Aiming to be the perfect butler for my lady

Chapter 33- I will make it possible


Finally, the day when I would take my revenge.

On my first venture to the forest, I was tricked by a Hazy-Akron who pushed me to the Breboar and left me to die so it could escape the clutches of the predator.

Now, today, after two weeks I was in front of the Akron once again. The left eye scar it had, helped me identify this one out of the horde that I came across while traveling to my destination.

Naturally, I didn't want to fight a whole bunch of E-rank illusion creators, that's why I swiftly made my way to the target and teleported it away along with me to a faraway place—where no one would disturb me from turning this guy into skewers.

The Akron has four antlers which tells that it's an adult one with some battle experience, given the scar and scratches it had. Although they generally tend to fall under E-rank, I have to be careful.

My Beta was in use all the time since I didn't want to get my eyes off the creature until I didn't skin it.

"Come on, bitch. Only one of us would live through this day." I raised my right hand and provoked the bastard.

It took the bait and pawed the ground aggressively like a bull. Its gray hazy eyes stared into mine for a moment before it advanced.

Its figure was easily traceable thanks to the rigorous training and the support of Beta I had.

I smirked at that before summoning my Alpha on my left hand.

Streaks of flames surrounded my wrist like a bracelet and I chanted a big spell—enough to satiate my frustration.

"Alpha: Dragonfire Conjure."

A three-circle spell which only a second-year student could chant, flared out of my finger and directed towards the advancing mutated creature.

The vortex of lava flame charged at a frightening pace, burning everything under the sheer heat of the spell. The Deer had no time to halt or retreat before the spell shot against its wide pectoral region.

"GHEEUUUUU!!" The loud cry of the creature was the last thing I heard before the huge explosion went off in the middle of the forest.


The once serene forest now echoed with the crackling of flames and the roar of destruction, a stark contrast to its former peacefulness. The red and orange flames erupted across a wide range and if not for my timely teleportation then I might have gotten hurt.

'...did I overdo it?' Feeling the tremor of the surface and the smell of burning foliage, I thought it was better to deal with the deer with Linear: Burn. But well, it feels nice to get revenge~

Once I ensured that the flames weren't spreading, I teleported away.


"If you don't mind, can I ask you something, Tia?" It has been two hours since they boarded the carriage and left for the Academy.

Edmund has been finishing some of the paperwork regarding some fresh recruitment for Alatia's security around the Academy.

Once he was done, he raised a query, which urged Alatia to lift her eyes from the book she was reading.

"How do you feel about Kyle?" Alatia wasn't surprised that this was about Kyle. She knew her brothers have always been a bit overprotective when it comes to her, and given how she has been behaving around Kyle these days, it was no surprise for him to ask such a thing.

However, she wasn't going to give a straight answer,

"Why are you concerned?" Although she didn't tell him right away, it wasn't like she herself was sure how she felt about him.

Or more like she has yet to admit it.

Edmund remained silent for a moment—his expression morphing into a serious one as he said, "This year, you will get engaged to one of the three nobles that Father has selected. I think you must be aware of our tradition, right?"

Alatia's fist clenched upon hearing that. Right, how can she forget that she is no ordinary girl who can choose her partner and spend her life with him? She is a royalty with a variety of duties; among which marrying a 'worthy' man was also included.

"Why are you telling me this?" Alatia didn't add something like 'Why is this related to Kyle?' since she knew, it was fruitless. Her feelings must have been conveyed to her brother regarding Kyle.

Rather, she asked for a solution, if Edmund may have.

" know it's not possible for a Princess and a servant to get married right? It's not a tradition but a universally accepted rule."

"Yes, I am aware. But that doesn't mean, I would just follow whatever is being forced upon me. My life is mine alone and I can do whatever I want with it."

"And for that are you willing to abandon your family?"

Alatia was taken aback by the question he asked with his lips morphed into a sad smile.

Not a word left Alatia's lips yet he understood what her answer would be.

An awkward silence ensued between the two for a good minute as Alatia contemplated what she should say. Edmund didn't seem to be in a rush and gave her time to set her priorities straight.

Amidst the silence, her hesitant murmur reached his ears,

"If Kyle regains his former noble title, I suppose there won't be anything to object, right? "

"But how would he achieve his ranking, Tia? Not until he partakes in a great feat that could be beneficial to the Empire or the entire human race, there is no hope."

Alatia didn't muster up any reply since she was unsure for now. However, the uncertainty never affected her resolve to spend her life with Kyle.

Regardless of what happens in the future, Alatia will find a way to continue living her life with Kyle.

She was extremely absolute about it.


[Kyle's POV:]

'Haaah~ I should get going already... '

Sitting on the branch of a large twin-stump pine tree, I cooked the meat which I extracted from that damn deer.

It was already mid-noon with the sun now perpendicular to my head. Although the clothes are comfortable and don't allow the sweat to linger, the hot weather feels irritating and stuffy.

The reason why I was having my time, cooking this food and enjoying it with the fresh fruit extracted juice, stems from the fact that the event I need to diffuse starts at midnight today.

The character I need to save is named Charlotte, who comes from a very small town. Tonight, that town would be attacked by a C-ranked demonized monster along with some low-ranked ones as well. Naturally, not having the empire's protection the townspeople couldn't protect themselves for long and succumbed to the embrace of eternal sleep.

Since, luckily, Charlotte survives the ambush, she swears in the name of her deceased parents that she will slay every demon in this world. And because of that commitment, she begins studying about Demons and Demonized creatures.

Her resolve to avenge her parents is so prominent that she meets a fallen fairy in the jungle, who gives her the blessing of Appraisal.

That skill of hers, allows Charlotte to distinguish between Aura and the magic structure of different beings. As such, the chances of her revealing my secrets elevate dramatically.

That's why I need to save her and her town so she doesn't get obsessed with the destruction of Demons and try seeking the blessing of the fallen deity to take revenge. I will also leave some subtle hints of my identity when I rescue her, so in the future, if by chance she gets to know about my secret, I could emotionally manipulate her.

'The best thing about these fictional heroines is their simple and kind heart...' Finishing the last skewer I started cleaning up the place and preparing to take my leave.

Now that everything was planned and sorted, I just needed to believe in myself and change another pre-canon event that could endanger my life.

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