Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 130: Scrutiny

Leaving the Ministry of Magic, Althea hurriedly prepared and changed her clothes before heading to the annex, where she was scheduled to meet with the Queen. Upon arrival, she found both the Director of the Ministry and the Queen already waiting for her.

After receiving a magical bag containing magic stones from the Director, Althea was, as usual, blindfolded and led to the underground chamber of the annex. It seemed there were several pathways leading to the royal teleportation magic circle.

This time, she was guided onto the magic circle while still blindfolded, accompanied by the Queen.

As the swirling sensation subsided, Althea felt both of her hands enveloped by the Queen’s hands.

"I apologize for keeping you blindfolded, Althea. Even though the world is in such turmoil and I feel powerless, I am sincerely praying for your safe return. Do not push yourself too hard for the sake of the world. Promise me you will return safely and in good health. And Sieg, you must vow to protect Althea with your life. If you cannot make this vow, I cannot entrust her to you."

"Your Majesty?!"

Althea was taken aback by the Queen's words. The idea that the Crown Prince would risk his life for her—and that he must vow to do so—was something the Queen herself had not anticipated having to say to her own son.

"Of course. Even if it means putting my own life on the line, I will protect the Maiden of Dusk."

From beyond where the Queen was presumably standing, Siegfried’s voice was heard.

"...That phrasing is somewhat unsatisfactory, but... very well."

With those words, the Queen gently released Althea’s hand and passed it to Siegfried.

"Well then, Mother, we will return to our squad. We apologize for not being able to see you off."

"No need to apologize. I will be able to fly soon, so do not worry about me."

With the Queen's farewell, Siegfried took Althea’s hand and led her away. As she watched their retreating figures, the Queen murmured,

"...Though I said that, Sieg, make sure you come back safely as well..."

Her words were lost to both Siegfried and Althea.


"Now that we're this far, it should be fine. I'll remove the blindfold."

After walking for a while following their separation from the Queen, Siegfried stopped and removed Althea’s blindfold.

"Are you alright? Are you overexerting yourself? Oh, no, you are overexerting yourself. You performed enchantments for over a hundred people in just three days..."

As he spoke, he almost unconsciously reached out to touch Althea’s cheek when—

"Lady Althea!!"

Laila, who had been waiting nearby, rushed over.

Siegfried quickly withdrew his hand, but Laila, oblivious to this gesture, embraced Althea.

"I'm so glad you're safe. Even though I thought you were at the royal castle, I couldn't help but worry while we were apart..."

Laila’s face, wet with tears, showed how overly protective she had become since Althea had recently left her behind. Feeling responsible for causing such anxiety, Althea reached out and gently patted Laila’s back.

"I’m sorry for making you worry. I’ll be with you from now on, so please don’t be anxious."

After a moment of observing the two, Siegfried spoke up from behind.

"Well, since Laila is here, everything should be alright. I’ll return to the squad ahead. I’ll inform Regalus that you have joined us safely. He is probably wandering around by now. Tonight, thanks to the Pope’s arrangements, you’ll be able to rest comfortably in the church, so you should take it easy in your room."

"Yes. Um... Thank you, Your Highness."

"...The substitute waiting in your room will probably be eagerly anticipating your return. Maybe it’s because of the rigid start we had. Although it was a relief that the Pope accompanied us, it’s better to return quickly. Well then, see you at breakfast tomorrow."

With that, Siegfried waved his hand and left.


Althea waited for Laila to calm down before following her guide to the room prepared within the church. As promised, Nina had been waiting there, ready to remove Althea’s disguise.

"I’m so relieved you’re here, Miss. I was really at my limit. Playing your role is just too much for me..."

Tears welled up in Nina’s eyes as she spoke.

The next morning, Althea dressed and followed Laila to the breakfast hall.

Since her departure, she had spent most of her time attending to the Pope, so she had usually dined separately from the other captains. Though Nina had confirmed Althea’s actions and knowledge after the departure, Althea could not shake her anxiety. That’s why she arranged for breakfast to be a chance for Siegfried and Regalus to make their first official contact with the other knights.

By the way, during the pre-departure meeting at the royal castle, Althea had been present, so each captain and squad leader knew her face.

As Althea stopped at the entrance of the dining hall and took a deep breath, she was approached from behind. Turning in surprise, she saw the Pope standing there with a cheerful expression.

"Good morning. Um... Miss Monclair? ...Is that right?"

"Yes, that’s correct. Good morning, Your Holiness."

"I see, so you’ve joined us safely. That’s good to hear. By the way, what are you doing here? ...Ah."

Seeing Althea looking a bit anxious, the Pope, with a smile, extended a hand.

"If you’d like, shall we go together? Lady, please take my hand."

The gesture was so natural that Althea found herself placing her hand in his without hesitation.

"Heh, I didn’t expect the Pope to escort a lady within the church. You needn’t be so anxious. In fact, your presence will help this journey go smoothly, so just carry yourself with confidence. Now, let’s head to the dining hall."

With that, the Pope led Althea into the dining hall.

Upon opening the door and entering, all eyes turned toward them.

The knights, seeing a noble lady who would be joining them for the first time, scrutinized her with somewhat stern gazes. However, once they realized the Pope was present, the stern looks disappeared almost instantly.

'The Pope’s presence is truly remarkable. It seems they’re only pretending to accept me because of him. In other words, once we leave the principality, I will have to prove my worth while facing those scrutinizing gazes...'

The search for the Sword of the Sun and the demon extermination was an important mission, usually undertaken by royalty and knights to save the world. For the knights, who underwent rigorous training, even the inclusion of students like Regalus and Oliver would likely be a cause for dissatisfaction. Honestly, many probably thought Regalus and Oliver were only there because of their connections. Although Regalus and Oliver proved their worth before departure, Althea had neither the opportunity nor the time to prove herself.

The decision for the expedition team was only finalized one day before departure, or rather, a few hours before.

While Regalus and the others proved their abilities, Althea had been sending magical energy to the Maiden of Dawn in her room. The following morning, after the initial meeting, she had rushed to the Ministry of Magic to enchant magic stones. Afterwards, Nina, disguised as Althea, had spent time with the Pope. Despite explaining the circumstances to the Pope, the other knights saw Althea as nothing more than an unproven noble lady.

Althea could not reveal her identity as the Maiden of Dusk. Although it would be easier to rely on her family’s connections and the protection of her brothers, doing so would undermine the purpose of joining the expedition team. To fulfill her role, she needed to prove herself through her own abilities.

Steeling herself and recognizing her position, Althea took a deep breath, bowed respectfully, and took her seat.

Once everyone was seated, Siegfried began to speak.

"Given the sudden nature of our departure, this is the first time we’re gathering for a meal together. After leaving the principality, opportunities to have such calm meals will be rare. We should be deeply grateful for the hospitality of the church and the Pope. Let’s enjoy our meal."

Seeing everyone nod in agreement, Siegfried asked the Pope to say a few words.

The Pope rose gracefully and addressed the gathering.

"I would like to thank everyone for accompanying me to the principality. Additionally, I must express my gratitude to Miss Monclair for taking care of me during the journey. I appreciate this opportunity to extend my thanks. Now, as we embark on the real journey ahead, please try to relax and enjoy this meal. May the blessings of the God of Saul be with you all on the road ahead."

With that, the Pope clasped his hands in prayer, and everyone followed suit, offering their own prayers before starting their meal.

As the meal progressed to its latter half, Siegfried began discussing the details of the upcoming expedition.

"After leaving the principality, we will head from the port of Starry Stars to the Continent of Pairs. An expedition team from Starry Stars will join us at the port, and after merging with them, we will proceed into the Fulltale Kingdom. The exact method of entry into Fulltale will be decided after we meet with the Starry Stars team. Our first objective is a shrine located in the northeast of the Fulltale Kingdom."

"Is the Sword of the Sun located there?"

Asked by Arnes Red, the Commander of the Fourth Knights.

Siegfried shook his head.

"No, if it were that simple, the Sword of the Sun would have long been taken by the demons. The shrine in the northeast isn’t marked on maps, so Fulltale Kingdom hasn’t investigated it. However, there seems to be something related to the Maiden of Dawn at that shrine. Our first task is to acquire it."

"Um... if I may speak, how do we find a shrine that isn't marked on the map?"

Pamela, the female squad leader of the Fourth Knights, asked hesitantly. Her question was entirely reasonable, causing Siegfried to falter.

The Pope, sensing the hesitation, interjected.

"I will address that matter."

He explained that it would be handled through divine guidance, as the Pope regularly communicated with Siegfried via magic. Althea found it reassuring to know that the Pope was aware of their situation and had such support.

After the explanations were complete, everyone began to rise from their seats to prepare for departure.

As Althea was about to leave, Siegfried called out to her in a voice audible to all.

"Althea... Please head to the ship first. I apologize for the trouble, but could you cast defensive magic for us?"

"Defensive magic?"

"Yes. When we left the principality, I had Lord Monclair handle it, but the magic was dispelled when we unloaded the cargo upon arrival. We need to recast it to protect us from sea monsters on the way to Starry Stars. While we won’t be defeated, it’s better not to engage in unnecessary battles. I’ve heard you have an advanced magicbook from Regalus. Can you cast a reasonably strong earth-based defensive spell?"

Several knights who were about to leave the dining hall stopped and glanced towards Althea, probably evaluating whether she would be of any real help or just a source of amusement. The mention of her advanced magicbook elicited expressions of surprise.

Feeling the weight of their scrutiny, Althea replied confidently,

"Understood. I will prepare both physical and magical defensive spells."

With that, she left the hall, ready to fulfill her role in the expedition.

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