Aka Amy

Interlogue pt.2 (Tess)

Amy said her goodbyes then finally tapped the disconnect button and put her phone down on the coffee table. She picked up her wine and had a sip, then sat back and cuddled closer against my left side with a contented smile on her face.

"What's the news?" I asked as I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her into a hug. "What did Hailey have to say?"

My girlfriend had another sip of wine then replied, "So the big news was she and Alex are officially a couple now. And the other big news is Alex came out as non-binary. They're using they/them pronouns, and want to make sure everyone knows they're just going by Alex exclusively. It's not just a nickname anymore."

I made a mental note to remember their pronouns, then smiled at the first part of the news. "Funny, after your sister teased us for taking a whole entire week to figure out we were together. I got the impression her and Alex have been figuring this out for months."

Amy grinned, "You're right. But in their defence, I can imagine Alex needed to sort themselves out before they could make that emotional commitment?"

Her expression became serious as she added "That's coming from experience. I know I wasn't really capable of handling any kind of romantic or emotional attachments when I didn't know or understand who I was."

I gave her a kiss, "I know love. I'm sorry you struggled with that for so long, but I'm glad it's finally over."

"Me too," she replied as she kissed me back.

She continued, "Hailey wants us all to get together a week from tonight? Next Saturday night, double-date? She suggested a fancy restaurant that's about halfway between her place and here."

I thought it over and nodded, "Sounds good. That's less than a week before we move, but it'll be nice."

Amy had another sip of her wine and agreed "Yeah. It's going to be a busy couple weeks I think. Moving, then going back to school. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm also a little anxious."

"You'll do just fine," I assured her.

I reached over to the corner table and picked up my wine glass and had a gulp, then said "I think it's a great course, and it suits you. I still haven't forgotten how you were so calm and took charge when I cut my hand. You knew exactly what to do, and you looked after me and made sure I was ok."

She blushed, "I used magic to heal you. I won't be able to do that at class, or on the job. Assuming I pass the course and get hired somewhere."

I gave her a gentle squeeze and said, "I know, but I think training as an EMT is perfect for you. You like healing and helping people right? That's what you do in your games, you're a healer. I think you're going to do really well at college. And in two years if you want to go into that as a career I think you'll do a very good job."

"Thanks Tess," she smiled.

I had another sip of my wine then asked, "Did Hailey say anything about your parents?"

She shook her head, "Not really. She said she's going to tell them I'm going back to school and what I'm taking, she thinks they'll be pleased? I'm not so sure. Maybe if it was actual med-school or university? But it's just a college program. No offence to you or the college, but it's not what they'd have picked for me. I doubt it'll make them happy."

"You never know," I told her. "Try not to be too negative about it, ok?"

Amy shrugged, "I'm not being negative, but I know my folks. I can guess how they'll react."

She didn't seem too worried about what her parents thought on the subject either way. After a moment I asked, "You're not really interested in what they think, are you?"

"Nope," she shook her head. "They still haven't tried to contact me since Hailey's birthday. No calls, texts, emails. I'm not upset though? More like, disappointed. If they do contact me I'll respond, assuming what they have to say is positive. I'm not going to turn my back on them? But I'm not going to make the first move."

I thought about that for a few moments as I drank the last of my wine. I set the empty glass back on the corner table then commented, "Four weeks ago you were desperate for their acceptance and understanding. Now you seem a lot more chill about the whole subject."

After finishing her wine Amy looked at me with a wry smile, "Four weeks ago I was just plain desperate. I was freaking out and flailing around trying to figure out who I was and dealing with some pretty massive upheavals in my life and identity. All that's behind me now."

She leaned closer and gave me a kiss then continued, "I've accepted myself as a trans girl. I've got stable living arrangements, in about ten days you and I will be moving into our new apartment together. I've got plans for the future that don't depend on my parents. And most importantly, I'm in love with a smart tall beautiful girl, and she loves me."

I smiled and returned the kiss, "You also wield divine power. I bet that's a confidence boost."

"A little," Amy replied with a blush. Her expression became serious a moment later as she added, "You know, tonight's not just the four-week anniversary of us being together? It's also the night of the full moon."

"I know," I nodded. "I don't need magic to summon you though, you're already here."

She smiled but otherwise remained serious as she asked, "Are you still interested in that stuff? Magic, witchcraft, the things Mary wrote about in her journal? I mean, beyond using it to find yourself a girlfriend?"

I wasn't sure what she was getting at, but her tone and expression told me this wasn't her being silly or joking around.

After a few seconds to think it through I replied, "I guess so? I mean, granny's journal had a lot of interesting stuff, but it also seemed to be missing a lot too? I'd love to know more about it. I'd love to know how she learned that in the first place? But mom doesn't know any of it, and as far as I know there's no other living relatives on that side of my family tree."

A little knowing smile formed on my girlfriend's lips, but her tone remained serious as she said "I haven't just got access to the goddess's power, I've been learning to access her memories, her knowledge too. Mary Cleary was last of a long line of witches and wise women. You're her granddaughter, you have all that heritage behind you. Do you think just anybody could sit down and perform a successful divine summoning on their very first attempt?"

Amy continued, "Mary learned those secrets from her grandmother, and I'm sure she would have passed them on to you if she had the chance. If you wanted to learn, if you're really interested in that knowledge, I think maybe I could teach you. Like the goddess Amethyst once taught your ancestors long ago."

My eyes widened slowly as her words sank in and I started to grasp what she was saying. She was offering to teach me magic, and I couldn't deny the idea excited me. I'd been curious and even enthusiastic about magic from the moment that summoning ritual worked last full moon. And all the things Amy did at Hailey's apartment or her parents' house only added to my fascination. The idea that my girlfriend could actually teach me that sort of magic almost seemed too good to be true.

I gulped, "Seriously? Like, for real?"

"If you want," she replied calmly, "I could try and teach you to be a witch, or a wise woman. Like your granny, like most of the women in the Cleary line were."

"Yes please," I nodded. "I'd like that a lot."

Amy smiled, "Very well..."

After a dramatic pause her smile turned into a smirk and she added, "But not tonight. We'll start at the next full moon. Tonight we're taking it easy."

Some flickers of golden light appeared in my wine glass, and a moment later the light faded and my glass was once again full of chilled white wine. So was Amy's. Just like that, the tension and mystery was gone. I was left with the anticipation of learning magic next month, but for now Amy was grinning and showing off with her little magic tricks.

I rolled my eyes and stated, "You know the fridge is like four meters away, I could have got up and done that without the conspicuous display of magic."

My girlfriend grinned, "I know. But that would mean getting up, and I'm way too comfortable right now."

To emphasize the point she snuggled in a little closer and I felt her right arm snake around my waist so she could hug me too.

I smiled and we both enjoyed a little more wine before I teased, "If I didn't know better I'd think you were trying to get me drunk. Perhaps you plan to take advantage of me later?"

Amy suppressed a giggle, "If that's what I was planning you know it'd backfire pretty hard. You have a way higher tolerance for alcohol than me."

"In that case you'd better drink up," I said with a wide grin. "Because I definitely mean to take advantage of you tonight."

She grinned right back and drank down a gulp of her wine, making it clear she was absolutely on board with that plan.

I followed her example, and soon enough both our glasses were nearly empty again. We continued cuddling, and exchanged some more kisses.

After a few more minutes I drained the last of my wine and remarked, "You know Amy, I still haven't forgotten that little comment you made to Hailey and I? You never did follow-through on it though."

Amy emptied her glass as well then set it aside. She frowned, "What comment's that?"

I grinned, "When you made me and Hailey taller, you also suggested making yourself smaller, remember? I'm pretty sure for every inch shorter you'll be twice as cute. Two inches shorter means you'll be four times cuter!"

She blushed and protested, "That wasn't a suggestion! I wasn't offering, I was joking, being sarcastic."

My grin grew wider as I pulled her even closer and teased, "You say that, but the way you're blushing tells a different story."

Her cheeks got even brighter red. She asked, "I thought you were disappointed when your summoning spell brought you a short coed? You said you wanted a tall statuesque goddess."

She wasn't resisting, or even putting up much of an argument so I pulled her fully onto my lap before I corrected her, "Not disappointed. Surprised, but it turned out to be a very good surprise. And you know the more we talk about this the brighter your cheeks get?"

By that point her whole face was red and she seemed to be having trouble finding the words to respond.

I grinned and teased, "C'mon Amy, we both know you want to be a cute little goddess."

Her face was still bright red as she pouted "Please don't tease the little goddess."

Between her words, her pout, and her adorable blushy face I couldn't hold back a little giggle. I kissed her once more as I ran my hand down her back then up her side and whispered, "I love you."

Amy kissed me back and sighed happily, "I love you too. Even if you're an awful tease sometimes."

I couldn't help it, I smirked and responded "You love it when I tease you. That's why I do it."

She tried to pout some more but it quickly turned into a grin as she admitted with another blush, "Maybe. Anyways, let's go to bed? I've had enough wine, now I want my tall gorgeous girlfriend to ravish me and take advantage of me."

That was an invitation I'd never refuse, and in under a minute we were in the bedroom with a trail of clothes behind us. We were both standing next to the bed as I straightened up after pulling off my jeans. When I looked down at her my eyes widened and I did a double-take.

Amy looked up at me with a cheeky grin and asked, "Four times cuter huh?"

A wide smile settled on my face as I nodded, "At least."

And as the two of us climbed into bed together I took a moment to thank fate and fortune, because my life was as perfect as it could ever be.

~ End of Book 1 ~


Amy & Tess are going to take a break for a while, but they'll be back in a few months with Book 2. In the meantime, patrons have already read a short bonus NSFW story involving the two of them. And as always, patrons get access to new chapters & new stories at least a full week before everyone else!
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