Aka Amy

122. New Traditions (Amethyst)

"Hello Raven," I greeted my angel with a polite smile. "Thanks for coming over."

She regarded me for a half second before responding, "There's no need to thank me, my Goddess. As I've reminded You countless times, I exist to serve You."

I nodded once, "I know. That's actually one of the things I wanted to speak with you about."

"Please have a seat," I added as I gestured towards the love-seat. "And help yourself to a drink if you like."

She looked over and saw a bottle of whiskey and an empty tumbler on the coffee table in front of the love-seat. And there was a glass of chilled white wine waiting for me next to my usual spot on the sofa. A few moments later the two of us were seated across from each other, while Siggy hopped up onto the sofa and cuddled up next to my thigh in hopes of getting some pets and scritches.

After a sip of her drink Raven asked, "What was it You wished to discuss, my Goddess?"

I had a sip of my wine then began with an apology, "I'm sorry it's taken me almost a week to talk to you about this stuff Raven. I should have done it sooner, but I've had a lot on my mind since last Saturday night. With the full moon coming tomorrow morning Theresa and I will be performing our rituals tonight, but I wanted to have this conversation with you first."

"Anyways," I continued, "I don't think I explicitly mentioned this to you yet, but during my brief homecoming last Saturday night I recovered all my memories. I remember everything now, right back to the beginning."

She frowned slightly as she had another sip of her whiskey. Then she pointed out, "In that case You should know there's never any reason or expectation for You to apologize to me."

"On the contrary," I responded quietly, "There are plenty of reasons for me to apologize. Remembering my own past means I also remember yours, Ravenna. I know how long we've been together, I know what sorts of challenges we've faced over the centuries, and everything we've been through. I owe you more than just a simple apology."

After a gulp of my wine I set the glass down so I was focused exclusively on her, while she stared down at her whiskey and looked slightly awkward and uneasy.

"Ravenna I'm sorry," I told her in a soft compassionate voice. "I can only imagine how confusing and painful it must have been for you last summer, when you introduced yourself to me in the game only to have me respond as though you were a complete stranger."

I continued with a sad smile, "I remember thinking to myself at the time that you seemed like such a fun, happy person. You were so lively and playful, and it was honestly really fun being around you. The way you joked and flirted with Leah and Krissy and I made our dungeon crawls a lot more fun. I was really happy you joined our group, and I wanted to get to know you better."

"Then in April you and I finally met in person. And after that everything changed," I sighed. "I remember the moment you realized the truth. It was on Beltane eve, when you joined me for a walk in the woods. You asked me for some whiskey and I provided it without a second thought. That was a test, and I failed."

Raven was still staring down into her glass and she looked even more uncomfortable. She actually seemed torn, between having another drink or putting it down and distancing herself from it. In the end she did both, she drained the glass before setting it on the coffee table next to the bottle. She didn't say a word though, and her eyes stayed fixed on the coffee table rather than look at me.

After a few couple seconds of silence I apologized again, "I'm sorry Ravenna. I'm sorry I took you for granted over the last five months, and for failing to consider your feelings. I was so busy trying to assert myself as Amy Price that it didn't occur to me I might be hurting you, every time I told you I wasn't the person you used to know."

"And I understand why you couldn't or wouldn't speak up and say something whenever I did that," I added. "I want you to know, I never meant to hurt you. And I'm truly sorry for the pain that I've caused you."

The two of us sat in silence again, and this time it stretched on for a full minute or so. Long enough for it to get a bit awkward between us. I knew it would take her some time to process all of that, and perhaps even longer to come up with a response. I wouldn't interrupt though, I was determined to give her as long as she needed.

In the end it was probably two or three more minutes before my angel finally spoke. Her eyes remained downcast, staring at the coffee table as she quietly stated "Memories or not, You still aren't Her. Are You?"

I took a deep breath then sighed once more, "I'm afraid it's not as easy as a simple yes or no, Ravenna. Yes I am Amethyst, but no, I'm not the same Amethyst you knew a few hundred years ago. The last fifty-eight years have taught me a lot about humility, and living parts of two different human lifetimes opened my eyes a lot."

"I remain committed to helping trans and queer people," I continued. "Even with my old memories restored that's still my new domain. And I'm still in love with Theresa, as much as I once loved Mary. That doesn't diminish my love for you though. You are my angel, you've served me well for more than fifteen hundred years. The biggest difference now is that in addition to being your goddess, I'd still like to be your friend."

I gave her a hopeful smile as I added, "I really miss the fun friendly dark rogue side of you. I remember you were like that back in the sixteen- and seventeen-hundreds too. Your visits to the village pub were almost legendary, the way you livened up the atmosphere and raised the spirits of the people. That's a very stark contrast to the stiff and sullen goth who barely spoke a word and never even touched her tea when we had our first face-to-face with Leah and Krissy a few months ago."

"I've had very little cause to celebrate for the last two hundred and twenty-four years my Goddess," Raven replied quietly.

"I know Ravenna," I responded just as softly. "And for that I apologize once again. You were happy last summer when we met in the game, and I can only imagine you were probably expecting a joyful reunion with me. I hate that circumstances robbed you of that, but perhaps we can make up for it now?"

With that I got to my feet and moved to stand before her. Then I held out my arms in a welcoming gesture. My angel slowly stood up then hesitantly took a step forward, into my waiting embrace. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close, her cheek pressed against my own and her arms very tentatively wrapped around me as well.

After a couple seconds she mumbled, "This feels different than it used to. You were never this short in the past."

I grimaced slightly, "Sorry Ravenna. I'm not making myself any taller though, that's non-negotiable."

She was quiet again for a few moments before finally responding, "Perhaps I should take a page from Your high priestess's book then, and make myself taller instead? After all, it's my duty to ensure my Goddess is happy, and if being smaller than Your peers pleases You then the least I can do is oblige."

She actually sounded almost teasing, and it left a smile on my face. I knew it would take time to fully repair the relationship between us, but that definitely felt like a step in the right direction.

Unfortunately the universe seemed to have a lousy sense of timing, as it picked that exact moment for Tess to come home from work. She opened the apartment door and stepped inside while Raven and I were still in each other's arms, standing next to the love-seat.

Luckily my girlfriend was over her initial jealousy towards my angel, otherwise that would have been a very rough start to our plans for the evening.

I finally let go of Raven then turned towards Tess and greeted her, "Hello love, how was your day?"

She was already on her way into the bedroom to get changed, but she called back "Hi cutie, my day was fine. I'm glad to be home though, and very glad it's the weekend."

"Hello Raven," she added from the bedroom, "And hello Siggy."

By the time Tess emerged from the bedroom I had a glass of wine waiting for her, and I'd already topped mine up again. She accepted the glass and gave me a kiss in return, then after a gulp of wine she sat down on the sofa with a look on her face that was one part nervous and one part excitement.

"So," she stated. "It's Friday night, and we have some big plans for this evening."

"I believe that is my cue to take my leave," Raven announced. "My Goddess, Theresa, I hope your evening and your plans both go well."

Siggy sounded like they were pouting as they added, "I guess that means it's time for me to return to my lonely home on the west coast again."

Before I could respond to that my angel spoke up once more. She looked down at the little torty and offered, "You're welcome to spend the night with me if you prefer? I'll even give you a saucer of cream, if you promise to behave."

"Ooh!" the little torty jumped to their feet with their tail and ears all standing up straight. "Yes please!"

I smiled, "You two have fun. But not too much fun, try and stay out of trouble."

"I would say the same to You my Goddess," Ravenna replied, "But I trust You can handle any trouble that comes along. So You and Tess enjoy yourselves."

With that both she and the cat teleported away, along with the bottle of whiskey.

"What's up with Raven?" Theresa asked after the others were gone. "I don't think I've ever seen you and her hugging before. I didn't think she was interested in that kind of thing?"

I sighed, "Yeah. I only just realized how much she's been hurting lately? It's probably going to take some time before things are back to normal, but I think she and I took some steps in the right direction today."

"Does that mean there'll be more hugging in the future?" Tess asked after another sip of her wine. She didn't sound jealous or unhappy, but she was obviously curious.

"I sincerely hope so," I told her. "I hope that doesn't bother you? She and I were a lot closer in the past, but it's hard to describe our relationship in human terms. Sort of like a mother and daughter maybe? Anyways it wasn't a romantic thing, if that's what you're wondering."

"When it comes to romance I'm all yours," I added as I cuddled up against her side.

She smiled briefly, before her expression became serious.

"So tonight's the big night," she said, with some nervous anticipation obvious in her voice. "How do you want to do this? And when? Before dinner, or after? Or will it be part of the actual ritual, along with the cookies and ice wine?"

My mood and expression became serious as well, and I sat up straight and looked at her. "Does that mean you're ready? No more questions, you're going to accept my offer?"

She took a deep breath then gulped down the last of her wine. She set the empty glass down on the coffee table then turned to face me as well. She nodded once, "Yes Amy. I've been thinking about it every day since you brought it up. I don't have any more questions. I want to do this, and I'm ready whenever you are."

"All right love," I replied as I got to my feet. I motioned her to stand up as well, then wrapped my arms around her and we exchanged a kiss.

I kept her in my arms as I warned her, "This is the last chance to change your mind Theresa. Would you like me to grant you my divine blessing, to give you a supernatural body that will resist all illness and disease, that cannot be harmed by any mortal weapon or mundane damage, and that will never age?"

My girlfriend gulped but nodded, "Yes please, I would."

"Then close your eyes," I told her, before leaning in to give her another kiss.

Her eyes shut as our lips touched, and at the same time I flexed some divine magic.

A moment later I told her, "You may open your eyes now."

She did so, and they bulged slightly as she looked around in wonder. "Where are we?"

"It's part of my heavenly realm," I replied as I looked around with a smile.

The woods, the pond, the little waterfall and stream, they really were like home for me. There was lots more to it than just the little grotto, but I always found that spot especially peaceful and relaxing.

"It's beautiful," Tess commented as she looked around in wonder. A moment later her expression shifted to a frown as she looked at me, "Wait if this is heaven does that mean I'm dead or something?"

"No, not as such," I responded. "Anyways lots of spiritual rites involve a ritualized death and rebirth, right?"

My girlfriend stared at me as she responded flatly, "Most 'ritual deaths' don't involve an actual trip to actual heaven, cutie."

That made me cringe slightly, "Yeah ok, good point. But I needed to get rid of your mortal body to replace it with the supernatural one, and figured it was a good opportunity to show you this place."

She looked around the idyllic little grotto again then nodded, "All right Amy, that's a good point. It's really nice and peaceful here."

Another thought seemed to occur to her as she asked, "So you're not just making my body immortal, you're creating a new one from scratch?"

"Yes," I nodded. "I hope you're not upset? It'll look exactly the same as the original, so -"

"Can it be taller?" she interrupted with a hopeful grin. "I mean, if I'm getting a brand new supernatural body, I might as well ask for all the upgrades right?"

I stifled a laugh, "Yes I can make you taller. Any other requests? Different hair colour, eyes, more freckles or less? Or maybe you'd like some other ah, fun enhancements?"

Tess made a show of thinking all that stuff over, but in the end she shook her head. "Taller's good enough for now. Unless you have any suggestions?"

"I think you're perfect already love," I replied.

"Thanks cutie," she smiled. That faded a moment later as she took one more look around the little grotto then said, "As pretty as this is, I'm not ready to spend eternity here just yet? So let's go back home now."

"Of course love," I replied.

I pulled her into another hug, then I returned us to our apartment in the mortal realm. As we appeared I created her new immortal body, identical in appearance to the old one except for one thing. She was now another two inches taller, which put her at five-foot-ten, the same height as Alex and Hailey. And as her soul flowed in I granted her my divine blessing, which completed her transformation into a supernatural being.

"Oh wow," Tess whispered a few seconds later, as she opened her new eyes and took her first breath with her new body. Then she slowly exhaled as she quietly added, "I've never felt so alive before..."

I smiled, "I'm glad you feel good. How do you feel about maybe going out to celebrate? Instead of ordering in, I thought maybe we could go somewhere nice for dinner tonight."

She smiled back at me, "Normally I wouldn't want to go any further than the balcony on a Friday night, but I'm feeling so good right now that it sounds like a great idea! Did you have anywhere specific in mind?"

"I've got us dinner reservations at a fancy steak and seafood place in downtown Toronto," I told her. "We've got about forty-five minutes, so plenty of time to get dressed up? Then we can make it a date. Our first date as an immortal couple."

"Seriously?" Tess grinned. "Our first date as college students was Chinese take-out and wine from a box, which became our Friday night routine. Is this going to be the start of a posh new tradition?"

I laughed, "Maybe? We'll see. Another goddess once told me, there's no reason for us not to enjoy the very best humans have to offer. And I think Siggy agrees with that notion as well? At least when it comes to food."

My girlfriend leaned in and gave me another hug and a kiss, "All right cutie. It definitely seems like a nice way to start our new lives together. So let's get dressed up and make it a date."

"Agreed," I stated as I kissed her back.

Then as the two of us headed into the bedroom together Tess commented, "The last year and a bit has been amazing Amy, ever since we met last summer? I can't wait to see what the future brings."

"Me too love," I agreed. "Me too."

~ End of Book 4 ~

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