magical and physical barriers were chanted around the carriage and the carriage itself worked like a shield to protect the passengers. And if the worst happens, Alatia herself was a highly trained warrior who could protect herself in case of emergency.

I have ensured every preparation myself, and surprisingly no soldier seemed reluctant to answer my questions.

Maria was going with Alatia to take care of her necessities. It would take them one day and a half to return to Belur even though this is the closest town to the Academy.

Well, it was all good since I also needed some time to finish that job.

"Kyle~Are you planning to go somewhere dangerous again?"

Suddenly, I felt a chill snaking down my spine as I heard her cold voice reaching to me from behind.

I turned to look at my lady with a strained smile on my face before I asked, "What do you mean by that, my lady?"

"Hmm? I just felt that Kyle was lying about his busy schedule since he wanted to go for another venture. I wonder if I am just overthinking things. "

I wanted to nod. But I can't. She knows about me a lot more than I wanted her to. Guh!

Alatia smirked at my struggle before stepping closer.

I looked around and found there was no one in the reception area, fortunately.

Alatia pressed her index finger against my chest before her soft yet chilling whisper reached my senses, "If I sense something wrong again, I won't hesitate to pull you back to me."


Looking at those lifeless eyes and that ominous smile I couldn't help but gulp as I shook my head vertically.

Now, this version of Alatia was also something that the real Kyle never experienced...


Once Alatia left I returned to my room and began preparing.

I used Beta to check my surroundings and there was no one spying on me, fortunately.

I changed my clothes and wore something more convenient for moving through the wilderness. The town I have to reach is far from the previous one where I went to rescue Clara.

However, I can achieve this since my proficiency with Beta has elevated in the past two weeks. The forest around the mansion was my playground. Thanks to Beta, I teleported far enough to not get under the radar of surveillance and practiced my spells in peace.

Now, I am strong enough to tackle the Breboar which was D-rank. I still can't handle any other beast if they come in one-on-one between me and Breboar, but that's okay. For someone who has transmigrated into this world only a month ago, I think I was progressing quite well.

Wearing a full-sleeved top wear which was made of leather and some other fabrics, I put a vest over it. Bottom wear consisted of similar fabric but it was a little too skin-tight. Especially around my butt. Regardless, this was the best I had.

Sheathing the dagger in the holder on my waist, I checked my potion supply. Thanks to the abundance of potions Clara gave me, I could be a little more reckless. Well, given the battle awaiting, I would be relying on these potions the most.

All things checked, I took hold of my spear and jumped out of the window, and before my feet could touch the ground, I teleported far away from the mansion.

The second pre-canon event; here I come.


A/N:- Damn....I wonder how Alatia would react once she gets face-to-face with Clara.

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