Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 131: Althea Needs Recognition

As the teams prepared and headed towards the ship, it was already shielded by defensive magic cast by Althea.

Once all the supplies were loaded and the exploration team boarded the ship, they applied a final layer of defensive magic to the entrance they had left open, and the vessel set sail, leaving the duchy behind.

Inside the ship, the teams separated into their respective quarters, only a few patrol members rotating from each unit. Althea was part of the small detachment from the Second Royal Guard led by Regalus.

The head of the Second Royal Guard was originally Count Rohmund Monte Del Salvador, who was Regalus's and Althea's uncle. However, only about fifteen members of the Second Royal Guard joined the expedition, with the majority remaining under Rohmund's command for the security of the nation. Among those participating was Rohmund's son, Mythril, but Regalus, the top candidate for Siegfried's closest aide, was in charge.

Upon arriving at the waiting room for the squad, Althea sighed almost unconsciously, prompting the silent Mythril to speak up.

“What's wrong? Sighing like that... Did someone bully you?”

“Bully? I'm not a child anymore. Besides, was I really sighing?”

“Oh, a grand sigh, indeed.”


“Well, 'grand' is an exaggeration... but it was unusual.”

“Hmm... I suppose so. But it’s not bullying or anything. I’m just a bit tired. Think about it—casting defensive magic on such a large ship alone is bound to be exhausting, right?”

“Well, it would be, ordinarily.”

“...What does that mean? It sounds like you're implying I'm not ordinary.”

“Was it ordinary?”

“Of course it was!”

Althea had tried to downplay her discomfort, but the conversation turned out to be surprisingly enjoyable, and before she knew it, she was chatting and laughing naturally.

Seeing Althea like this, Mythril patted her head and said,

“Well, if anything troubles you, you can talk to Regalus or His Highness, of course... but if it's something difficult to discuss, you can come to me as well. Also, everyone in the Second Royal Guard who was selected knows your abilities, so don't worry about what others might say.”

Just then, the ship's alarm sounded.

“Enemy attack?”


While Althea remained silent, Mythril dashed towards the deck. Althea hurriedly followed.

On the deck, the squad leaders of each team were gazing up at the sky.

“It seems the enemies haven’t noticed the ship yet. If we take the initiative, we can take them all out at once. ...Is the magic unit here?”

A leader called out to Siegfried, who was standing a bit ahead, scanning the surroundings. However, Siegfried remained silent, staring at the sky without giving any orders.

“Your Highness? It’s only a matter of time before we’re spotted. Let’s attack quickly. If the magic unit isn’t here, we’ll have the magic-capable knights use their sword pressure combined with magic to attack. Please give us your instructions.”


“Your Highness!”

The Fourth Knight Regiment’s squad leader stepped closer and called out loudly.

Finally, Siegfried turned around and looked at Arnes, and then noticed Althea in the background.

“Lady Althea.”

The moment Siegfried called out Althea’s name, Arnes, who was visibly disgusted, showed his disdain.

Ignoring Arnes's reaction, Siegfried called Althea closer and asked,

“What kind of defensive magic did you cast? Despite the monsters flying right above the ship, they don’t seem to be aware of it.”

“Yes, I don’t think they’ve noticed. The defensive magic I cast includes physical and magical attack reduction, soundproofing, and... wind magic to make the ship visually blur as well. From a distance, it probably just looks like the air or wind is shimmering.”

“Visually blur... Such magic exists?”

“Well... I found an illusion magic spell combined with advanced wind magic, so I tried it out.”

The other knights, overhearing the conversation, were buzzing with interest. Amidst this, the Fourth Knight Regiment’s squad leader grabbed Althea's arm and interrogated her.

“Wait a minute, you tried casting magic—”

“—and it succeeded?”

Before he could finish, a dagger was pressed against his throat. Surprised by the sudden attack, he looked at the dagger’s point and realized it was Althea holding it.

“Isn’t this a bit rude? Grabbing my arm so roughly... I understand that you’re suspicious of me. But that doesn’t justify such behavior towards a fellow member of the same ship and team.”

With her arm still grabbed, Althea pointed the dagger at his throat, glaring unusually fiercely.

“Arnes Red. Release her.”

Siegfried's firm command made Arnes let go of Althea’s arm. Althea then lowered the dagger.

“For now, if there’s no chance of detection, we’ll continue as is. However, keep the lookout ongoing. Also... the squad leaders and vice-squad leaders of the Fourth Knight Regiment should come to my office later. ...Lady Althea as well.”



“Everyone else, stay prepared to fight at any moment, just in case. ...Reg, I leave this to you.”


As Siegfried left, the Fourth Knight Regiment's squad leader glanced at the hand that had grabbed Althea, then followed after Siegfried. Three vice-squad leaders followed behind, with Althea trailing them.

As Althea was leaving, she heard Regalus’s voice whispering from behind,

“Even if Althea forgives you, I won’t let this go easily...!”

Startled, she turned around and met Regalus's calm gaze. Seeing her brother maintaining his composure as a squad leader, Althea smiled in return and hurried to catch up with the vice-squad leaders.

At the far end of the ship, the door to His Highness's office was opened, and the five members entered the room under his direction.

Before Siegfried, the five lined up in a row.

“Now, the reason I’ve called you here is...” Siegfried began, “Arnes Red, and then... Meteor, Rams, Pamela, you all have yet to fully acknowledge Lady Althea, haven’t you?”

Meteor, Rams, and Pamela exchanged glances, while Arnes continued to contemplate his own hands in silence.

“As you should know, this journey is not just a simple expedition. Our goal is to find the Sword of the Sun and rid this world of darkness. And there is a deadline. If we do not obtain the Sword of the Sun and dispel the darkness before the deadline, there’s a possibility that this land will fall entirely to the demon race.”


Pamela gasped in a hushed voice.

“So there’s no time for us to be at odds with each other—”

“Your Highness.”

Interrupting Siegfried’s words, Althea, who had remained silent until now, spoke up.

“Please forgive my interruption. ...I understand fully what you are saying, Your Highness. However, the mind and heart are separate entities. Even if we understand intellectually, if we do not come to terms with it emotionally, won’t we falter in a crisis?”

“That’s true, but I’m saying that mutual recognition is necessary.”

“...Is that an order?”

“What? Even if she is a noble lady, such disrespect—”

Arnes interjected.

“I am aware of the disrespect! ...I am prepared for any punishment. However, I wish to be acknowledged not simply because His Highness said so, but on my own merit.”

“...Even if you say ‘acknowledge,’ dealing with a noble lady...”

“Yes, I understand your point. I see your magic is impressive, but...”

“We can’t just test it out in real combat...”

The squad squad leaders murmured among themselves in low voices, exchanging glances.

“...So, what should I do to earn your acknowledgment?”

Althea’s question was met with a resolute and dignified demeanor, befitting a noble lady.

For a while, a heated debate continued between Althea and the squad squad leaders.

Siegfried, silently observing the exchange, turned to the similarly silent Arnes.

“Arnes, you’ve been neither affirming nor denying. What do you actually think?”

“Me? Ah... Well, after seeing such magic, there’s no denying it, right? And...”


“Just now, how did she produce that dagger so quickly? The speed and the distance she kept with the blade—it’s not something you can achieve in a day or two. Who is she, really?”

“Ha ha... Just as her name suggests, she’s a lady from the Monclair family.”

“Monclair, huh? Does that family also train their ladies in combat?”

“Hard to say. But Lord Monclair probably wouldn’t want it.”

“Then how is it that she can do it?”

“That’s not something I can explain. You’d have to ask her directly... Ah, but...”


“Regalus won’t allow it.”

“What do you mean?”

“That you, Arnes, trying to make contact with Lady Althea.”


“Because you tried to seize Lady Althea’s arm.”

Arnes groaned and muttered to himself, clutching his head.

“That young man is frightening in battle, despite his appearance... What to do...”

“...I’m not sure what it would take to satisfy him, but... You might have to apologize. Regalus isn’t a fool; he understands this isn’t the time for infighting.”

“Sigh... I’ve observed for a few days, and that young man really loves his sister, doesn’t he? Will he forgive me?”

“Who knows. But it’s something you’ll have to face, isn’t it?”

“...Indeed. By the way, Your Highness, may I ask one more thing?”

“Ah, what is it?”

“There’s a rumor that Lady Monclair is actually betrothed to you... Is it true?”

“?! There’s such a rumor? Why...”

“Well, it’s just gossip among the Fourth Knight Regiment, so there’s no need to worry. I just wondered how true it is.”

“I see. I’m sorry to disappoint, but I must say it’s not true.”

'So there’s an unspoken sentiment behind that... Is it unrequited love? The beautiful prince of our great nation...'

“Ah, I see. If it’s not true, then I will correct the rumor.”

Arnes, having caught on, said.

“Ah, do that. False rumors can complicate matters. ...It looks like the discussion is wrapping up.”

Siegfried gestured toward the ongoing conversation between the squad squad leaders and Althea, which seemed to be concluding.

Despite the squad squad leaders' skepticism about Althea’s claim to be “battle-ready,” they acknowledged her magical prowess. Consequently, they decided that a practical demonstration of her combat abilities would be arranged once they reached land.

The duel was set between two women: Althea and Pamela.

Pamela, the squad leader of the Fourth Knight Regiment’s female squad, was second in skill only to Arnes within the regiment. If Althea could hold her own against Pamela, it would validate her capabilities.

As the discussion ended and Arnes and the squad leaders left the office, Althea followed shortly after. As she was about to exit, Siegfried asked her,

“Is this acceptable to you, Lady Althea?”

“Yes, I’ve heard that my brother and the others are acknowledging me this way. I will do my best to prove it’s not just my magic.”

“I see. ...Do your best.”

“Yes. ...Thank you, Your Highness, for giving me this opportunity to speak.”

“I haven’t done anything deserving of thanks. ...I only gave orders. But it was you who insisted on the discussion rather than just accepting them. ...Unexpected, but very much like you.”

Siegfried said, seeing Althea off.

The ship continued its voyage smoothly, and thanks to the soundproofing magic, no sea monsters gathered nor were the airborne monsters alerted.

It was only about an hour before reaching the port of Starry Skies that they noticed an ominous shadow over the destination.

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