Aiming to be the perfect butler for my lady

Chapter 40- Something about Kyle~2

When I decided to confide in Alatia, by that time, I was already trusting her with my all. My life would depend on her reaction to my secret. If she didn't like what I was going to tell her, then there was a high chance of me losing the main goal I had aimed for and for the rest of my life, I might have to live as a rogue.

But I was prepared for that. Truth be told, if Alatia reacts negatively toward my secret, I wouldn't hold a grudge against her. After all, the beliefs she has been following since childhood, the stories and hymns she has heard, don't allow her to let an evil being reside in the human realm.

She is a divine awakened—someone who was destined to become one with the heavens once the war is over. And for her to allow a Dark Magic user–who is the nemesis of light—would be nothing but blasphemous.

Regardless, now that we have come to this point I had no other option than telling her.

Alatia sat on the bed beside me with our shoulders touching and hands connected.

I decided to start from the beginning, to let her know about the circumstances under which I (or more like the previous Kyle) had to take such extreme steps.

"It was around the time when I was declared to be a non-awakened and my family began to go bankrupt because of all the debt they have borrowed from the market—based on the assumption that once I would awaken, they can have me either marry a rich family or at least sell me to Royal army, to gain hefty sum. From the start, my family was looking at me, as some kind of saleable material."

Kyle had a rough past with greedy people present as his parental figures. His siblings were mean and his other relatives were all weird creatures.

No surprise, Kyle liked to spend most of his time in the library or with Alatia—even though she used to verbally abuse him.

"Once it became clear that I wouldn't be awakening any skill, I found myself falling into despair. Not because...I wasn't of any help towards my parents, but-" Looking at Alatia, who was glancing back at me, I spoke with a sad smile, "-but because, I knew, I wouldn't be able to stay by Ala's side anymore."

Her grip on my hand turned firmer and I could sense the whirlwind of emotions surging within her. Undoubtedly she wanted to say many things, but she chose to let me complete my story first.

I inwardly thanked her or I might not have been able to tell everything.

Looking back toward the front, I continued,

"Around those times I came across a book which was surely not allowed to be read by anyone from this realm. A book about Dark Arts and the technique to manipulate souls."

"I knew this was bad and not something I should involve myself in...but my desperation to not become entirely useless left me with no option."

With a sigh, I said, "And then, I did something that not a sane person would have ever considered committing."

Turning toward Alatia with my eyes turning cold, I added, "I sold my soul to a Devil."

Alatia looked pale and terrified. I expected such a reaction.

People generally get manipulated by a Demon into turning one, but I, the great Kyle, chose a superior being as my patron and sold my soul in exchange for letting me wield these powers—which no human should possess.

The ability to trifle with death and toy with doesn't even sound human.

A long silence ensued between us after that.

I didn't glance at Alatia...more like I didn't want to. I feared to see her disgusted reaction or to feel her rejecting my touch.

I didn't want to be rejected by her—the sole being I care about in this world.

What if she abandons me? What if she hates me? To be honest, being disowned was never one of my fears since I have experienced it once in the past as well. What horrified me was the possibility to be abhored by the one, whom I hold dear.

"Hey, Kyle..." Like a single pebble thrown in the silent lake, her voice broke the silence and made its way toward my ears.

I gulped before humming in response.

"Can you look at me?"

I did as she said, and hesitantly turned my head in her direction....only to widen my eyes when I felt something soft and warm pressing against my lips.

'Eh? Heh? Wha....wha...huh....ahh~'

Shock turned into realization and finally, I settled for comfort.

There was no doubt about it—Alatia was kissing me. But why, I had no answer.

I closed my eyes under the constant torment of my restless heart and felt my grip on her hand tightening subconsciously.

It is a strange feeling to be kissed by Alatia...or more like a girl this beautiful all of a sudden. My mind was no longer working properly as we finally parted our lips and made eye contact.

I would have taken some time to collect my thoughts and then asked her, 'Why did you just do that...' but Alatia didn't let me play dense at all.

"I love you, Kyle. Not just as a friend or a family member but as how a woman loves a man."

....that was straightforward.

If I say, I never noticed how things developed into this...I would look nothing but a fool like some Japanese anime main character.

Against all my wariness, and the precaution I had in mind to avoid this situation, Alatia ultimately fell for me.

Sigh~it's quite tough to be charming.

"Kyle~why do I sense narcissism from you?" My cheek was pinched as Alatia thinned her lips into a smile.

"Quit squeezing them already..." I grumbled. Alatia chuckled.

Seriously, how did my lady grow up to be this mischievous?

Regardless, once the silence befell and Alatia remained looking at me, I knew she was expecting a response.

"...why are you looking at me like that? With those eyes of yours, you must have already seen what feelings I have for you."

It must be a huge reason why she chose to confess to me now since she must have 'seen' love in my hue.

I...kept on reminding me, why I shouldn't fall for this girl...but in the end, you can't resist the charm of an angel.

Haan~why I am so weak.

"...I want to hear it from you."

Alright, so she wants to play it like that, huh?

Although I didn't have many experiences in my last life, it doesn't mean I was completely clueless.

I knew the first confession in a girl's life became a memorable event for the rest of their life.

That's why, I told her, "Give me some time...I want to do it properly."

Alatia grinned hearing my response before she leaned her head on my shoulder and muttered under her breath,

"I expected that much...but don't take too long. You know how impatient I can be."

"That...I know."

Our hands were connected again as we sat side by side in silence. However, unlike before, the serenity we share was far more preferable and comforting.

I had a hunch that we may end up like this, and despite all my preparations I went ahead and ruined the plot for good.

'Sorry Logan...but this is how it is...' Sighing I decided to just stop thinking about anything else and focus on the girl beside me.


A/N:- Ntring the Mc since 1990. Phaha.

Drop a comment if you like their development. I mean, their relationship hasn't reached its peak, and they might have to face many challenges, but surely, a foundation has been laid.

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