Aiming to be the perfect butler for my lady

Chapter 39- Something about Kyle~1

[Kyle's POV:]

Damn...that was some battle I had.

I underestimated the Demon by a wide margin. Since I defeated all its underlings easily, I charged in without thinking it through and paid the price.

Forty-eight bones, several ligaments, detached joints, and internal bleeding—I think that's a hefty price to pay for being ignorant and a little too confident.

I was currently lying in the pool of my blood while gazing at the night sky.

I didn't know how I survived this...but now...

"Please stay with me! I will take you to the healer!"

"Ah..." I suddenly noticed that someone had arrived by my side and was currently supporting my head on her lap.

It seems my senses have dulled down a lot.

Those tears clouding her emerald eyes, signified concern for me—a person she didn't even know.

That's a heroine for ya.

"...d-don't worry a-about me..." Talking was a burden in my current state as I tried assuring Charlotte.

"How can I not?! are dying! And I can't do anything to save you...I just..." She was shouting at me even though I was like this. How rude. But well it was just like Charlotte. If she can't discern what to do she just becomes agitated.

The reason I told her to not worry was because I was feeling a tingly sensation in my belly—signifying that the Chains of Slavery were being nudged. Alatia was awake and knew about my condition.

"...C-Char...I w-won't die...j-just take care of y-your family....i-if it's in o-our destiny...t-then we will mee-agh!" Suddenly, I felt a wrenching pain in my belly before my vision shifted.

Now, the concern remains: How am I going to explain my situation to my lady?



Charlotte looked fanatically around the place to find where her savior disappeared to

He was on her lap just a moment and now he vanished.

"D-Did he just teleport?" Charlotte knew that the masked man could use teleportation so it wasn't much of a surprise, but she wanted to talk to him a little more and get him healed as well.

She wanted to thank him properly and have him rewarded by the Mayor. She wanted to give him the exclusive gift card of the eatery she runs. She had so many things to say and also wanted to apologize for the rude behavior she showed.

She could have never expected that the masked man was actually looking out for Charlotte and wasn't a suspicious person. He saved not only her but the hundreds of people living in Hazemerg.

However, all she did was shout at him, even though he saved her life. She....was nothing but an insane being who could bite the very arms that shielded her from the embrace of death.

"*Sniff* ....why did you leave so could have at least let me say thanks..." Crying like a small child after a very long time, Charlotte sat on the cold floor while reprimanding herself for not being decisive.

At that time, she was unaware how these strong feelings she now carries for her savior would become the motive of her life, and to meet him again would become her only life goal.

A seed was sown. Now the time would tell what kind of fruit it would bear.


[Kyle's POV:]

How long has it been since I saw Alatia crying?

I don't remember.

However, it's not like something one hasn't seen for a long time, means one wants to dearly witness it.

I never wanted to hurt Alatia nor desired to make her concerned over me again. I promised her that I wouldn't bet my life on such a gamble which I am unsure about.

However, I had to break that promise for the sake of my future.

Currently, she sat beside the bed where I was lying and slowly cleaned my body. She has already fed me Phoenix Tear and all my broken bones and internal bleeding have been healed. But since we were currently in an unfamiliar place and the time was nearing two in the morning, she couldn't call a healer to cure the rest of the wounds. Overdosing me with potions was not an option as well.

That's why, she stripped me off my clothes with only a towel covering my nether region and cleaned the blood off my body.

"Ala...I am-"

"Don't say something which you don't mean." Her voice trembled as she softly washed the wounds I had incurred.

With a sigh, I held her hand and looked at her tenderly. Under my silent pursuit, she was left with no option other than to look back at me.

"I know you won't forgive me this easily, but seeing you like this gives me far greater pain than what I was experiencing some moments ago."

There was no lie to it and I never intended to. Alatia matters to me a lot more than anyone in this world does. She has saved my life many times and has given me a reason to live. She not only went against her family members for me but also actively looked out for me whenever I was in danger.

I don't know whether she used her special eyes to see whether I was telling the truth or not, but her shoulders seemingly relaxed.

"Then why....why do you have to risk your life like this? What gain will all these bring to you? Can't you even tell me? Am I not trustable, Kyle?"

Her eyes...why...just why are you looking at me like that, Ala? I can't endure to see that sad and pained look in your eyes.

At that moment, I was very much motivated to tell her about my secret...about the fact that I am a Dark magic user and that I have the souls of two legendary warriors in my hold.

But...I can't. Not now.

"Alatia...listen to me. I know-"

"No! If you can't tell me-" My eyes widened as suddenly Alatia jumped to her feet and took my dagger from the table beside her. She pressed the blade against her wrist and threatened, "—if you can't tell me what's going on, then I will kill myself! I can no longer endure to see you in pain, Kyle!"

"Alatia, no!" Instinctively I summoned Beta in my left hand and after straightening my back I teleported the dagger away from her hold.

"Huh?!" Alatia, with her eyes, stretched, looked at her hand before she turned her attention toward me, who was holding the straw doll in one and the dagger in the other hand.

" can..."

I sighed. I knew this would happen one day...but still, this was a little too soon.

I sat on the edge of the bed, before gesturing her to come toward me.

Alatia responded to my call, and with a still shocked expression, she walked in my direction and only halted when she reached inches away from me.

I held her hands in mine and finally decided to reveal my secrets to her.

This surely was going to be a long night...


A/N:- Development? What would be her reaction? Being a follower of God and all?.

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