Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 20 – Anticipated Magic Power Measurement

The day dawned under a brilliant blue sky.

The Monclair family gathered for breakfast, preparing to attend the "Magic Power Measurement" scheduled for 11 o'clock.

Regalus, unusually nervous, donned the designated robe over his suit.

As Regalus' guardian, Thomas stood at the festival grounds, clad in the formal military uniform of the RGC (Royal Grand Central) Kingdom.

Although the archduke had his own military, it wasn't directly under the kingdom's command. However, by attending the festival in the symbolic uniform, he demonstrated his loyalty to the country.

Althea and Clara were set to observe the "Magic Power Measurement" from the second and third-floor balconies of the cathedral. Unfortunately, the attendants and maids were not allowed, so Jean and Laila stayed behind in their rooms.

Once everyone was ready, Regalus and Thomas, along with Althea and Clara, went their separate ways to their designated locations as the time approached.

In the center of the spectator stands, His Majesty the King sat, surrounded by the nobility in order of precedence. However, on this day, the King was nowhere to be seen.

Althea and Clara's seats were in a box slightly to the left of the front on the second floor.

Sitting next to her, Clara exchanged greetings with the lady in the adjacent box and engaged in lively conversation.

"Yesterday, I could only see it head-on, but from a slightly higher angle, the statue of the 'Maiden and the Prince' looks like this... You can see the faces of the prince and the maiden with their hands raised clearly. Haha, this is quite the premium seat."

Thinking so, as she looked at the statue in the order of the praying maiden, the maiden with her hands raised, and the prince, the sound of the pipe organ filled the air.

"This year, as the children of the RGC Kingdom, who had turned ten, entered the cathedral one by one, the atmosphere inside the cathedral became lively."

"Amazing... they're blessed like this during the magic power measurement... By the way, where's my brother? Ah, I found him. He's fifth in line, but does that mean he's fifth to undergo the magic power measurement?"

The excitement wasn't just because they were 'blessed,' but also because this year's magic power measurement included the Crown Prince, who had been 'sealed.' However, Althea was completely unaware of this and was simply watching her beloved brother with joy.

As the children entered and took their seats, His Majesty the King appeared from near the statue of the 'Maiden and the Prince' accompanied by the Pope and priests. Stepping forward, His Majesty placed his hands on the head of the boy who had come forward at the front. As he began to chant a spell, a strong light emanated from the boy's body, and the entire cathedral was bathed in a dazzling light.

"...That light, it feels like I've seen it somewhere before... but it's also very warm and gentle..."

As His Majesty finished chanting the spell, the intense light that had filled the cathedral dissipated towards the ceiling.

On that day, everyone present in that place watched the unfolding of the 'lifting of the magic seal' while squinting their eyes against the dazzling light.

With the 'lifting of the magic seal' complete, His Majesty the King returned to his original seat on the second floor, and the Pope began explaining the 'Magic Power Measurement.' Apparently, each person would be called by name to approach the statue of the 'Maiden and the Prince,' place their hands on the crystal placed on the pedestal that hadn't been there yesterday, and determine the presence, amount, and attributes of their magic.

Finally, it seemed that the 'Magic Power Measurement' was about to begin.

The Pope began calling out names.

"Siegfried Sol Argesee, please come forward."

As his name was called, cheers erupted. The boy who had just been blessed by His Majesty the King and chanted over appeared to be the Crown Prince.

"So, that's the Crown Prince... he has a face as beautiful as my brother's... Oh, I see, the cheers when everyone came in earlier must have been directed at the Crown Prince."

Unconcerned about the cheers, Siegfried placed his hands on the crystal on the pedestal. The crystal displayed intertwining shades of red and yellow.

"The attribute is 'Fire,' with a subsidiary attribute of 'Lightning.' Magic power level is 170%."

The cathedral was filled with cheers at the Pope's announcement.

"Mother, everyone seems delighted, but is this amazing?"

"Yes, it's amazing. For reference, the King's magic power level is... was it 162%? And your father's was 168%. By the way, Miss Nighshade, the current head of the Magic Ministry, has 160%, and I have 73%."

"... What's a normal magic power level?"

"Normally, it's one attribute. For someone with one attribute, 100% is the maximum. They can use all magic of that attribute. Considering the Crown Prince has two attributes... it's roughly half and half, so maybe 90% for Fire and 80% for Lightning? With this high level of magic power, he'll likely be able to use compound magic as well... As expected of someone who activated their magic at the age of six."

"... ..."

He has 170% magic power at the age of six... They said the earlier the activation, the higher the magic power... Does that mean I have high magic power too?

Lost in thought, it was soon Regalus' turn.

"Regalus Monclair, please come forward."

Called by the Pope, Regalus approached the crystal on the pedestal and placed his hands on it. Vivid shades of green and blue appeared.

"Magic power is present with the attribute of 'Wind' and a subsidiary attribute of 'Water.' Magic power level is 156%."

"Oh, another one over 150%..."

"He's the son of Lord Monclair, isn't he?"

"They are Marquesses in the past, with such lands, military power and then heirs with outstanding magical powers, no wonder they are granted archducal peerage but..."

"Yes, there are many that don't like such ascension"

"Nevertheless, the son of Lord Monclair will prove their stature. He's above 150!"

"Time and time again, I presume? they are indeed powerful family. Yet their economy is on par only at the level of a marquiss or a prosperous count like my Lord Cerberus, what a shame though. I heard their noble neighbors pay for their protection."

"Shh! don't say it out loud"

Amidst the cheers and murmurs, such comments could be heard.

Haha, that's my proud brother. Praise him more and more.

Proudly boasting in her mind, Althea locked eyes with Regalus. As Regalus reciprocated her smile, a chorus of screams, almost like shrill cries, erupted from the audience.

Oh my, it seems my brother is just as popular as the Crown Prince. With such popularity, he shouldn't casually throw around his charm...

Setting aside her own musings, Althea realized she shared a similar lack of self-awareness as her brother.

Following this, one after another, "magic power measurements" were conducted. Among the sons and daughters of nobles, there were those without magical ability, while among the commoner children, there were those who possessed it.

For the commoner children, this "magic power measurement" marked a significant turning point that could greatly shape their future. Those with magical ability could gain access to educational opportunities and potentially serve directly under the kingdom. Thus, children identified as having magical potential rejoiced, while those without felt disheartened.

Regardless of their magical aptitude, commoner children would enter the academy as provisional students at the age of 11, during the White Season, spending about six months learning basic reading and writing. Then, at the age of 12, during the Blue Season, they would formally enroll in the academy alongside noble sons and daughters.

On the other hand, even if nobles lacked magical ability, from ages 12 to 15, they would study subjects such as world history, languages, arithmetic, manners, and dance at the academy. These subjects were deemed necessary for noble society, highlighting the inherent privilege of nobility from birth.

As evening approached, the magic power measurements for the children of this year concluded.

Following that, the names of 10-year-old children affiliated with the church would be called out for the final "magic power measurement."

It seemed there were children affiliated with the church this year. The Pope called out the name.

"Lily Gresha, please step forward."

Oh, it's the black-haired girl from yesterday... the same age as my brother...

"'Magic power present, attribute is..."

The Pope hesitated. In that moment, the nobles, who had previously shown little interest in the commoners' magic power measurements, fell silent.

"...Attribute, 'Light', magic power level, 59%..."


The cathedral buzzed with excitement.

'Light attribute' was as rare as the 'Dark attribute'. Furthermore, possessing a 59% proficiency in a single attribute was quite remarkable.

Lily herself seemed bewildered. The reason for her confusion was that she hadn't yet manifested her magical ability.

However, the crystal indicated that she possessed 'light attribute magical power'. Faced with anticipation and anxiety about this unknown power, Lily had no choice but to shrink back.

After Lily returned to her seat, the King delivered a congratulatory speech to the children, concluding this year's "magic power measurements."

This year's magic power holders in the nation consisted of 15 nobles and 8 commoners, totaling 23 individuals. Although the number of magic power holders was fewer than usual, this year's "magic power measurement" sparked unprecedented excitement.

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